Organ organ homing.

Four words came out of An Li's mouth, and all the people who paid attention to this operation swallowed their saliva unconsciously. Organ homing, that means that the tumor removal of each organ has been completed, and whether this operation can be successful in the end depends on this last step.

Compared with the tension outside, the atmosphere in the operating room is still quite peaceful at this time.

Doctor Gao and Li Youmin sat on the small bench in the corner of the operating room, so they could be regarded as recovering a lot for a long time, and at this time, hearing An Li's order, they also stood up as soon as possible, but after hesitating, neither of them stepped forward to help.

It's not that I don't want to help, it's that I'm a little afraid.

"If you feel like you're feeling better, come and help." An Li glanced at the two and spoke directly.

Dr. Gao and Li Youmin hesitated, and finally Dr. Gao stepped forward: "I'll help you take it, after recovering for such a while, the scalpel will definitely not be able to take it, but it will also be okay to do miscellaneous work."

An Li nodded and turned to look at Li Youmin: "What about you?" "

I... I'm still watching.

Li Youmin smiled bitterly, he could see that he also wanted to step forward to help, but at this time he actually didn't have the courage, after all, he had just broken into a catastrophe, and now the pressure is not small, not to mention that after seeing An Li's ability, he is also afraid that his state will affect An Li.

This is a decision made by the two of them.

An Li did not refuse, nor did he force them.

These two people are professional doctors, and they actually know how to choose.

The intrigue outside the operating room, after they entered the operating room, they were completely thrown out of the clouds, one of them was the chief physician, the other was the dean level, but at this moment, they only had one identity, that is, doctors.

What they need to do is be responsible for the patient.

Whether their body can eat or not, they know in their hearts that if they can operate, they will not hesitate to join, but if their physical condition does not allow, they will not force themselves. Forcing one's own body to undergo surgery is a taboo when being a doctor.

This is not only irresponsible to oneself, but also irresponsible to the patient.

Therefore, An Li did not have any other attitude towards the choice of the two, and nodded at this time:

"Then let's start!"

The operation continues.

Multi-organ in vitro resection, there are many risks, and there are many difficulties, the first peeling is the first difficulty, the second in vitro resection is the second difficulty, and now the organ is in place, is the last difficulty, each level is a thousand miles away.

The risk remains.

Fortunately, with the anchor needle of An Que, these risks seem to have completely disappeared, the organ return is unusually smooth, and the artificial blood vessel connection is completed.

The only problem that arose was that when it came to the pancreas, because one centimeter was removed, the portal vein could not be reached, exactly the same as Li Youmin had predicted.

But fortunately, any problem, as long as it is expected, is not a problem.

According to the previously prescribed left kidney meridian anastomosis, the pancreas returned smoothly.

At this point, multi-organ extracorporeal resection has been completed!

When the last blood vessel reconstruction was completed, the onlookers outside couldn't help but exclaim at this time, they were excited that they had actually seen an operation that should have been completely impossible to complete was completed.

Compared with the joy outside the operating room, the atmosphere in the operating room is still calm.

The most difficult part is done, does not mean that the operation is completed.

"So far, it can only be considered that the multi-organ exoectomy has been completed, but it is not considered a success." An Li opened his mouth and glanced at Gu Man:

"Now that the organ is in place, prepare to reopen the blood flow!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but bite their lips.

Even a group of medical staff outside the operating room door who had already cheered stopped their cheers at this time, clenching their fists and staring at every move in the operating room.

And to say that the most nervous is Gu Man, who has been in the operating room.

Because now is the most critical time.

Completed a multi-organ exocorpotomy, which is indeed a worldwide achievement, but there is a problem with the difference between the two words done and successful.

The surgery was done, which is indeed something to be thankful for.

But success is the key.

Reopening the blood flow is the most important part of testing the success of the operation.

Gu Man's forehead was already covered with sweat, and she couldn't even help but tremble her hands.

She is indeed a professional doctor.

Once when Blood Rose was serving as a military doctor, she had treated her teammates more than once, and she had also seen her teammates die in front of her more than once, which was the helplessness of the healer. From crying weakly when his teammate died the first time, to being able to remain expressionless when his teammate died later, many people thought that Gu Man had already trained a strong heart.

But in fact, where in the world is there a big heart?

The so-called big heart is just a broken heart that still needs to be repaired after being riddled with holes. The only difference is that she no longer lets people see what is going on in her heart.

Dying in front of him is his teammates who get along day and night, who doesn't feel heartache?

Lying in front of her, she can safely entrust her back to her partner, who is not worried?

The reason why she is accustomed to life and death, the reason why she is cold-blooded and ruthless, is just because she is good at hiding herself, she will also be afraid, worried, anxious, and anxious.

It's just that these emotions are not noticed by their teammates.

An Li is right.

Her emotions will affect her performance, just like at this time, while operating the machine, her hands are shaking and she cannot calm down.

She will be afraid too!

Because lying here is entrusted to her by the most important person in her life, and it is a contract that needs to be completed with a lifetime of hard work!

After a burst of manipulation, the blood flow reconstruction is completed.

Gu Man stared at the instrument with a pale face, and looked at the pile of organs in front of him that had turned white and gray due to long-term blood loss. She just gritted her teeth and stared at all this in front of her, hoping for those miracles to happen, and for the success of this operation.

Everyone has their own purpose.

For ordinary medical professionals, this is an operation that is enough to attract the attention of the whole world.

And for Gu Man, a member of the group of blood roses, this is indeed whether they have completed the operation agreed by the deceased.

All people are extremely important.

Time, at this moment passes slowly with jealousy.

Ten seconds....

Twenty seconds....

Thirty seconds....

When the time broke through thirty seconds, Gu Man's face was getting paler and paler, the strength of the whole body seemed to have been completely drained, her legs trembled, she bit her lip deadly, her lips had been bitten, but her eyes were still staring at everything in front of her that could prove the success of the operation.

But unfortunately, until now, there has been no evidence.

Has it failed?

In fact, failure is normal, after all, such an operation is unprecedented, all organs are stripped, all organs are taken out of the body, and then all are put back to re-establish the cycle in an artificial way.

Any link in between, even a small problem, will become a fatal problem when blood flow is restored to circulation.

But that's not what she wants!

In just a few seconds, for Gu Man, it seemed as far away as centuries had passed.

Others are also unwilling, Dr. Li and Dr. Gao, from the original expectation, to gradually regret, they do regret, regret that this operation did not play their best, regret this operation....


What happens after the organs are reconstructed for a long time, to be honest, no one knows.

But it is certain that if there are no vital signs for a long time after homing, it means that the operation has failed and the patient has died.

Finally, after another minute, Dr. Gao sighed: "We, have we still failed..."

The words did not fall, but I saw Gu Man, who had already cried into tears next to him, suddenly his eyes lit up, and then walked to Shu Shu to take a closer look, and suddenly shouted in surprise:

"The color of the patient's organs has returned to normal!"

Instantly, cheers rang out among all the people who were concerned about this operation.

Because they know....

Surgery, successful!

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