"Have you ever wondered why An Li came to do this operation, and what is his purpose?" The dean saw Li Youmin's doubts, and couldn't help shaking his head in his heart, but he still opened his mouth to remind.

Angel's reason for this surgery?

Li Youmin shook his head.

Don't say that he doesn't know, even people in the whole country and even the world now don't know what An Li is going to do.

As far as Li Youmin is concerned, he is racking his brains in order not to participate in this operation, and it can be seen from this that once this operation fails, it will have a negative impact. But he is still only an assistant, but as the main knife An Que, once this operation fails, then he will be nailed to the pillar of shame for the rest of his life.

Even, maybe this life will be ruined in this matter.

So why did he do this?

For money?

To be honest, no one believes it, although I don't know how much money An Li has, but looking at the assets announced by An Li and the projects invested, you can know that An Li is definitely not short of money. What's more, even if this operation is successful, how much money can I make?

That's for the name?

This seems to be good, but in fact, if you really understand An Que, you will find that it is completely unreasonable.

Speaking of names, An Oak is really not lacking.

Not to mention the unprecedented full score of the national college entrance examination champion, young entrepreneurs, these identities, just an inventor of 4G core network technology, this identity is enough to label the times.

Such a person will need to pursue it through an operation?

Not to mention an operation that is bound to fail.

So what is he for?

"I've thought a lot about the purpose of Quercus, but I've never been sure, and recently, I thought of a possibility." The dean spoke faintly, his brows furrowed.

Li Youmin's heart skipped a beat: "What is the possibility?"

"Could he be, is he trying to get attention?"

Bo attention?

Li Youmin is a little unclear, so, An Li's current identity and fame, what else does Bo need to pay attention to?


The news of 4G technology has passed for a while, and the popularity of An Que is not too high, but recently because of the news of this operation, An Que's fame has spread all over the country, if you look closely, because of the controversy of this operation, An Que's fame is much greater.

However, this is not a good reputation.

Besides, what good would An Li do for him to do this?

"From the point of view of the benefits, it seems that there is no benefit in it." The dean frowned

, "But we can't see what good it must be for An Li, otherwise he wouldn't have taken such a big risk to get this time's attention, so I thought about it carefully."

"Like those stars in the entertainment industry, sometimes there is a little scandal, or a little bad news comes out, in fact, it is also hype, so that they can return to people's realization."

"And who is An Li?"

"He is an entrepreneur, what entrepreneurs need to do is naturally to make the company stronger, so that the company is more well-known, although I don't know much about this area, but I have also heard that many entrepreneur investors hope to make their company listed as soon as possible, which is more conducive to maximizing the company's profits!"

"Dad, do you mean to say..." Li Youmin frowned and made a guess: "An Li wants to take this opportunity to make his company public?"

"Only this explanation." The dean nodded and voiced his guess.

Li Youmin was a little puzzled: "Although I don't understand the company's listing, I also know that if there is too much negative news, it is not conducive to the company's listing, and even if An Li does this in the end, even if it goes public, I am afraid that he will have to lose money."

"That's what worries me the most." The dean sighed with emotion: "That's why, I asked you to think about the shortcomings of publicly giving up surgery." "

Publicly abandoning the operation and standing on the shortcomings of Quercus Oak?

Li Youmin raised his eyebrows.

Instantly, his face was full of surprise, he was not a fool, this analytical ability was still there, at this time, listening to the dean's words, his heart suddenly shocked, and exclaimed:

"Do you say... Is he just waiting for me to publicly give up the operation? "

This idea, once it comes up, is irrepressible in the mind.

The more I think about it, the more I get scared.

Once he publicly gives up the operation, all the spearheads will be aimed at An Que at the first time, but An Que at this time seems to be in a desperate situation, but in fact, he only needs to give up the operation, and finally dump the operation to himself, with the operation plan he made before.

Then this patient, after one last turn, will return to his own hands.

And the surgical plan will definitely be the same as the one he formulated before.

Moreover, because of his public voice, dissatisfaction with An Que's surgical plan, and distrust of An Que's ability, this operation will almost become his exclusive operation.

At that time, although An Li has problems and pressures, he will give himself.

You need to continue to perform the surgery according to the original surgical plan.

Once it fails....

The consequences are unimaginable.

And Quercus?

People are entrepreneurs, and they also own Internet companies, they only need to wash their whites on the Internet, and then throw the pot to themselves, when An Li will make a lot of money by going public in one fell swoop with his fame, his reputation will also be able to quickly return, and he will become a victim in this benefit!

Cold sweat, covering the forehead in an instant.

If this is true, then he is really going to die!

People are always the most complex creatures, some messy ideas, can always come up all the time, if An Li knows the thoughts of these two people at this time, I am afraid that my teeth will laugh off, and then say:

You think too much.

But unfortunately, An Li was not here and could not explain his thoughts, they could only rely on brain supplements, little by little fantasizing about an iron-blooded businessman stepping on someone else's corpse to take the position.

Looking at Li Youmin's overly frightened look, the dean comforted:

"Actually, things may not develop to this point, you don't have to worry."

Don't worry?

Li Youmin smiled bitterly.

He felt that he had completely fallen into the pit, and he couldn't climb out at all, which was a dead end in front of him!

The dean's face was also not very good.

Although it may feel that those ideas may be a little unrealistic, it is always okay to think more at this time.

Just when both of them were frowning in the office, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a chief physician stumbled in, not waiting for the dean to be angry, the chief doctor had already panicked:

"It's not good, it's not good Dean, something happened, something happened!"

The current dean, the most afraid of the three words "accident", at this time the heart jumped, only felt that the heart disease was about to come out, but still couldn't help but scolded angrily:

"What is panicked, if there is something, just say it!"

But seeing that the chief physician's face was full of haste, he said anxiously:

"Lin family, surround the door of our hospital!"


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