Afraid of cold?

Listening to Lin Ye's words, An Li frowned slightly, and finally understood the strange scene in front of him. Obviously, this is why there are so many stoves in the yard, and even if you come in to see it, you need to put on a down jacket on three layers inside and three layers outside.

Not because of any special hobbies, but because of fear of cold.

However, being afraid of the cold to this extent, what's going on?

More importantly, according to Lin Ye, on the night when Lin Xiaoyi became ill at the age of three, he turned on the air conditioner in his home to the hottest, and even he couldn't stand the temperature, but Lin Xiaoyi and his brother still felt extremely cold, and even Lin Xiaoyi's brother was frozen to death on the spot that night!

Even, if Lin Ye hadn't noticed that the air conditioner was useless for the first time, he urgently made a charcoal fire to ease Lin Xiaoyi's situation, otherwise Lin Xiaoyi would have died that night.

And since that night, Lin Xiaoyi often felt cold.

Under Lin Ye's grief, he also took Lin Xiaoyi to find many doctors, but without exception, all the doctors were helpless about Lin Xiaoyi's situation, and even many people thought that Lin Xiaoyi might be joking, which made Lin Ye feel extremely sad and indignant.

His daughter was cold like that, and those doctors even said that his daughter was naughty and playful.

How can it be?

Later, after being ill for a long time without medical treatment, Lin Xiaoyi simply rarely stepped out of the house again, basically growing up in this courtyard every day. It was announced that Lin Xiaoyi died when he was three years old, in fact, to avoid some unnecessary disputes.

After listening to Lin Ye's words, An Li pondered.

The whole body is cold and piercing, only carbon fire can relieve it, but there are no problems with all organs and blood tests in the body, and no cause can be found.

Thinking of this, An Li suddenly had an idea in his heart.

However, he did not rashly say what he thought in his heart, but walked to Lin Xiaoyi's side and took a look, and said with a gentle smile: "What book are you reading, can you show me?" "

I... I'm looking at the Book of Poetry. The long period of isolation obviously made this girl a little bad at communicating with people, and at this time she opened her mouth with a red face while handing the book to An Li.

An Li flipped through a few pages, and then put the book down:

"This book is good."

Immediately, An Li sat on another stool next to the girl and looked sideways at the girl: "Can you give me your arm, brother give you the pulse."

As soon as these words came out, the girl looked at Lin Ye with some hesitation.

Lin Ye was also a little worried, and said in a low voice: "Anyone's physical contact will make Xiao Yi feel very cold, even I haven't touched her, not even just touching, even if it's just a little closer, it will make Xiao Yi very uncomfortable."

An Li nodded slightly: "That's simple." "


Can't touch the body, how can I take the pulse?

Traditional Chinese medicine Lin Ye has not been in contact, in fact, he has seen many famous Chinese medicines, but just one can not be physically contacted, it has made countless Chinese medicine practitioners frown, An Li actually said simple.

But soon, Lin Ye thought.

The most powerful thing about this An Que is his attainment in Western medicine, it is estimated that the number pulse is only learned casually, since he can't take the pulse, so he simply gives up, so it is naturally simple.

But this thought just rose, but saw An Li pulled out a handful of silver filament from his arms, let Lin Xiaoyi stretch out his arm, and then flicked his fingers, and saw that the silver filament was wrapped around Lin Xiaoyi's arm in an instant, An Li stretched out three fingers, followed the silver filament, and instantly collapsed the silver filament straight.

"Suspender Pulse!"

Lin Ye on the side exclaimed, not to mention anything else, just with this hand, Lin Ye was eye-opening.

Regarding the suspension of the thread, it is not unseen in Chinese medicine, in fact, Lin Ye has also seen an old gentleman with the suspension of the pulse, but he never expected that An Li, who looked so young and should have achieved something in Western medicine, would also have this hand.

However, after the exclamation, Lin Ye hurriedly closed his mouth, for fear of affecting An Li's medical treatment.

It's just that in my heart, it still feels weird.

In the outside world, because An Que successfully completed a multi-organ in vitro resection, many people call An Que an all-round student.

After all, An Que is too strong.

He is a super student and has won an unprecedented college entrance examination title.

He is a god in the investment world, and the industries he has invested in have all achieved great results without exception.

He is a musical genius who can easily compose a classic song that is popular.

He is a technology expert, and with the core technology of 4G alone, he has surpassed many people in his life.

At the same time, he is also a master of medical skills, and has completed an unprecedented multi-organ in vitro dissection.

These abilities are indeed worthy of the word omnipotence.

But now it seems that after these titles of An Li, I am afraid that another title will be added -

the Holy Hand of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

Who would have thought that this young man not only has super high attainments in Western medicine, but also is so strong in Chinese medicine, at least this hand alone is not something that ordinary people can master.

Perhaps, An Li can really cure his daughter.

Can't help it, Lin Ye had this idea in his heart.

And at this moment, An Li, who had been numbering for almost three minutes, finally opened his eyes, only to see that he shook his hand casually, and the silver thread that was originally wrapped around Lin Xiaoyi's wrist suddenly retracted, and was taken into his arms by An Li in a moment.


. An..." Lin Ye hurriedly wanted to ask, but after seeing An Li take back the silver thread, he frowned slightly, and hurriedly shut up at the moment, not daring to interrupt An Li's train of thought.

Then came another period of silence.

Finally, when Lin Ye couldn't help but want to ask, An Li finally spoke: "Girl Lin, do you feel very cold every night when you are ugly, and the fifteenth of each month, it will be more uncomfortable?"

"Huh, Mr. An can even see this?"

Lin Xiaoyi didn't answer, but Lin Ye on the side had already brightened his eyes, and nodded excitedly: "Yes, yes, Mr. An is right, Xiaoyi's illness, every night at about three o'clock in the morning, will be very afraid of cold, and every month at the fifteenth of the month will be very uncomfortable." Does Mr. An know what the cause of Xiaoyi is?

Lin Xiaoyi also looked at An Li with a surprised face, obviously he didn't expect this beautiful brother who looked about the same age as himself to know this.

However, An Li did not answer Lin Ye's words, but asked again:

"Miss Lin is actually okay to eat popsicles, even if there is a biting cold wind outside the door, as long as the fire is strong enough, as long as it is not the two times mentioned before, in fact, these external factors will not worsen the condition and aggravate the pain, right?"

At this moment, Lin Ye's face had completely changed.

Because what An Li said, all in the middle!

And got the answer of the two, I saw An Li suddenly smiled:

"The cause, found it!"

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