"We ... What now? In the deathly silence of the room, someone swallowed his saliva and asked.

What to do?

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw fear and panic in each other's eyes.

Nowadays, although the law has been in a gray area for virtual property such as game accounts, and no relevant legal documents have appeared, everyone who does this business knows that the emergence of this legal document is only a matter of time, and they are still doing illegal business.

There is no one who is not afraid of the light when he is always in darkness.

Hiding behind a computer, they will always be safe, but now, the other party has directly hacked their computer and come to them, in this case, it is not afraid that it is hell.

"Don't panic, I... I'll take a look when I'm powered off! Brother Wang looked at the computer display in fear, the big blood-colored characters on it, like a pair of eyes, stared at himself deadly, allowing himself to hide nothing, he just wanted to quickly turn off the computer and let himself get back into the darkness.

Everyone also brightened their eyes and nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, power off!"

"Turn off the computer, he will definitely not be able to track us anymore!"

While speaking, Brother Wang had already pressed the button to force shutdown, but in the next second, Brother Wang's face froze.

No response!

No matter how you press the shutdown or restart button, the computer does not respond, as if the button to force shutdown has completely lost its function.

There is simply no way to close!

"This... What's going on here? One youth's face was full of fear: "I... I don't want to go to jail!

He was obviously frightened, his face was already bloodless, his pupils were dilated, he was a young man in his twenties, his psychological endurance was naturally not strong, at this time, looking at the bomb countdown that was still beating on the computer screen, the young man couldn't help but want to unplug the power directly.

But just when his hand was about to unplug the power plug, Brother Wang on the side stopped him.

Not because he found an opportunity to fight back, but because, at this moment, on the computer screen, a line of bold handwriting has resurfaced:

[Unplugging the power is not a good way, friendly reminder, you only have these two options! ] This


How did he know we were going to unplug the power?

Instantly, cold sweat wet his back.

Everyone was terrified for a while, and in a trance, the computer seemed to have become a demon, standing in front of everyone, holding a bundle of explosives, with a light smile on the corners of his mouth, peeping at everyone's every move, as if looking at a monkey that had been raised by himself.

Finally, the leader of this team, Brother Wang, still made a choice: "I choose A!" "

Brother Wang...!"

"Are we just throwing in the towel?"

"This... Unwilling!

For everyone's words, Brother Wang shook his head slightly, and said with a dead face: "Besides this choice, do you have any other better choices?" The

crowd was dumbfounded.

There is a fart option.

The strength of this person who hacked into everyone's computer is beyond their imagination, and people can even monitor everyone's every move, which means that if people really want to clean up their own group of people, I am afraid that they will not waste their power, what choice can there be in this case?

After Brother Wang made a choice, the bomb that had been counting down on the computer screen finally stopped, and then the bomb picture gradually faded, and finally evolved into a picture similar to the game clearance in front of everyone, and the following rows of handwriting had jumped out.

[Congratulations, you made the right choice. 【

As a reward, you will keep ten percent of your illegal gains, and I hope to keep up the good work!】 These

two lines of information suddenly disappeared after staying for five seconds, and the picture returned to normal again, and even the several programs opened by Brother Wang before had reappeared at this time.

But looking at everything seemed to be calm, everyone was at a loss.

What does that mean?

Reward us for keeping ten percent of our illegal gains?

And what does it mean to keep up with this?

In the next second, a scream mixed with horror came:

"Gone, gone!"

"The 100,000 in our bank card disappeared 90,000 for no reason, and it showed that it was a normal transfer and our account was ransacked!"

Hearing this, everyone was suddenly shocked, looked towards the account information, and suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

The money is gone!

The 100,000 yuan that had just arrived in the account was now one zero less for no reason, and the transfer record showed that just ten seconds ago, the money had been transferred out normally!

Black eats black!

Almost instantly, this thought came to everyone's minds.

Few people who can be hackers are fools, and at this time, watching the illegal gains in the bank card shrink so much, the word immediately came to mind. This transfer is a normal transfer no matter how you look at it, even if the cardholder has objections, but because the money itself is not from the right source, they don't even dare to go to the police.

I could only watch as the money disappeared.

The young man, who had already collapsed before, sat on the ground at this time, muttering with fear on his face:

"What he said in the end, do you mean that we should continue to work hard and wait for his next looting?"

"Did you say... He wants us to help him earn money and live in his shadow all his life? "

I... I don't want to do it, I don't want to go to jail...! If

these words are usually said, they will inevitably be ridiculed by everyone, after all, since they have chosen to do this, the big deal is that they will be arrested and jailed for several years, and they are doing this profession because of hobbies and no legitimate source of income.

But now, everyone is silent.

Even the leader's Brother Wang had a gloomy look in his eyes.

In terms of hacking technology, he is proud, after all, he has reached his current ability completely through self-education, and even he feels that even if he is not as good as those top bulls in the industry, he can still catch up with them.

Because he is still young, there is still a lot of room for improvement and a lot of time to learn.

In fact, he has also participated in some challenges in the hacking forum to sharpen himself, even if he meets some big bulls, although he can't win, but at least he can see hope, see some paths of the other party, and then learn and research, one day he can always catch up with the other party.

But now, this attack made him really desperate.

He doesn't even know how the other party hacked in, let alone what paths and clues, he doesn't even know if the other party is still monitoring everyone, this is no longer a level concept, but not in a plane at all!

Even, he didn't even have the qualifications to look up to others!

After a long silence, Brother Wang adjusted his thoughts and comforted:

"Such a big god will definitely not care about our little money, it should be that we inadvertently offended this big god somewhere, so he punished it, it should be to give us some alert, I will go to the forum to inquire and see if I can find any clues, let's pay attention to it in the future."

Even Brother Wang himself didn't believe these words.

But as the leader of this small group, he understood that if he didn't say anything, then this small team that had just been formed would probably fall apart in minutes.

In front of everyone, open the hacker forum.

In the next second, Brother Wang's heart trembled, and the most popular post on the forum was at the top:

"Mysterious bull, ransacked various small number theft studios, the number of robberies is currently known to be thirteen!"


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