For the next period of time, An Li stayed in the deep city.

The happy gathering era has always been an extremely important part of Anque's plan, and the company's potential in Anque's eyes is extremely huge. Although the market value of the later era of Huanju has also reached the price of 6.3 billion meters of knives, compared with trillions of unicorns such as penguins, the Huanju era can only be regarded as a small shrimp at best.

But in fact, in An Li's view, the Happy Gathering era cannot grow into a giant, not because they have no potential, but because they have taken a lot of detours in development.

In particular, after An Li took the helm of the Happy Gathering Era, the potential of the Happy Gathering Era became more and more prominent.

Let's start with the data.

At present, the total number of user registrations in the current gathering era has exceeded 120 million, and the number of online users has exceeded the peak of 10 million.

What is this concept?

The entire Xia Kingdom currently has a total population of 1.3 billion, with the popularity of the Internet, the proportion of netizens can almost reach about 400 million, and a quarter of them have become users of the Happy Gathering Era, at least they have been exposed to the products of the Happy Gathering Era, including the multi-play community and YY voice.

What's even more awesome is that the number of people online at the same time exceeded the peak of 10 million!

Don't look at it may not seem too much, but you must know that under the base of 120 million total users, the number of online people can reach 10 million at the same time, which is definitely something that many people dare not think of.

Take the penguin, the most awesome unicorn of the same period.

By the end of this year, the total number of Penguin users reached 590 million, and the number of online users exceeded 30 million, reaching the largest number of domestic Internet.

These data were obtained after years of development by Penguin.

People are listed companies!

But what about the Age of Joy?

The only financing this company has received so far is the investment of Anque, and there is no shadow of going public.

And more importantly.

Such an achievement has been achieved in only half a year in the Happy Gathering Era!

If the timeline is extended, what may even happen in the future era of reunion?

These data intuitively tell everyone that the potential of the gathering era is definitely something that many people dare not even think about.

Therefore, the potential of the Gathering Era is, in a sense, better than that of penguins.

Giving up YY Voice was never in Annoak's plan.

As one of the two core products of the current gathering era, YY voice has always been the focus of An Que, but what he wants to do is not only to limit the happy gathering era to the game auxiliary field, because he knows very well that the future living space of the game auxiliary field will only become lower and lower.

At least, not limited to the game's black voice.

Industrialized game live broadcast, interactive game live broadcast, these can be developed based on YY voice, and what An Li is doing now is developing in this direction.

In addition to this, An Li also has to lead the gathering era to take a different path.

For public software, it is a strategic layout.

In addition to this, he also created a set of strategic development directions for the Happy Gathering Era.

Including short video platforms, film and television platforms, authoritative game and e-sports platforms, music platforms, comics and animation development platforms that will inevitably be popular in the future

To put it bluntly, what An Oak wants to create is its own entertainment platform!

Full entertainment platform!

From the future, An Li knows the success of Penguin, perhaps at the beginning did rely on QQ as an instant messaging software, and then also borrowed the game route, but more importantly, Penguin has fully developed its own pan-entertainment platform, creating a complete framework for IP and platform.

And now what An Que has to do is to snatch this road away!

Of course, for now, the development of the Huanju era is still stuck in ancient times, but this is not because An Li can't do it, let alone because the Huanju era can't do it, what he has to do is just be fully prepared and wait for the 4G network to be fully rolled out.

At that time, the era of reunion will ride the wind!

Finally, when the time came to the last day of '07, An Li finally ended his work in the Huanju era, during this time, he coordinated the work of various departments and high-level officials in the Huanju era almost every day, and after such a long period of time, the high-level people of the Huanju era almost knew An Li's intentions.

Being a boss is like that.

As a decision-maker, you must have a clear brain to understand the direction of development next, as for how to develop, what problems will be encountered in the development process, this is no longer an Oak to consider.

The best way to trust your subordinates and let them play freely is the best way.

What you have to do is take the overall picture.

Leaving the era of joy, An Li went to Taijiang UAV Company along the way, the company's development is still good, with An Li's capital injection and technology, the current situation in Taijiang is optimistic, in addition to the scientific research department has new results every day, the company's financial figures are also very good.

Last time he signed Taijiang, Wang Dao changed his thinking according to An Li's reminder.

While leading the company to carry out comprehensive research and development, in order to create the first fully independent research and development of installation-free drone, he also sold the company's already developed and stable flight control system.

The results are encouraging.

Taijiang's flight control system is indeed not covered, this set of systems eventually won countless orders for Taijiang, at least the entire Asian UAV flight control market, all won by Taijiang, and other overseas powers, there are also countless people began to try to contact Taijiang.

An Li eventually followed the established development route of Taijiang.

Sell flight controllers!

Although the money earned is not much, it saves a lot of research and development funds for Taijiang.

More importantly, the name of Taijiang UAV Company has been known to more and more UAV enthusiasts around the world, which will also lay a good foundation for the future development of Taijiang.

Of course, in addition to these, what An Li hopes more is that Taijiang can have its own ability to operate independently.

Just like now, he can help solve some big problems, but more often, An Li still prefers to let go out and rely on them to break in, which is actually the best model.

Still that sentence.

As the decision-maker of the company, what he has to do is to lead the company in the right direction, and whether the company takes a train or a plane along the way depends on the ability of the rest of the company.

Leaving the Taijiang Drone Company, An Li went straight to Shencheng Airport.

The arrival of a new year also means that this semester's university classes are coming to an end, and An Li will return to Kyoto to prepare for this semester's final exams.

But just as I arrived at the airport and was about to get my boarding pass, a familiar voice came from behind me:

"An Li, I'm leaving."


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