"Are you An Que? What kind of joke..." Looking

at Mu Le in front of him turning into an idol An Li who thought about himself day and night, Du Ze was a little confused at that moment, and his first thought was to make some joke.

But halfway through the talk, it finally stopped.

Because he noticed that his teacher, Professor Fu Lihong, was sitting there quietly watching this scene at this time, without any surprise at all.

"You... It wouldn't really be an oak, would it?

Finally, Du Ze swallowed his saliva and looked at An Li, who shrugged.

Du Ze looked at his teacher again, this time Fu Lihong was no longer silent, nodded towards Du Ze, and said with a smile: "He is indeed the national college entrance examination champion An Li, and he is also our investor."

"Then he didn't call..."

"Mu Le is just his pseudonym, because An Li said that he wanted to see how the team was doing." Fu Lihong directly answered Du Ze's doubts.

At this moment, the truth of everything came out.

But Duze was stunned.

All right.

It feels like someone who smokes in the toilet with you every day at school, and becomes your principal, which feels thieves. Although this metaphor may be a little inappropriate, it feels the same, these days he regards Mule as his good friend and colleague, but he didn't expect it to be his boss.

This matter, in other words, everyone will be confused for a while.

But soon, Du Ze reacted, looked up at An Li strangely, with a little special brilliance in his eyes: "Wait, if you are An Li, that means that the core patented technology of 4G is made by you, and now in addition to 4G, you also have research in the field of lithography machine chips?" Not

only Du Ze, but even Fu Lihong looked at An Li with complexity.

Of course, An Li knew what they thought, and showed a smile at this time: "Your understanding, basically there is no deviation.

"This... How did you do it?

Du Ze asked, and Fu Lihong also looked at An Li expectantly.

They really don't understand.

4G core technology, the major is communication, and as for optical technology, it covers more, whether it is materials, machinery, mechanics, optics and a series of other things, you need to understand.

Being able to develop 4G is already jaw-dropping.

But now, An Li has not only made a 4G core patent, but also the technology in the field of lithography machines is beyond imagination.

Such a situation is almost impossible.

After all, every major is something that many people may not be able to complete with their life's efforts, but now when they come to An Li, it seems that there is no such barrier at all.

How did he do it?

"Perhaps, I may be the genius that everyone often says." An Li smiled.

Du Ze:

"..." Fu Lihong: "..."

Although they wanted to complain, to be honest, they really couldn't find any way to complain.

"Huh..." Fu Lihong took the lead in breaking the silence, with a bit of bitterness in his smile: "Maybe only this explanation can make sense." Indeed

, at this age, getting a 4G network out is already a genius in itself.

Now, with the addition of a lithography machine technology, it seems incomprehensible, but its practical genius two words to describe it, it seems that there is nothing special.

"However, you are not a genius, you are simply a demon!"

Fu Lihong muttered strangely.

As for Du Ze, at this time, he was completely autistic, and he was really hit by An Li, who was called a genius from childhood to adulthood, but now in front of An Li.

He's a fart genius.

An Li shook his head and smiled, and said quite forcefully: "Okay, talent is not something I can choose, I called you here today, firstly, I want to explain something, and secondly, I want to say goodbye to you." In

fact, An Li no longer has any good way to explain what happened to him.

The only thing he can do is to wrap himself in the title of genius.

Sure enough, although Fu Lihong and Du Ze had mixed tastes in their hearts, they couldn't help but raise their heads when they heard An Li's words now:

"You're leaving?"

"Is it so rushed?"

They really can't bear An Li to leave, An Li's ability is simply invincible, in the field of light technology seems to be completely unable to stump him, they naturally hope that An Li can do more in this regard.

Perhaps, with Quercus in place, their project can be one step faster.

"Why, can't bear me?"

An Li naturally understood the thoughts of the two of them, and smiled at this time: "Don't worry, my observation of our project team has made progress in the past few days, although the conditions are relatively simple now, but both the state and enthusiasm of the R & D personnel of each group are very high, which allows me to see the future of domestic chips."

Saying that, An Li took out a wad of thick documents from the side and handed them to the two.

Both of them were a little curious, but they still opened the file and looked at it.

But a moment later....


"This is ... Information of the lithography machine?

Even these two highly educated professional researchers were still shocked when they saw the data in front of them.

Because what An Li took out was not something else, it turned out to be a complete set of lithography machine related information.

Among them, from the mechanical structure, working principle, each group direction, and the final finished product finalization, these materials cover almost all the information of the lithography machine.


"These seem to be a little different from mainstream technology."

Fu Lihong is Fu Lihong, as the chief engineer of the project, from many years ago has been concerned about the field of optical technology, although there may not be many good countermeasures, but the current mainstream lithography machine technology is very familiar, at this time just a few glances, immediately distinguish the difference.

Although these materials in front of you generally look similar to mainstream lithography machines, in fact, many core technologies bypass mainstream lithography machines, but find a new way.

What does this mean?

This means that if there is no problem with these data, and the above parameters are not guesses, then these materials can be completely created by themselves to create a lithography machine.

A lithography machine built entirely with its own technology.

This marks that the future technology of lithography machines, domestic does not need to rely on foreign snorts, and the lithography machine manufactured will not be blocked and sanctioned by overseas technology at all!

At this moment, Fu Lihong even trembled a little with excitement.

Domestic optical technology technology lagged behind overseas countries for twenty years, and now want to catch up, in addition to the lack of professionals and technology, more importantly, overseas technology blockade, so that they can not produce even if they understand overseas lithography machines.

Because, that is infringement.

But An Li's set has no such worries at all!

What if....

If all this information is true.

It will bring a leap in domestic lithography machine technology.

Even, it is a shocking change in the field of lithography machines in the entire world!

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