Saying that, Yu Lei took out a string of keys from his arms and handed it to An Li: "This is my first gift to you."

An Li was a little strange, but saw that Yu Lei had already explained:

"This is the key to a castle."

"From today onwards, you will be the owner of that castle!"

With these words, Rao An Li gasped.

Made, do you want such a trench?


Send me directly?

Although he knew that Yu Lei was very rich, after all, Gao Zhen Capital had been developing longer than his Mule investment, and although it was not clear how many assets Yu Lei had, An Li estimated that Yu Lei must be richer than himself.


Is there money to the point of having castles?

"This castle is located in the Loire Valley of Gaul, 15 km from Angers, the castle has been built since 1502, and they have belonged to a family of the Gaul nobility until then."

"However, the castle has been my place since last year."

"Because the owner of the castle is actually a loser, and to be honest, the investment is really a bad thing, and finally I have no choice but to sell the castle, my luck is good, this castle was brought by me."

"I won't talk about the specific situation of the castle, I will contact the housekeeper over there, you can go and see it yourself, but what I can tell you is that the castle includes more than 120 rooms, a lot of oil paintings, and there is a wine garden where you can get some wine to drink."

"From today onwards, this castle is your private domain."

Yu Lei seemed to be saying a trivial matter, but An Li was already stunned.

Made, I always felt that I was still very knowledgeable.

But now it seems....

Have a fart insight!

Even if it was my own in my previous life, I only went to the castle as a guest, but I owned a castle...

To be honest, An Li didn't even think about it:

"Isn't this gift too expensive?"

"Don't think it's a great thing, owning a castle looks good, but it's actually a hassle." Yu Lei smiled bitterly and said:

"The simplest, the castle is there, every day is a huge amount of capital investment, cleaners, maintenance personnel, security personnel, sometimes in season, there are grape planting staff, as well as garden repair personnel, tree maintenance personnel, winemaking staff, these are huge expenses."

"In fact, after the castle was acquired, I spent more than 50 million on just some daily expenses and maintenance, and actually lived in it even less."

"Now I have entrusted the castle to a local tour company for people to visit and explore, and the ticket price can barely be considered to be able to maintain a break-even level."

An Li nodded.

These are actually the troubles of the rich, expensive things are sometimes not necessarily the best, and there may be a series of problems later. Uncle Zhao, a later star, is an example, spending a huge amount of money to buy a private jet, which ended up flying less than several times a year, but it cost a lot of money for maintenance and personnel salaries and parking fees.

However, there are pros and cons to everything.

Maintenance costs money, personnel salaries cost money, and your own owners can't do it a few times.

This series of questions is not comparable to the sentence:

"I have a castle!"

Made, if you say this, you can't die?

Yu Lan saw An Li's hesitation, and sighed at this time:

"This castle is indeed valuable and powerful, but no matter how valuable it is, it is not as good as my daughter's life."

"I know Lan'er, she is a strong girl, if something happens this time, she will definitely not live, even if I can dispel her idea of suicide, what will become of Lan'er in the future, I don't know."

Hearing this, An Li understood.

Yu Lan in the previous life is indeed the same as the present, and the high coldness of the investment queen is not a state at all with the present.

If you think about it, Yu Lan in her previous life seemed to be full of hatred for all men.

Now it seems.

I am afraid that all this was caused after experiencing that nightmare.

"This is the second gift."

Yu Lei said, took out a beautiful gift box from the drawer on the side, and after opening it, there were three car keys inside, judging from the signs above, it was obvious that all of them were top luxury cars.

"These three cars, all of them are global limited editions, which is a little collector's fetish of mine, maybe not worth much, or tens of millions, but the difficulty is that these three cars are something you can't buy with money, because their collection value is higher."

"Porsche 911, Porsche's super limited edition, Porsche 911 Speedster, 365 Xia Niang worldwide, only ten in the entire Xia Kingdom."

"The Lamborghini Aventador SVJ63 Special Edition, born in honor of the founding of the Lamborghini brand in 1963, is available in a limited edition of 63 units worldwide."

"Ferrari Enzo..."

With Yu Lei's brief introduction, the value of the three cars has been shown in front of An Li's eyes.

Each one can be called a top luxury car.

More importantly, these cars are truly priceless, and money may not necessarily be able to buy them, which is not just a measure of money.

And now, just give it to yourself?

Admittedly, it is certainly worse than castles, but the preciousness of these cars in the eyes of car lovers far exceeds the value of castles.

Yu Lei explained some parameters of the three cars in detail later, and it can be seen that he likes these cars very much, but to be honest, An Li listened to the words behind An Li a little confused, and at this time he could only look at Yu Lei in front of him with a puzzled face, and there were some doubts in his heart.

Another house delivery, another car delivery, what kind of trouble is this?

Even if you thank yourself, you can't make such a bloody cost, right?

Sitting up straight, An Li looked at Yu Lei:

"President Yu, you called me to come and send me these things, I think it should not only be for the thanks in your mouth, since my person has already come, it is better for you to talk about your conditions."

Interrupted by An Li to introduce himself, Yu Lei seemed to be a little unresponsive.

But he was not angry, but lowered his head and thought.

An Li did not interrupt him, drank saliva and waited slowly, he could feel that Yu Lei called himself over today, it was not such a simple thing to send something, I am afraid that he had something to say to himself, although he didn't know what to say, but An Li could feel it.

What he wants to say is mostly related to Yu Lan.

Sure enough, I saw Yu Lei sigh

: "I know that it may not be good to do this, but for the sake of my daughter, I still want to make it clear with you Mr. An Li."

An Li nodded and motioned for him to continue.

But Yu Lei's next sentence made An Li couldn't help but frown:

"I hope, Mr. An Li, you..." "

Can promise me to stay away from Yu Lan, and never even meet Yu Lan again!"

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