"Here are all the patients who hope that Dr. Li Youmin can perform surgery in the past half a month, of which 23 are patients with malignant fibroblastic tissue carcinoma, six are from overseas, three in the city, and the remaining 14 are patients from all over the country."

"Dr. Li Youmin's medical skills are now well-known all over the world, this is only half a month, and after a long time, more and more people will want to get surgery."


the data room, the dean said to An Li while operating the computer.

After changing the strategy, An Li chose the simplest and most direct method, directly interviewing the dean, what he wanted to know, there was no need to sneak in, just need to find the right information inside.

As for whether the dean will take Li An Que...

This is not a problem at all.

Not to mention that An Li himself is a famous person in Quzhou, whether it is a college entrance examination champion or a successful entrepreneur, he is originally a well-known existence in Quzhou, not to mention that after An Li's family is developed, even if he is the president of Quzhou Hospital, he still has to give some face.

These identities aside, the most important thing is that this time An Li even used the power of the guards behind him.

At this moment, nature is unimpeded.

After all, just investigating a piece of information, this matter is not a big difficulty, naturally it is not a problem.

An Li ignored the dean's boast, glanced at the information in detail, and remembered all the information of everyone, and then asked: "Is there any information on the nurses and doctors who have joined the company in the past three months?" "

The biggest reason for speculating that the other party will treat in a normal way is the nurse.

Because, since it is an organization like Blood Rose, they must have their own style of acting, and An Li knows that Blood Rose has its own accompanying doctor, and it is definitely not a problem in medical treatment, normal treatment, but also to have their most trusted person responsible for this thing, and becoming a nurse is obviously the best.

As long as you find the nurse and find out the identity, it is naturally simple.

"Information on nurses and doctors who have been employed in the past three months?"

The dean hesitated slightly, and then looked at the figure of the military region who was following An Li:

"In the past three months, there have been quite a few personnel transferred normally, especially in the past month since Dr. Li's reputation spread, many doctors and nurses from other hospitals have come to admire it, after all, they all want to learn more from famous doctors."

This is a bit pretentious, but I still retrieved all the information.

An Li swept for a while, and his eyes lit up.

Found it!

This is a nurse in the operating room, who seems to be a nurse transferred from the Kyoto Military District Hospital, named Lu Man.

Whether the name is real or not, An Quercus is not sure.

But one thing is certain, this person is the person you are looking for!

"With so many patients, has Dr. Li not had surgery during this time?" Remembering what to remember, An Li looked up and asked his doubts.

The earliest income of these patients was more than twenty days ago, and it stands to reason that at least part of the surgery should have been completed for such a long time, but these people only did the examination and were hospitalized, but they never underwent the operation.

Is that Doctor Li Nomad not dare?

It is clear that this cannot be.

After all, even if An Li did not deliberately publicize the news before, Li Youmin did indeed complete a fairly difficult operation, which in itself already showed that this person did have some strength.

Among these patients, there must be many serious diseases, but not all of them are seriously ill.

"Isn't this Dr. Li now famous at home and abroad, he did not do much surgery during this time, mainly to study medical records, and to complete an academic paper, so the operation was temporarily postponed." The dean on the side looked a little unnatural.

Academic papers?

These words made An Li couldn't help but frown.

With the current fame of this Dr. Li Youmin, academic papers are a must, and even the hospital may still be the dominant party, but the general doctor's academic papers are made in time, how can there be such a thing as throwing patients aside to tinker with papers by themselves?

To be honest, An Li was a little angry.

But before he could speak, the high-ranking officials of the military region who came with him had already shouted angrily:

"How did you do this hospital, throwing patients into the ward and ignoring them, but going to get any papers, the people who came here to find Dr. Li must be the same malignant fibrous tissue cell carcinoma, how long can this disease drag on?" Aren't you afraid that the sick will be dragged down to an incurable degree? "

This name is Peng Hong, who is specifically responsible for the protection of An Li, his military rank is not low, and he has his own passion, and when the news of An Li's attack came before, Peng Hong also came to the stage from behind the scenes, and decided to protect An Li 24 hours a day.

The soldier was already loud, not to mention Peng Hong, at this time, an angry shout, suddenly made this dean couldn't help but snort, and hurriedly waved his hand:

"No, no, it's not what you think."

"These patients have been closely observed, and with our technology, we can at least delay the spread of cancer cells in their bodies, not because Dr. Li is pursuing any false name, but because Dr. Li is about to complete an extremely difficult operation, and is now studying the surgical plan, and this operation is also an example of his academic paper."

This explanation is quite reliable.

Peng Hong was still a little dissatisfied, and snorted angrily at the moment, but he didn't continue to say anything.

An Li asked, "What kind of surgery is it, and it takes so long to prepare?"

"It's this girl, Shu Miman." The dean hurriedly opened the information of these hospitalized patients and pointed to one of the girls, a native of Kyoto, who was sixteen years old this year, but her condition was very serious:

"This girl's tumor is adhered to the large abdominal artery and large vein, as well as the upper mesenteral artery and the celiac artery, and the tumor area is up to 12 centimeters.

"So serious?" An Li suddenly frowned.

Peng Hong on the side obviously did not understand, and looked at An Li suspiciously at this time.

Seeing An Li shook his head and explained casually:

"Generally speaking, such a patient basically has no possibility of successful surgery."

"Those adhesion areas mentioned by the dean before, the slightest damage will cause heavy bleeding and make the operation impossible, any adhesion to an area is enough for a master surgeon to exhaust his mental strength, not to mention that this girl is not only an area, but even the entire organ in the abdominal cavity has adhesions."

"Normally, such an operation actually has no point in opening at all, because the success rate is only 0.1% normally."

"Therefore, such patients are generally assisted by chemotherapy and drugs to prolong their lives as much as possible."

"Hey, it seems that Brother An Xiao also has research in medical skills?" Peng Hong was still a little confused, but the dean was already stunned, and looked at An Li strangely.

The average medical student may still be a little confused after listening to his own words.

But An Li directly saw the difficulty of this operation, and this ability completely exceeded his expectations.

"In fact, the possibility of completing this operation is not impossible."

An Li thought for a moment and then spoke softly.

Increase the success rate?

The dean was immediately interested, full of expectations that An Li could give an answer.

An Li did not sell it, and mastered the medical knowledge in his mind, and then said:

"Multi-organ in vitro resection!"

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