What better treatment options than surgery?

These words made Shuling instantly raise her head:

"Doctor Li, you said... What the?

"In fact, you should have heard a lot that after a patient gets cancer, through some other folk remedies and an optimistic attitude, he naturally defeats the disease, right?" Li Youmin asked.

Shuling was a little disappointed, but still nodded.

It is true that cancer is a terminal illness, but it is always heard that some terminally ill patients have survived the ultimatum of the hospital because they maintain an optimistic attitude, and some are even rumored to be completely cured.

But to be honest, there are very few of them.

As for those who have healed, there are almost none.

Even if there were, at least 9.8 out of 10 were liars!

This road, when Blood Rose took Shu Shu to treat her illness, they had considered it, and even they had gone to an indigenous tribe in Africa to seek treatment, but the final result was that Shu Shu's condition not only did not improve, but accelerated the deterioration of the disease.

Therefore, Shuling is skeptical of these.

Unexpectedly, I thought that Li Youmin would say this way, but I didn't expect him to directly deny it: "In fact, I tell you, many of them are some medical records forged by scammers in order to cheat money, in fact, this kind of thing rarely appears, after all, we still have to respect science."

"Then Doctor Li, what you just said... What is the meaning?

Sure enough, the disgust in Shuling's heart relaxed a little.

Li Youmin's eyes suddenly lit up: "Hehe, although I said that we should believe in science, and I will say such things to every patient, in fact, many times when patients and their families are really cornered, they will try everything to treat, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, they do not want to give up."

Shuling nodded, this is the truth.

If it weren't for a glimmer of hope, they wouldn't have been able to bring Shushu to Xia Guo, whose medical level was not very good.

"However, maybe I have seen a lot of miracles."


"That's right." Li Youmin nodded thoughtfully, and his face was full of amazement:

"It can be described as a miracle, in the past two years, I have been in contact with three patients with advanced cancer, and even one is worse than Shushu's condition, originally only living for half a year at most, but all three people are still alive and well, and even the last time one came to check, most of the cancer cells in the body disappeared."


"I know, you must not believe it, in fact, I didn't believe it at first, but I personally saw the patient's situation, so I couldn't help but not believe it."

Although it is known, Li Nomad may be telling a lie.

But sometimes, even if it is a lie, when facing the person they care about the most, they can't help but lean towards the other party's words, and Shuling at this time is this feeling:

"Yes... How is it cured? When

this question was asked, Li Youmin was even more relieved in his heart.

I'm not afraid that if you are not interested, I am afraid that you will not listen to a word.

Although he was crazy in his heart, Li Youmin still paid attention to his expression, and at this time he still had an unbelievable shocked expression, and sighed:

"I also asked at that time, but unfortunately the patient didn't say."

Shuling's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but squeeze his fists: "That... Before

the patient could be asked, Li Youmin continued:

"But although the patient did not tell me directly, he also revealed that it was Chinese medicine that cured him."

"Chinese medicine, you must know, the most related things in the history of our Xia Kingdom, from Shennong tasting hundred herbs in ancient times, to famous doctors such as Bian Que later, are all Chinese medicine systems, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most mysterious thing in the world, because until now many Chinese medicine prescriptions cannot be analyzed from a scientific point of view."

"Traditional Chinese medicine..." Shuling Xiu's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Li Youmin continued to sigh as if he hadn't seen it:

"My first feeling at that time was that he lied to me, after all, I studied surgery, to be honest, although I have heard of Chinese medicine, and our hospital also has Chinese medicine, and the medical school also has Chinese medicine, but in fact, in my opinion, Chinese medicine is a liar, because many things cannot be explained at all."

"But it wasn't until later that I found out that sometimes, I had to obey."

"Although the patient did not clearly tell me which Chinese medicine cured him, I couldn't help but be curious in my heart, after all, when the doctor faced a patient who could not do anything about himself, he also hoped that the patient could survive, so I conducted many investigations."

"What happened?"

"I really let me find that Chinese doctor, and found that Chinese medicine is indeed this!"

Saying that, Li Youmin also gave a thumbs up.

When it comes to this, Rao is no matter how clever Shuling is, but when Shushu's situation is still at stake, Shuling has already been completely surprised by Li Youmin's words, and his face is full of curiosity.

"Didn't I say before, in the past two years, there are three patients whose condition has improved, that one is not willing to tell me, but the other two are willing, and I found that those three patients were all cured by a Chinese medicine practitioner, and I also specially checked their medicines, and found that each of them has different medicines, and they can't study anything, but they can play a role."

"You say, this god is not god?"

"So, Dr. Li, where is that doctor?" Shuling couldn't help but ask, her face was full of excitement, and even a blush appeared on her pretty face.

Shuling has a healthy wheat color and is in very good shape because of the long exercise.

At this time, revealing this demeanor, Li Youmin only felt a dry mouth.

But as soon as the thought rose, Li Youmin forced himself to suppress this thought, even if this meat is delicious, but also have a life to eat ah, he has not forgotten his purpose, abandoning these thoughts, Li Youmin pretended to be distressed:

"Actually, it doesn't hurt to tell you, but you have to know, after all, I am a doctor in this hospital, an assistant doctor for surgery, a lot of words, in fact, it is not convenient for me to say."

"Then..." Shuling was anxious, a little unsure of what to do.

"I have a way to do it, because I am an assistant doctor for patients, and at this time, I urge you to give up the operation or go to another doctor for treatment, and to be honest, it will have a big impact on me."

Li Youmin was still embarrassed, which made Shuling even more anxious, but fortunately, after hesitating for a moment, Li Youmin sighed and took out a document in his arms:

"In this way, you sign it, just say that you unilaterally give up the operation, so that I am no longer a surgical assistant doctor, and many words can be more direct."

"You sign it, and I'll tell you who that doctor is."


In other words, as usual, as far as Li Youmin's routine, Shuling will definitely not be fooled.

But at this moment, she couldn't help but think about it.

She knew very well how dangerous the operation was.

Even if An Que gave her a good feeling, even Shu Shu believed An Que so unconditionally, but this time it was Shu Shu's life that was gambling!

"The patient's situation is not optimistic, but the three-month life expectancy is actually enough to witness a miracle, it really can't, at most two months of delay, the operation can still be done, but if the operation is done now, it is also a miracle if it succeeds, but if it fails... That's really gone. Li

nomads on the side spoke faintly.

These words do not weigh down on the last straw that crushed the camel.

Is it now now to gamble with your life?

Or slow down and then perform surgery?

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