Deep Water Bay, Mid-Levels Villa, Xiang's Mansion.

At this time, it was late at night, but Xiang's mansion was brightly lit and noisy, and many people around wanted to see what was happening inside, and even some lace reporters came early, but unfortunately, they were all blocked out of the door, completely unaware of what was happening inside.

But everyone vaguely felt something.

Here, something big happened!

At this time, in the Xiang family's mansion, the body had been cleaned up, and in the center of the hall, a coffin was placed in place, and lying inside was Xiang Laosan, whose face was full of horror.

Today, the third master of the famous Zhenxiangjiang is gone.

This is the first person in the second generation of the Xiang family to die.

No one expected that the first to leave was not the famous sixth old, not the second eldest who led Xinyi'an, or even the eldest who followed the old man of the Xiang family to Taiwan and was eventually sentenced to life imprisonment. On the contrary, this third man who has no ability and can even follow his brother blindly.

The second master sat in the first place, his face gloomy.

Under him, Old Six and Old Nine were also sitting next to him, everyone's face was full of gloom, and everyone's face was full of anger.

"The third is dead."

"Moreover, he died in our Xiang family's mansion."

Finally, the second master broke the silence, his tone was like ten thousand years of ice, making everyone feel a chill even in the tailbone, and after a slight pause:

"This is a shame, a great shame."

"Three this person, although he has never had any skills, and even I often look down on him, but he is my younger brother after all, he died like this, and died in the powerful mansion that represents our Xiang family, this matter, it is impossible to just settle it!"

At this time, the second master's tone was not only cold, but also indifferent.

It seems that what he is talking about is not a matter of life and death, but a small matter such as explaining what to eat early tomorrow morning. But no one doubted the anger in the second master's heart at this time, this man who was the glory of the family, only under extreme anger at this moment, such a tone would appear.

He is trying his best to restrain his inner anger.

"Second brother, or should we call the police?" Finally, the first to speak was the extremely famous Xiang family elder, his brows were locked, and he had already squeezed into Sichuan characters:

"Our Xinyi'an may indeed be old, although the underground power is still strong now, but on the bright side, we are not easy to do after all, many times it is inconvenient, and this An oak is haunted, we really can't find it, so maybe we can rely on the power of the police, or even the power of the army."

When these words came out, the atmosphere of the scene sank.

Everyone did not dare to take a mouthful, and raised their eyes to look at the second master sitting on the main throne, they knew very well what kind of person the second master was.

He was an extremely proud man who had always stood on the opposite side of the soldiers.

Would such a person choose to call the police?

"Lao Jiu, what do you think?"

Finally, unlike the anger that everyone imagined, the second master did not get angry after all, but turned his head to look at his youngest brother, the man who was known as the smartest man in the Xiang family.

"If you call the police, it can really make a big difference."

The old man of the Xiang family thought for a moment and nodded:

"After killing so many people, once the police are called, there may even be an army dispatched there, and if the military is fully investigated, this An Li will definitely be able to be found out as long as he does not leave Xiangjiang, and even if he leaves Xiangjiang, he can also contact the mainland side to detain him back."

"The problem is that once we call the police, we probably won't have much chance to do it ourselves."

"Moreover, even if we want to call the police, a lot of things have to be dealt with, at least not implicated ourselves, which is not a big problem, but it takes time to sort out the material."

"But there is a good thing that we have monitoring as evidence, An Li this person, once we call the police, he will die."

The reason is clear and clear.

With the help of the power of the police, An Li will definitely be difficult to fly, such a murderer, the Xiangjiang police will definitely go all out to deal with it.

But the disadvantages are also obvious.

In addition to the risk of pulling themselves into the water, they definitely can't kill others themselves.

In the past, if someone said that they wanted to call the police, they would definitely be laughed to death, and they might even be hammered to death by Xinyi'an's brother. But this time, no one refuted, and even faintly expected and agreed that they should indeed call the police.

Not just because it was the sixth master who mentioned this, but because they were facing...

It's the devil!

Yes, only the word devil can describe it.

This is their home field, and this mansion is absolutely safe, but in such a place, Xiang Laosan, who is the second generation of the Xiang family, was beaten into a cold corpse on his own territory at this time, which is absolutely unimaginable.

"It's a good thing to call the police, let them eat dogs!"

"Three times, already three times!"

"The villa said at that time that it was impossible to prevent it, the bamboo house was surrounded that time, and it was also the five masters who shot together, plus the current Xiang's mansion, these three times each time left a terrifying scene, such a person, to be honest, even if I met, I didn't dare to make a move against him."

"Such a person is definitely not something we can fight against."


the three Xiang brothers had not yet made a decision, the members of the new Yi'an below had already discussed it.

In their opinion, An Que definitely represents the most terrifying existence.

Such people, they are really afraid.

"Lao Jiu, are you sure that calling the police won't involve us?" Xiang Huabo raised his head and looked at his youngest brother.

"Nope." Xiang Laojiu nodded confidently: "We have monitoring..." "Jiu

Ye, monitoring... Broken! Xiang Laojiu just wanted to finish speaking, and suddenly a member of Xinyi'an rushed to the side, he was responsible for the monitoring, but when he went to adjust the monitoring just now, he found that all the surveillance videos were all wrong, just staggered when An Li shot before.

Hearing this, Xiang Laojiu suddenly frowned.

As the saying goes, misfortune is not alone, Fu Wushuang, at this moment, a phone called, Xiang Laojiu picked up the phone and looked at it, and then answered.

"Jiu Ye, the girl named Yu Lan you investigated left by plane from the airport a day ago!"

This person is specifically investigating Yu Lan.

After all, Yu Lan fled from Xiangjiang to Kyoto like this, which seemed extremely mysterious to everyone, even Xiang Laojiu did not expect how this girl left from the strictly guarded Xiangjiang.

But unexpectedly....

"Left by plane?"

"Are you sure?"

Xiang Laojiu asked incredulously.

There seemed to be some disbelief, but still sure:

"My side has transferred the monitoring of the airport, indeed left by plane, but the other party simply put on makeup, so it is difficult to see at a glance, and the other party did not use her own passport, but used another identity, and it is for this reason that we did not intercept her at the airport!"

With a fake identity?

Xiang Laojiu's heart sank, and he faintly felt that he seemed to have overlooked something.

But before he could think about it, the closed door was suddenly kicked open, and then a group of uniformed police officers rushed in fully armed, and one of the leading police officers shouted:

"Everyone squat down immediately with their heads in their hands!"

"Now that your gang is suspected of fighting and killing, you have the right to remain silent..."

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