"There are still five hours left before all the organs are in the body."



With Gu Man counting the time on the side, the busy three people responded one after another, but they didn't even raise their heads, everyone was preoccupied with what was in front of them, and there was no other communication between them.

Because everyone knows that this operation is an operation that races against time.

The time for organs to be stored outside the body is limited, even if they are put into a special freezing liquid, they still cannot be outside the body for too long, they must race against time to ensure the activity of the organ.

And when everyone in the operating room was silently busy, everyone in that conference room was also breathless.

It seems that the movement they emit here can affect the operation of the people inside.

"It's too strong, Dr. Gao deserves to be an authority, and the treatment of the spleen is completely textbook level, steady and steady."

"Yes, I was fortunate enough to see Dr. Gao perform surgery before, and I felt stable at that time, but now it seems that Dr. Gao is getting stronger and stronger in this regard, and in other words, my performance must not be so stable, just like the sea god needle."

"Everyone has their own ways and habits, and I think Dr. Li is also very good, although not as stable as Dr. Gao, but he also performs well."

"Now it seems that the operation is indeed the embodiment of the true level."

"This is the strongest collaboration between young doctors and old doctors."


, everyone began to talk softly, and everyone had admiration on their faces.

They evaluated Dr. Gao and Dr. Li's performance one after another, and it was clear that in such an operation, they actually had a large degree of learning experience even as bystanders.

However, the only thing is...

No one talks about Oak.

Is it because of An Que's performance that it can't enter their eyes?

Or is it because of the play of An Oak, which seems rubbish to them?



An Li's performance is impeccable, and the reason why no one discusses it is because he is too strong, so strong that people can't look directly and can't talk about it.

At this time, sitting in the conference room, even if not all of them are top authorities in the domestic medical field, at least one-third have come. Each of these people has their own pride, and at the same time they all have the truth they believe in, for An Que, in fact, they do not have much good impression, do not think that this person who has never studied medical knowledge and has not undergone any surgery can do this operation well.

But now, An Li not only used his strength to tell everyone that he could do surgery.

Moreover, he also told everyone with facts that his strength was superior to everyone present!

It's not that they don't want to talk about An Li, but because they don't know how to talk about this man who is completely like Cheng Yanjin who killed halfway.

There are no words to describe it.

Everyone complimented each other a few times, and then closed their mouths.

After all, this kind of praise that avoids the important and takes it lightly, occasionally saying a few words is fine, if you want to talk all like this, it will not be interesting.

Everyone is an expert in this area, and naturally you can see the core figure of this operation.

The performance of Dr. Gao and Li Youmin is not bad from a professional point of view, and even Dr. Gao's performance is still bright, but to be honest, these performances are a little eclipsed when compared to the An Li of the main knife.

After all, the six organs are peeled off and out of the body.

Doctor Gao and Li Youmin are only responsible for one organ each, but An Li is responsible for four organs alone, even so, An Li's speed is not slow at all, and the other two have not made any progress, An Li has already solved one organ.

That's outrageously fast.

More importantly, his speed is very fast, but the completion is impeccable, even the most professional people, with the most demanding eyes to look at this operation, still can not find any shortcomings from An Que's operation.

This ability is the strongest!

Therefore, instead of blowing Li Nomad and them with a bad conscience here, it is better to honestly close your mouth and watch the subsequent development of this operation with peace of mind.

When the conference room fell silent again, there was an emergency in the operating room at this time.

It's Li Nomad.

At this time, he looked at the pancreas in charge in front of him with wide eyes, his brows were furrowed, and sweat had oozed from his forehead, and after a moment, he sighed and said disappointedly:

"The tumor has eroded to the tail side of the pancreas, at this time, I can only remove it."

This is what troubles him, such an operation is originally to allow the patient to pay the least price to get the maximum result, excision can ensure the success of the operation, but for the patient, the impact is not small.

But as soon as the words fell, An Li on the side said without raising his head:

"No, it is enough to cut off one centimeter."

"What?" Li Youmin suddenly frowned: "But if you remove one centimeter, you won't be able to reach the portal vein at all, and the portal vein cannot be replaced with artificial blood vessels, even if it is shorter, the operation will fail."

Doctor Gao on the side also nodded.

Even everyone in the office nodded one after another at this time:

"It can be seen that Dr. Li's strength is indeed not weak."

"It seems that it is only a matter of time before he becomes an authority, and it takes great strength to be able to analyze the subsequent effects of surgery so quickly and make the most correct judgment."

"Dr. Li's analysis is good."

"This is indeed a problem, but in order to save the patient's life, excision is the best option, otherwise the operation will inevitably fail."


the conference room, a group of authorities seemed to have found a point of attack, and they all spoke their thoughts.

After all, An Li made a mistake, which is definitely rare.

At this time, they can catch an opportunity to make a mistake, they naturally will not let go of this opportunity, although it may have no effect on An Li, but they will feel better in their hearts.

It's a pity though.

An Li will not make mistakes, especially in such an operation, he will definitely not allow himself to make mistakes.

At this time, he was still busy with the work at hand, and said without raising his head:

"Don't worry, when the time comes, let the liver and the left kidney meridian connect, and use the left kidney meridian anastomosis to carry out portal vein reconstruction."

Hearing this, Li Youmin was stunned, and then his eyes lit up.

Oh, yes!

How did I not expect that?

"That's right, this will definitely work, I didn't even think, Dr. An, you are really a genius!"

At this moment, Li Youmin completely forgot his previous hatred and resentment towards An Li, and at this moment, Li Youmin only had worship and trust for An Li in his heart.

Mr. An to Dr. An.

It seems to be just a change in title, but in fact it is a change in the sense of identity in the heart.

An Que has already won the approval of Li Youmin!

Even at this moment, Li Youmin faintly felt something in his heart.

This operation, I'm afraid it will be successful!

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