"In terms of technology, I will draw up a perfect implementation plan as soon as possible, this plan, Wu Lao, you can hand over to professionals to measure and test, there will be no problems in this regard."

"At present, the world's top silicon material extraction technology is the United States, they can purify up to 99.99%, that is, four nines, but I can purify at least seven nines, that is, it can reach 99.999999%.

"The basic demand of the market for silicon extraction is currently 99.9% purity, but in the optical power supply, electronic process, optical communication, SiO2 thin film materials, large-scale ultra-large-scale integrated circuits, lasers, aerospace, military high-tech industries, this purity is far from enough, at least 99.99% of the degree, and even if it can reach 99.999 or higher, it will be able to solve many existing problems."

"Moreover, this set of purification methods can not only be applied to silica."

"Materials with the same type of properties can also be purified by this method, but the effect will certainly not be better than extracting silicon elements, but in fact, this method can be improved, and different improvements can be made according to different materials."


Facing the consternation of Elder Wu and Qin Feng, An Li said with an indifferent face.

But his words left everyone dumbfounded.

Although some professional terms and titles are involved, some of them have heard a little understanding, but they can still understand the meaning of An Li's words.

"Did you record everything he said?"

Wu Lao turned his head to look at the guard on the side, the guard hurriedly said that it had been recorded, Wu Lao nodded and turned to look at An Li.

He is a senior military officer and is currently the supreme commander of the military region.

After all, with the development and progress of science and technology, the mainstream war in the world has long ceased to be solved by fighting bayonets before, and the current war stage has become a multi-branch joint operation.

It has become an information-based and technological combat mode.

The field of science and technology has played a vital role in the military industry, and it is precisely because of his exposure to these that Wu Lao knows better than others the meaning of these words that An Li said at this moment.

Don't look at 99.9% and 99.99999% does not seem to be too different, but in fact, when it comes to the high-tech battlefield, the gap is a world of difference.

Especially for things that have strict requirements for body shape, such technology is even more crucial.

The wafer purity of domestic military products is not high, after all, military equipment is naturally impossible to import, so the current military equipment is generally selected with a large wafer for operation, which can make the operation faster, but the larger volume not only wastes materials and resources, but also is more difficult to carry.

If what An Li said is true, then with enough excellent lithography machine equipment and new improved drawings, just a field of future military science and technology, there will be earth-shaking changes!

Not to mention, according to Oak, this process can be used not only for silicon extraction.

It can even be applied to other materials in the same way!

This is the road to true power!

Therefore, the more aware Wu Lao of these things, the more he appreciated the gaze that looked at An Li at this time.

Finally, seeing that An Li had stopped popularizing technical science, Wu Lao took a deep breath: "What about your requirements?" In addition to sending someone to protect them, what are the requirements? "

It's gone." An Que shook his head.


"I said before, in fact, I plan to hand over this technology to the state, but for the sake of safety, I hope to be able to obtain a higher level of protection, otherwise I will directly take out the technology and hand it over." An Li naturally knew Wu Lao's surprise.

This technology does not seem to have as much impact as 4G technology, but in fact, for powerful countries, the improvement of this technology in the field of science and technology is unimaginable.

The higher the purity of silicon, the more ideas can be realized.

It may seem inconsequential, but in fact it has played a crucial role in promoting the scientific and technological progress of the entire national strength.

This thing is precious!

"This matter, I will report it immediately, I believe that soon someone will come to dock with you, the materials and documents you said before, I am afraid you also need to prepare as soon as possible, I can give you a promise, if what you said is true, your requirements The state will meet you unconditionally, as for protection, it can only be regarded as incidental!"

Finally, Wu Lao clapped directly.

An Que also showed a smile.

He knows.

This thing, steady!


Walking out of the conference room, An Li was arranged a VIP room.

Said to be a VIP room, in fact, it is not as good as an ordinary hotel, but in fact, such a room is already a military region boss has the opportunity to stay, An Li did not pick and choose.

Next, he needs to wait here for the professional team to arrive.

Before that, An Li needed to prepare the relevant documents and operation manuals, these things were actually not difficult for An Li who already had a system, the only thing he needed was to type out the information in his mind through the computer, which was not complicated.

As for technology.

Before coming, An Li spent the last ten billion deposits to take down this technology.

Originally, An Li planned to earn some money to get this technology again, but since he wanted to get protection, he took out this technology in advance, at least in the new year, when the country exchanged foreign materials, there was a large amount of wealth and resources left.

"You boy, I really don't know how your head grows."

Qin Feng looked at An Li with amazement on his face.

Looking at his resentful expression, An Li couldn't help but smile: "It seems that our super soldier king is a little skeptical of life now, what can I talk to me about, in fact, in addition to strong ability to make money, handsome, good singing, high fighting skills, marksmanship and full of scientific and technological research and development, I also have a little research in psychological counseling." Qin

Feng: "..."

"Mad, I've never seen you so faceless, you really dare to say!"

"Then do you think what I said is wrong?"


Feng felt that he might indeed need some psychological counseling.

He was really a bit hit.

An Li this person, Qin Feng has actually been very concerned, the main reason is naturally the strength of the other party, until now thinking of An Li's strength, Qin Feng is very impressed in his heart, and even has always hoped to have the opportunity to have another game with An Li.

But the more he observed, the more surprised Qin Feng became.

An oak is too strong.

This kid with perverted skills and perverted marksmanship is still a powerful investor, and even more a powerful scientific researcher!

4G technology, silicon extraction technology.

These two techniques are something that many people can't do in their lifetime, but now An Li has done it at this age.

Qin Feng finally understood, he no longer had a chance to fight An Li again.

Because An Li can hit him, but he absolutely can't hit An Li, if he makes a move, it is estimated that the old man in the family is afraid that he will chase him with a gun for thirty streets.

Can't afford to mess with, can't afford to mess with....

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