This way of breaking the game, to be honest, is too aggressive.

At least for Peng Hong, An Li did this to the extreme, public opinion this thing, can not only protect people, but also can harm people, to be honest, now Peng Hong is not sure, he helped An Li create public opinion, it is good or bad for him.

However, no matter how entangled it is, but the matter has come to this, even if it is entangled, it can only bite the bullet.

Fortunately, the worst doesn't seem to have happened.

At least, for the next two days, nothing out of control happened.

The increasingly fierce public opinion war on the Internet is still only maintained at the level of verbal battles, and the masses have not shown any radical behavior for the time being. In terms of hospitals, because the top management above did not stop this operation, although many people in the hospital had some controversy about this operation, they could only grit their teeth and prepare.

It is worth mentioning that because multi-organ in vitro resection has not been performed in China, or even in the world, many people do not know what to prepare.

If An Li hadn't drawn up a list in advance, maybe they wouldn't even know how to prepare.

Everything is calm in these two aspects, and the same small country in the Middle East, and a series of killer operations seem to have completely stopped, at least An Li has not encountered any danger.

However, the fact that An Li has not encountered danger does not mean that the danger does not exist.

According to Peng Hong's understanding, just some well-known killers who entered the country illegally in the past few days, there have been more than five groups of people, you can imagine what kind of disaster it will be for Peng Hong if these people really let them enter the territory of Xia Country and really walk in front of An Li.

There is no one who sneaks in in other ways, Peng Hong does not know, but I think there should be someone else entering, but because under public opinion, the whole country is paying attention to An Li's every move, so the other party did not rush to attack.

From this point of view, everything seems to be going in a better direction.

For two days, Peng Hong was busy, and An Li was not idle.

He began to select people one by one according to the list provided by the dean, after all, surgery requires the assistance of a team, whether it is anesthesiologists, nurses, first assistants, and second assistants, these people are of great help.

No matter how powerful the operating room is, it also needs the help of powerful companions.

Otherwise, even An Li with three heads and six arms would not be able to complete it alone, not to mention that this time it was not a minor operation at all, but an unprecedented super difficult major operation.

The procedure seems simple, that is, after opening the cavity, the required organs are removed and separated separately.

Then use special means to preserve the integrity of each organ while maintaining the patient's life, and then carry out corresponding tumor removal on the removed organ, and finally reconnect the organs that have been cleaned up to the body in situ through artificial blood vessels.

It's easy to say, but it's actually very difficult to do.

The first is to take organs and ensure the life of patients, which is a difficulty in itself. Secondly, how to ensure that the cancer cells are clear when each organ is intact is also a problem.

Finally, how to reset organs is also a fatal problem.

You know, many small blood vessels in the human body can not be seen by the naked eye, and any blood vessel connection problem at that time will have a huge impact on the patient.

And these are all things that must be faced.

If these are already difficult, the most rare thing is actually in the control of time.

There is a limit to the time each organ can be taken out of the body.

Even if the organ activity is preserved by special means, it does not mean that it will not cause damage to the organ, generally speaking, even if it is the best means, it is necessary to complete the operation within twelve hours, otherwise the organ will be damaged to varying degrees.

It can even cost the patient's life.

Time, very tight.

Therefore, in addition to professional anesthesiologists and nurses, An Li also needs to pick some professional doctors, at least when removing the liver organs, the other party can help him share the work of cancer cell dissection.

However, imagination is beautiful, but reality always likes to give people a head-on blow.

After two days of hard work, An Li contacted more than three anesthesiologists, ten professional surgical nurses, and five surgeons in related fields.

But without exception, everyone refused An Li's invitation.

No one is willing to carry out this crazy operation with An Que.

Even, An Li's goal was not only set at the First Hospital of Quzhou City, he had contacted all the hospitals in Quzhou City, but unfortunately no one agreed at all.

No, it's not that I don't agree, but that no one paid attention to him at all.

Coming out of the hospital failure again, An Li was a little depressed, at this time, the mobile phone received a message, An Li hurriedly took out a look, but after a moment helplessly shook his head.

What was sent was a text message, it was a liver expert in the magic capital, and the other party politely declined An Li's invitation, although the tone was quite polite, but after all, he still did not agree to An Li's invitation.

"This public opinion is indeed a double-edged sword, which can protect people, but it can also harm people!"

An Li was a little helpless, although he had long thought that he might encounter such a problem, he really did not expect that the matter would be so serious.

It's really not good, go overseas to buy people back!

An Li secretly decided.

If it doesn't work at home, then from abroad, even if people are not interested in this operation, but as long as the money is in place and the glass is all dry and broken, he will not work, the earth is so big, he can't find a partner yet.

"I heard, you're looking for a nurse?"

Just as An Li was distressed, a voice came from behind him.

An Li looked back, and his eyelids unconsciously raised slightly.

The other party, can't hold your breath!

The person who came was none other than the female nurse who seemed to have unintentionally helped herself in the hospital that day, and she was also the doctor in the Blood Rose team!

Codename: E

The official name cannot be found even by An Que.

During this time, An Li originally thought that such a big movement, the other party should have come to find himself a long time ago, not to mention directly rejecting his own surgery, at least he should also come to test himself, but he didn't expect this to wait until now.

However, since he came, An Li naturally would not let it go, and smiled at this time:

"It really needs, do you want to come?"

"Before I decide whether to come or not, I think the biggest question should be, how sure are you about this operation?" Female nurse E did not answer An Li's question, but asked instead.

Mostly sure?

An Li smiled confidently:

"One hundred percent, can succeed!"

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