When the identity of his 4G core patent technology holder was exposed, An Li thought that he would inevitably become a sweet potato in the eyes of capital.

Don't look at 4G and many of the industries present now are not linked, but in fact, there is a deeper friendship in it.

In Xiangjiang's capital, it is natural to hope that Xiangjiang can obtain a 4G license, which seems to have no impact on their own industry, but in fact, this is a considerable achievement, and even in the official aspect, it can get a lot of favorability and support.

And even more so for other countries that do business.

Let's take a look at the global situation.

The United States took the lead in developing a civilian 4G network, and has successfully tested it, and now it has entered the promotion stage. But because of the technical confidentiality policy of the United States, they are currently the only one in the world.

Even the loyal horse neon Koryo and the like in the United States do not get a piece of the pie.

4G is the general trend of the future, any country, absolutely hope to be able to introduce 4G, after all, technology war, network popularization and network speed improvement, can bring absolutely not a star and a half of improvement, which is why the United States 4G technology for technical blockade.

To put it bluntly, everyone wants this thing.

There was no way before, the United States is the boss, people don't give it to you, can you still grab it?

But now, An Li has this technology, has this patent, and has not publicly carried out any technical blockade, which means that An Li is holding in his hands is fragrant food for other countries and regions.

And a businessman, if he can win this fragrant fruit, is holding a winning trump card in his hand.

Business and politics seem to be two parallel lines that do not intersect at all.

But sometimes, the two lines come into contact again and again.

The core technology of 4G network in the hands of An Li.

It's the opportunity to get in touch!

If you want to go to war with foreign forces, you need not only financial personnel and other things, but also the support and help of the local government, and with this card, any negotiation can be easier, and may even give you a green light, which brings unimaginable profits to businessmen.

Therefore, the big guys who seem to be unable to fight at this time are extremely concerned about this matter at this time.

It's a pity though.

An Li would not care if they were not attentive, seeing that Li Chaoren had already picked out his words, he immediately stopped going around in circles:

"The 4G patent in my hand, there is no limit to authorization, as long as there is money, you can get it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

For them, what they are afraid of is not asking for money, they are afraid that the other party does not want money!

But without waiting for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief, An Li had already continued: "However, I just signed a contract with China Mobile, they enjoy an exclusive period of half a year, and after half a year, there is another half-year exclusive period, so if you are interested in this, you can come to me this time next year." "

A year from now?

Everyone present was stunned, a year later, although the yellow cauliflower will not be cold, it will definitely not be as fragrant as it is now.

"I know your thoughts and understand your intentions, but sometimes, we still have to give priority to our nationality and consider our homeland to become strong. After all, no matter how much money is earned, if there is no strong protection of the motherland, it will be just a pile of waste paper after all.

"An Li this time, he changed his previous humble gentleman.

Even, somewhat less politely.

His words made everyone present look uncertain for a while.

But in this regard, An Li did not have any timidity or regret. He came up with 4G to enter a period of rapid development in advance for his country, and to prepare for the industry and investment in the future.

He didn't plan to keep 4G in his hands, which is unrealistic.

But at least, for a year, he had to fight for it.

Why can other countries play technology without sharing, can play technology exclusively, he can't?

This is his bottom line.

Therefore, instead of playing tricks with this group of old foxes, it is better to spread out the words directly and destroy their messy thoughts earlier.

With the Rebirth Wealth System version 2.0, there are many more things that An Que will come up with.

4G, just a test of the waters, in the future there will be more things will appear from An Li's hands, what he has to do now is to put his attitude out, and some people in the future will think about it and worry about it.

An Li wanted to tell them something.

When it comes to the interests of the Motherland, he will not want to give half a point, even if the state does not restrict him, he will not divide the interests by half a point!

Want, OK!


When your own homeland is already handy in this regard, and already has the corresponding technology, then reflect the selflessness and strength of a big country. As for now, where to stay cool, although he An Li is a businessman, he is also a businessman who knows his nationality.

"Haha, Mr. An really has a warm patriotic heart, which is very gratifying!"

Just when the atmosphere in the living room was extremely embarrassing, Li Chaoren took the lead in speaking, and said with emotion on his face: "That's right, to do business, in addition to paying attention to integrity, you must also know what your nationality is, otherwise you will not be at ease after all, from Mr. An, I see the momentum of the future business!" "

How else do you say that people are successful people?

This reaction speed, this ability to judge the time and size up the situation, the average person is estimated to have this ability.

Other people don't care what they think in their hearts, at this time, naturally they can only praise for a while, what young and promising clichés are too much and tired, one by one they praise An Que, a future motherland is the need for more businessmen like An Que to continue to be strong.

The originally tense atmosphere gradually calmed down.

After chatting for a while, An Li felt a little bored, simply got up to leave, and went to the banquet hall downstairs.

Below are all handsome guys and beautiful women, An Li is not a brain pump, idle and bored to see a few old men in that empty head?

This time is still accompanied by Zhou Kaixuan, this amount, is heavy enough.

"Sister Zhou, can you not accompany me, look at you, who dares to treat me as an ordinary person?" An Li smiled bitterly, originally saw a Xiangjiang female star, and planned to go up to say hello, but because Zhou Kaixuan was there, the little star was stunned and did not even dare to look at An Li.


Zhou Kaixuan was amused: "You boy, if you don't say this, I will think that you are angry." "

What to be angry about, what is there to be angry about." An Li shook his head and smiled.

"Really not angry?"

"Of course not angry, Sister Zhou, you are so beautiful, who dares to be angry with you?"

"You boy, your mouth is so sweet!" Zhou Kaixuan was amused, but still said positively: "This matter actually involves a lot of interests, so I can't tell you in advance, but now it seems that you made the most correct choice."

"Does Sister Zhou think it's right?" An Li smiled and squinted and asked.

Zhou Kaixuan understood what he meant, and smiled at this time: "What you said is originally good, and ah, although I have a good relationship with the Li family, it does not mean that I support all the decisions of the Li family, at least in this matter, your choice seems to me to be correct." "

She is Li Chaoren's confidant, but it doesn't mean that she obeys all of Li Chaoren's decisions?

This seems a bit unreliable.

But An Li smiled:

"I believe!"

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