Deep City, South Hill, Penguin Company Building.

As a well-known Internet company and the star enterprise of Deep City, Penguin has been attracting much attention since its listing in 04, and the stock market is getting better and better year by year, and the capitalists who hold Penguin shares from all sides have come up with countless praises.

Although Penguin's reputation has not been too good because of the problem of plagiarism, it has even been questioned.

But these, compared with the penguin's ability to make money, penguin's annual tax amount and other data, those doubts and disapprovals, seem to be negligible.

They have the largest amount of traffic among the national netizen user groups.

They have a professional team known as Nanshan Pizza Hut.

They have a huge attraction that attracts the attention of the whole world.

Such a unicorn company, any move, can even bring about earth-shattering changes in the industry, and at this time, in the Penguin high-level conference room, a year-end summary meeting is unfolding:

"Up to now, the company's total revenue this year is 3.8209 billion yuan, an increase of 36.4% over the same period last year" "Internet value-added service revenue is 2.5137 billion yuan, an increase of 37.7% over the same period last year".

Mobile and telecom value-added service

revenue was 807.6 million yuan, an increase of 15.4% over the same period last year"""Online advertising revenue was 493.0 million yuan, an increase of 84.9% over the same period last year"""Gross profit was 2,703.4 million yuan, an increase of 36.3% over the same period last year"""Operating profit was 1,635.0 million yuan, an increase of 40.6% over the same period last



The profit during the period was 1,568.0 million yuan, an increase of 47.4% over the same period last


The year is approaching, the new year is coming, at this time, as the CEO of Penguin, Comrade Pony, is facing the relevant year-end report to the shareholders' representatives of the capital side at this time, his face is full of confidence and pride.

Who would have thought that his project, which was almost sold for a million, now has a market value of more than 10 billion meters, becoming the largest Internet company in Xia Guo in one fell swoop.

And the immediate data indicates.

This is not the limit.

The penguins of the future will go to a higher level, and the potential of this super unicorn is still endless.

"This year is good, and the original investment seems to be the right one."

"Pony is indeed a trustworthy person."

"In the field of games, although we are not the first, we can always be the first."

"There is still a lot of potential for the future."


the face of a series of gratifying data, antiques or representatives are also full of praise at this time, because the appearance of these data means how correct their investment was that year.

The entire conference room was filled with joy.

"In addition to the progress made this year, I will also make a brief explanation of my plans for the future and next year." After Xiao Ma finished talking about the data, he continued:

"From the current data, it can be seen that our huge user base of Penguin is still growing rapidly, user habits have been formed, and it has the largest number of users in the country, and I plan to make these data continue to climb in the next five years."

"First of all, the field of games, the results of which we can already see, so I plan to increase investment in online games in the next three years, from light casual games to large-scale online games."

"The second is the direction of the portal, it can be seen from the portal advertising revenue that our portal potential still exists, so I want to continue to increase investment and development in this area, and at the same time will separately open up various categories and points of interest for promotion, from entertainment, film and television, games, social livelihood and other fields."

"At the same time, we plan to complete an optimized industrial chain within five years..."

Pony is a person who is not good at words.

But that's just for the outside world.

In fact, when it comes to the company's affairs and his dreams, Pony is actually a very talkative person.

After all, if you are not good at words, how can you let one investor after another join, and how can you achieve one success after another?

At this time, he talked about the strategic layout of the future, which made a group of antiques shine.

He used facts and analysis to tell everyone that the future of penguins is still infinite, and now it is just a little hard work, but it has brought huge returns, and the penguins in the future are truly powerful.

But among the crowd, there are also those who remain sane.

When Pony finished speaking, one of the antiques took the lead in asking: "There is nothing wrong with your planning and planning, but I don't know what Ma Zong thinks about the next 4G network?" As

soon as this question came out, everyone looked at the pony.

4G network is definitely the hottest word this year.

Even if many people do not understand what the 4G network means, but everyone knows that the emergence of this 4G network is likely to become a huge outlet, capable people, naturally can see opportunities from this outlet, they are also curious, the powerful penguin, whether has seen the power point.

"Mr. Qi's question is a good question, in fact, this is also something we have been discussing since this time."

Faced with this problem, Xiao Ma did not panic, and smiled confidently at this time: "4G network, to put it bluntly, is the acceleration of wireless networks, and future wireless networks may even exceed the current computer download speed, which means that the future pattern is likely to be in mobile operations." Some

nodded in affirmation, others looked puzzled.

"I don't know if you have read the essay of this year's college entrance examination champion?" Pony asked.

"Full score college entrance examination top essay?"

"Mr. Ma is talking about the composition of An Li, the boss of that happy gathering era, right?"

"I have a little impression, it seems to be called 'Letter Ten Years Later'"

"What did Mr. Ma say this for?"


Many people expressed their puzzlement, obviously everyone even if they had not read the essay, but after all, they had heard more or less of the excitement of the college entrance examination full score.

Among the crowd, a few people who had seen the composition narrowed their eyes at this time:

"What President Ma said, shouldn't it be the first year of the mobile phone mentioned in the composition?"

"I remember that the composition said that the future mobile phone will replace the current computer, and even many people only need to complete it on the mobile phone to work, is it to say..."

Xiao Ma smiled, narrowed his eyes at this time and said:

"In fact, at the beginning, I saw that composition, although it felt a little impossible to achieve, but also left an eye, and when 4G appeared, everyone was thinking about what kind of changes the future would bring, and I thought of An Li's essay as the core patent holder of 4G network at that time."

"And this made me see his intentions!"

"4G network, itself is a mobile network, the future people no longer need to sit in front of the computer to go online, may hold a mobile phone, can do a lot of things today, unlimited network transmission acceleration, means that we may be able to watch TV directly on the mobile phone, can play games on the mobile phone, can video chat with friends on the mobile phone!"

"These are opportunities!"

"And these, we will carry out research and development after improving the investigation and analysis."

"This is our Penguin's plan for the 4G strategy!"


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