
Lin Ye, who was already about to fall asleep, suddenly woke up at this time, before An Li said that he wanted him to feed medicine, plus he wanted to help An Li, so he stayed here from morning to night for fear of delaying for half a minute.

Unexpectedly, this guard was a whole day.

Not to mention that he couldn't help at all, he didn't even do the work of feeding the medicine that An Li gave him, so he waited here like a fool's wood all day.

Now that An Li said it, he naturally couldn't help but mention the spirit.

If you have boiled the medicine, doesn't it mean that you can finally feed the medicine?

Looking back, he saw that An Li had poured the bowl of medicinal liquid that he had finally brewed after a busy day into a glass bowl.

It is said to be a bowl, but in fact, it is only half a bowl.

Although the black bowl of medicine did not come close, Lin Ye could also imagine that this bowl of medicine was bitter and pungent, but even so, Lin Ye was still full of excitement.

After all, it took a busy day to come up.

This bowl of medicine, the amount of medicinal materials spent is unimaginable.

Such a medicine is the medicine to save your daughter!

Just wanted to reach out and take it, but saw An Li shake his head and smile: "Wait, it's almost there." "

Almost yet?"

Lin Ye was a little confused.

But seeing An Li smiled mysteriously, he didn't open his mouth to explain, and went straight to the refrigerator placed in the corner of the room, but he didn't open the refrigeration compartment, but opened the freezing layer, and took out a piece of five-black medicinal liquid that had already turned into ice cubes.

Seeing this, Lin Ye remembered.

An Li did get a small bowl of medicinal liquid and put it in the freezer before, but at that time, An Lihun didn't care, so even Lin Ye thought that An Li's medicine had failed, so he casually threw it there, but he didn't expect that in the end, he took out the medicine that had condensed into ice cubes from the refrigerator.

When Lin Ye was wondering if the freezing of this Chinese medicine would destroy the medicinal properties, he saw that An Li had already poured the ice directly into the half bowl of medicinal liquid before.

In an instant, a magical scene appeared.

I saw that the ice cubes seemed to have some kind of magical chemical reaction with the medicinal liquid in the bowl, and bubbles appeared in an instant, and the tiny bubbles that gurgled looked a little like carbonated coke that could be bought casually on the street.

In this bubble, the ice cubes are also dissolving rapidly, and most of them have disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Mr. Lin, the next feeding of the medicine will be handed over to you, there is no precautions, just feed it when it is no longer bubbling."

"Good, okay!"

Na Na took the medicinal liquid that was still bubbling, and Lin Ye hurriedly rushed out of the room.

No matter what this medicine is, anyway, since it was made by An Li, it must be a good medicine, and he is now looking forward to it, if this medicine is taken, will his daughter be able to get better.

Carefully carrying the medicine, he vigilantly walked out of the threshold all the way and walked towards Lin Xiaoyi's courtyard.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, a strange fragrance came to my nose.

What's going on?

Lin Ye was a little strange, and when he looked down, the whole person suddenly froze.

The medicinal liquid that had been bubbling and rolling in his hand had completely calmed down at this time. The most surprising thing is that I don't know when, the medicinal liquid, which was originally black and black-brown, has turned into a clear light blue medicinal liquid at this time, and it can be thrown through the glass at a glance.

The color is crystal clear, making people salivate.

And the fragrance I smelled before was emitted from the medicinal liquid in my hand.


"Chinese medicine can still be like this?"

Lin Ye was shocked, Rao was well-informed, and he still felt shocked and difficult to understand when he saw this scene in front of him at this time, after all, in everyone's impression, the important thing was the black-brown medicinal liquid, with a pungent and unpleasant smell, and the taste was even more bitter and unacceptable.

But this bowl of medicine in front of him completely subverted Lin Ye's cognition of traditional Chinese medicine.

This fragrant fragrance, crystal clear color and luster, where there is still half of the bitter and unpleasant appearance of traditional Chinese medicine. Thinking of the things that An Li had been busy with all day before, Lin Ye couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"Traditional Chinese medicine is worthy of the national essence!"

Traditional Chinese medicine has always existed, and some people have always believed in it, but with the continuous progress in the field of science and technology medicine, traditional Chinese medicine has gradually been demonized, and even many people say that nine of them are liars in a traditional Chinese medicine, and even Lin Ye himself, in fact, is skeptical of traditional Chinese medicine many times.

And now, with this scene in front of him alone, Lin Ye couldn't help but trust Chinese medicine.

It's not that no one believes in TCM, but there are no convincing reasons.

And now, although it is not known whether An Li can really cure his daughter, just relying on one hand alone is enough to see the extraordinary features of Chinese medicine.

Swallowing his saliva and resisting the urge to drink the medicinal liquid in his hand, Lin Ye entered the room to feed his daughter medicine.

In fact, the work of feeding medicine is not simple, after all, according to Lin Ye's original thoughts, the bitterness and smell of Chinese medicine are the reason why many people refuse to take Chinese medicine, and even for this Lin Ye is also prepared for his daughter to eat half and vomit half.

But this time, things are clearly different.

When his spoon was just handed to Lin Xiaoyi's mouth, Lin Xiaoyi in his sleep suddenly consciously opened his mouth and drank, and even from beginning to end, not even a drop of medicinal liquid spilled out.

This made Lin Ye more and more surprised.

And what surprised him even more was that Lin Xiaoyi, who had taken the medicine, had a little more brilliance on his originally pale face, and his body, which had been extremely cold since childhood, actually gave birth to some temperature at this time!

It works!

Lin Ye, who knew his daughter's situation very well, noticed the change at the first time and couldn't help but feel excited.

It really works!

Determined that his daughter's body had recovered, Lin Ye was overjoyed in his heart, and he didn't dare to leave more to affect his daughter's recovery at the moment, and walked out of the room lightly, just came to the courtyard, saw that An Li had come over, and then took the pulse and said something that made Lin Ye's heart burst out:

"Not bad, the situation has begun to improve, continue tomorrow!"

This simple sentence almost made Lin Ye, a man, cry on the spot.

How long has it been?

How long has it been since he fantasized that someone could really cure his daughter, and how long had he not fantasized that someone could say that his daughter's condition was improving.

Unexpectedly, when he was completely disappointed and completely lost his mind in this regard, his daughter's condition was relieved.

Holding back his tears, it wasn't until he walked out of the room that Lin Ye bowed deeply to An Li

: "Mr. An, thank you!"

Simple six words, but with a father's greatest emotion.

This kind of fatherly love is great.

An Li felt a little embarrassed in his heart, he somewhat understood Lin Ye's mood at this time, and smiled at the moment:

"Rest early, and continue tomorrow."

"Yes!" Lin Ye nodded heavily:

"Tomorrow, we will continue!"


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