In the medical world, many times it is really necessary to use comics.

In particular, some medical common sense that needs to be popularized on a large scale will often use comics to show it more vividly and vividly.

Therefore, it is not uncommon in the medical community to vividly draw some diseases in the form of cartoons.

But the plan used to make the operation....

This is absolutely unprecedented.

But now, in front of the female nurse is such a surgical plan, maybe not as professional as the plan she read before, not as perfect as the plan she read, but compared to the obscurity on the plan, this comic is extremely graphic.

At a glance, you can see what you're doing.

From open abdomen, organ separation, tumor removal, remodeling blood vessels to final organ reduction, and even wound suturing, these processes are vividly marked in comics, even ordinary people with no medical knowledge at all, can see the meaning at a glance.

More importantly, in this comic, there is no bloody and dangerous real operation, but all the surgical procedures are shown in a relaxed and even funny form.

Looking up at Shushu's expression on the hospital bed, the female nurse understood.

How important such a comic is to Shushu.

Any child is afraid of surgery, in fact, let alone children, even adults will definitely have fear when facing surgery.

Because, they don't know what awaits them next.

Many patients are afraid of surgery, the main reason is because they don't know what they will face next, what the doctor will do on themselves, and without a doctor to explain this, patients can only choose to trust the doctor, or bite to death and not be willing to operate.

The comic in front of me has completely changed this situation.

This cartoon may not be too professional, and many extremely critical places in surgery are omitted, but it allows patients who have no medical expertise to see at a glance what the doctor is going to do, and more intuitively see the situation in their body and the treatment plan.

This cartoon, which may seem like little use, plays a vital role in maintaining patient confidence.

Knowing that the female nurse has only found out now, it is no wonder that in the past few days, Shushu has asked from time to time when the operation can begin.

It turned out that it was not that she wanted to be relieved sooner.

But because she is no longer afraid of this strange operation, no longer afraid of what awaits her next!

The female nurse was surprised, and C, who was called Sister Ling on the side, was also full of surprise at this time, and couldn't help but look sideways at E: "Xiaoman, this operation is so simple?" "


The female nurse smiled, glanced at Shushu and nodded: "It's really simple." "

Right, Shu Shu is right, I have long said that Brother An Li is the most powerful, there must be no problem with such a simple operation, let's operate on him, okay?"


Looking at Shu Shu's simple and expectant gaze, the rare female nurse did not refuse her request, and nodded after a moment of silence: "Okay, I promise you, then you also have to promise me, now take a nap and rest, but the comic says, you must maintain a good rest in order to complete the operation faster!" "

Uh-huh, I'll sleep now!"

Seeing Shu Shu, who was gradually falling into a deep sleep holding that comic, the female nurse had mixed tastes in her heart.

The two girls looked at each other and walked out of the ward.

"Aren't you leaving?" The girl codenamed C asked.

"This... I don't know. The

female nurse shook her head, her face was full of distress, and she had to admit that this plan had brought her a huge shock, originally thought that An Li was just a person without strength, but now this plan in front of her made her understand.

An oak, is really powerful.

If it's just a cartoon, it's okay, but the complete surgical plan is still in her hand, this information can be described perfectly, and the professional knowledge and theory in it are absolutely impossible for doctors with rich experience to come up with.

But to say that she believed An Li so much, she was still a little uneasy.

After all.

This time, it is Shu Shu who wants to bet.

Taking her life to risk it, to be honest, is the hardest thing to decide.

"Actually, I think we might as well give it a try."

The girl codenamed C finally spoke at this time, she leaned against the wall and looked at the female nurse: "In the past year, we have traveled a lot of places, and everyone told us that such an operation could not be done, and everyone said that such a disease cannot be operated."

"I don't know medicine, but I know people."

"I don't know what is written in his plan, in fact, I can't understand it, but I see the strong hope in your eyes when you look at the plan, and countless shocks."

"I know, this doctor, maybe it's really different."

"But... This An Que has no medical experience, not even a medical license. The female nurse shook her head.

"He doesn't have a license to practice medicine, do you have it?" But seeing the code name C, he suddenly smiled.

These words made the female nurse instantly fall silent.

Indeed, she did not have a license to practice medicine, and that thing required exams, a series of processes, anywhere in the world.

As a mercenary, she really didn't have time for that.

"You don't have a license to practice medicine, but you still don't prevent you from becoming a good doctor, becoming the best team doctor of Blood Rose, and even becoming a famous holy doctor in the black market."

"As for the so-called medical experience, do you say that anyone in this hospital knows that you have medical experience?"

"But that means you're not a good doctor?"

"No, it seems to me that, on the contrary, powerful people are not willing to show it, not because they do not have such strength, but because they do not want to."

"Now, a powerful person has appeared, do we still have to refuse?"

Saying this, the girl codenamed C shook her head and sighed:

"This year, we have experienced too many disappointments."

"We are much more disappointed, in fact, even we do not believe in the existence of hope."

"Besides, even if we give up hope this time and go to other countries and other cities, can we really find better doctors?"

These words made the female nurse completely silent.

Can you find a better doctor?

The answer is obvious.

If you can find it, do you have to wait until now?

"In fact, just some time ago, when we first came to this city, Shushu once told me that she didn't want to treat her disease anymore." The girl, codenamed C, lowered her tone at this time:

"She has to take medicine and injections every day, and she has to receive chemotherapy every once in a while."

"Is it right or wrong for her to live so painfully..."

For a year, all of them regarded Shushu's illness as the most important task, and it was something they had to work hard to accomplish in this life.

They didn't allow anyone to say give up, and in fact no one thought about giving up.

But now, the girl codenamed C said something like this.

Not a sister who wants to give up on her partner.

It's because I really care about this partner's sister.

Live painfully, or reduce such suffering?

For the people who value comfort the most, they are actually more tormented than the patients themselves.

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