Next, Du Ze took An Li around the small building.

Although he did not have a good impression of An Li, after all, it was a task personally arranged by his teacher, and Du Ze did not violate the teacher's requirements in this regard:

"This is the lens area, mainly to make the lenses required by the lithography machine, for now, most of them are hand-ground lenses, but the requirements for lenses are very high, and the lenses polished by everyone are different."

"Here is the optical area, mainly the research and development of the light source required by the lithography machine, which is basically a master's degree or above, don't underestimate this small beam of light, in light technology this is crucial, we need a small size, but high power and stable light source, the most powerful purple aurora and we definitely have nothing to do with us, but we have to work hard to achieve this level."

"This is the programming area for subsystems A1-A3."

"This is..."

With Du Ze's introduction, An Li already had a general understanding of this place.

Du Ze is right, this place does not look good from the outside, and it is even difficult to associate this place with a high-precision lithography machine, but in fact, you will find it when you really walk inside.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the organs.

Although this small building is simple, the facilities are very complete, and each area has its own regional research and development direction, and the environment in the area is also different.

Further inside, a very empty room appeared in front of me.

Inside, there are many people assembling parts, coming here, Du Ze's face can't help but bring a little pride, pointed inside, proudly:

"Do you know where our R&D expenses are, in addition to scientific research materials and personnel salaries, one of the big heads is the finished lithography machine."

"This lithography machine is a 32nm lithography machine, there are only three such machines in the country, this one cost a lot of money to get, our investors ordered us for research, and is still assembling, and when the assembly is complete, we can use this machine as a model for research."

An Li nodded, which he naturally knew.

In fact, when I ordered this lithography machine, I still proposed it.

After all, what is lacking in China is not only technology, but also professional personnel. In particular, some technicians who have worked in this field are even scarcer in China, and in the current R & D department, perhaps everyone has been in contact with lithography machines, but more are ancient lithography machines such as 300nm, and better lithography machines have no chance to contact at all.

In this case, you plan to develop the lithography machine with your head, dream?

Therefore, it is imperative to have a better lithography machine, in fact, if it is not for the current ASML 7nm lithography machine to block the country, and can not be bought, in fact, An Li is planning to directly get a 7nm lithography machine to swing.

This machine alone waited so long to arrive.

For the arrival of the two, the R&D personnel in the field did not pay attention, but each was busy with their own affairs. One of them, a middle-aged man with a slightly chubby head, was directing everyone to assemble the lithography machine:

"Assemble the parts over there."

"It needs reinforcement over there."

"Here, these two places should be installed at the same time, be careful not to make mistakes."

"Be careful, be careful, take your time!"


accent is a bit similar to the Hokkien accent, and it is a technician from the Wanwan side, who used to be responsible for the assembly of the lithography machine on the Wanwan side, and from this point we can see the reason for the lack of domestic technicians.

There are not no technicians in China, but most of them are actually concentrated in Wanwan.

In fact, just the assembly of the lithography machine, the ASML company of the optical technology giant, in the assembly of the optical technology machine, has always been handed over to some companies in Wanwan for assembly.

This brings that there are many more talents in the Bay and Bay who master relevant technologies than on the mainland.

Except, of course, state-of-the-art technology.

"Hey, Du Ze, what are you doing here, not busy with your synchronous work parts research and development, running here to see what, is it possible that you can learn people's technology by looking at this 32nm lithography machine?" While An Li and Du Ze were watching, the Wanwan technician who led the audience had already taken the lead in speaking.

However, the tone is more or less sarcastic.

"Isn't it just a little more light technology than I have come into contact with, if I have that opportunity, how can I not know until now?" Du Ze muttered, obviously the contradiction between the two has long existed, but after all, in front of so many people, this obviously cannot be said, Du Ze can only reply with a cold face:

"See if there is anything to help, maybe you can take the handle."


But his words met with the sneers of the people of Wanwan: "Just what else can you help, don't accidentally break this machine."

These words made Du Ze's face turn livid.

However, he still didn't say anything after all, pulled an oak and said

, "Let's go, I'll take you to the place where I work."

An Li nodded, looked at the lithography machine that was about to be assembled, and a special color flashed in his eyes, but after all, he still did not speak, turned around and followed Du Ze to leave.

But the two wanted to leave, but the other party was unwilling to let go of this opportunity to beat the water dog:

"Hey, this can't stand it?"

"Du Ze, you said that you don't want to die to face and live to suffer, you are soft now, my brother will teach you how to install a lithography machine, in case I leave in the future, you will become a puddle of mud here."

Du Ze gritted his teeth, his fists clenched and unclenched, but finally snorted coldly:

"Thank you for your kindness, but no need, each department has its own opportunity to contact this lithography machine, I don't need to make fun now, I just hope you don't break this lithography machine." I heard that you have not always been afraid of low wages and planned to leave, but don't break this machine, otherwise you are afraid that you will lose the damaged money when you leave!

"What did you say?" The eyes of the wanwan people suddenly narrowed, obviously angry.

Du Ze didn't say any more, turned around and planned to leave.

While walking, he explained to An Li: "This group of Wanwan people were invited by the teacher with a high salary, and the one I said was their head, the name was Wang Jianguo, originally intended to let them teach us, but I didn't expect that people didn't teach us at the bottom of the box, one by one, they even asked for a salary increase every third and fifth, making the teacher embarrassed..."

Before he finished speaking, Du Ze found that there was no one following him at all.

Looking back, he suddenly frowned.

I saw An Li still standing in place, his eyes staring at the lithography machine without blinking, this performance made Du Ze frown slightly, but he didn't expect that before he spoke, An Li over there suddenly said:

"Your installation, something went wrong!"

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