"The Lin family wants to start a war with the Ming family!"

Listening to the woman's analysis, Octavia gasped, and there was panic in his eyes, if the woman's analysis is good, then this matter is big.

Is it really possible, though?

"Although the Lin family and my Ming family are not close, they have never been flooded for hundreds of years, not to mention that they are mainly in Quzhou, and we are in Nuzhou, so it seems that there is no need to start a war with us." Although Octavia was frightened, after all, it was not a pig's brain, and at this time he still saw the unreasonable place in this.

It is not for nothing that the family went to war.

But to be honest, the family that can survive for so long will not easily go to war, after all, this price is too great, and the slightest carelessness may cause the ancestor's inheritance to be burned.

It's not necessary.

"It may seem unnecessary, but I have always believed that since everything exists, there is a reason for existence." In the face of Octavia's doubts, the woman shook her head: "Darling, think carefully, why can this An Li make the Lin family so sheltered, does he have any tough background?" "

What's the tough backstage?

Octavia shook his head: "I'm afraid there is no backstage, as far as I know, his parents are ordinary people, and although he himself has some ability, he actually does not have too tough skills, even if he has some ability, but it is nothing compared to the family."

"That is, since there is no tough backstage, why is the Lin family so protective of him, and even hesitate to say something like that just now?"


there is no tough backstage, it is not worth the Lin family's friendship, so what is the purpose of their hard work?"

The woman followed the guidance, seeing that Octavia was still a little unbelieving, and immediately rolled her eyes: "Since we don't know what An Li can fight to get the attraction of the Lin family, then we might as well change our mind, judging from the declaration of war between the Lin family and our Ming family!" "

Why did you declare war with my Lin family?

"There is no reason to declare war with us."

Octavia shook his head: "The Lin family is involved in many fields, real estate is involved, medical fields are involved, and even clothing, shoes and clothing are involved, but our Ming family is not involved in these, we mainly do jade business, and the two do not have much intersection."

"You are wrong, it is precisely because there is not much intersection that it is all the more necessary to declare war."

"Huh?" Octavia is unclear, so, some incomprehensible.

But saw the woman shake her head: "You said, in this Yun Province, and even the entire southwest region, the fields involved in the Lin family are basically well-deserved dragons, in this case, even if the Lin family beats all the competitors in the province, for them, it is just the icing on the cake."

Octavia nodded, which did seem to make sense.

Take the Lin family's hottest real estate industry, almost half of the entire Yun Province is their industry, so much money is completely controlled by them, even if all other competitors are laid down, there is not much benefit for them.

After all, the above likes to have competition, and now complete monopoly is basically impossible, in fact, many popular fields of the family like to deliberately cultivate some opponents, and then treat them as leeks, cut them when they are ripe, and raise a new wave.

Don't look at the real estate industry in Yun Province now, there are a lot of developments, but in fact, if you want them to finish, you only need the Lin family to do it, and they can all be cleaned up in minutes.

If you don't clean up, it's just because you don't want to.

"Therefore, even if the Lin family desperately suppresses competitors, it is not too intuitive for them, and it does not have much meaning for the development of the entire Lin family." Seeing that Octavia had fallen into her own rhythm, the woman continued:

"But if it is cross-field, it will be different, if you can snatch away a different field industry, it will be a completely new path for the Lin family!"

"You... You mean to say...?

"Jade business, the Lin family values our jade business!" The woman said confidently, with an affirmative tone:

"Our jade business is unique in the entire southwest, the same as their real estate, and the profits in it are very high, since there is no room for development in the same field, then they should want to develop the jade field, after all, this can bring new vitality to the Lin family!"

This is said categorically, and there is no doubt about it.

And Octavia, who heard this, couldn't help but shrink his pupils for a while.

He suddenly detailed an extremely important piece of information.

Just last month, the Lin family seems to have bought a jade raw mine in Dai Country, and what the Lin family said at the beginning was that they planned to mine some jade themselves to give away, and the Ming family, who had more than twenty jade raw mines, did not take it seriously, after all, the jade mine of the Lin family was not too valuable in the eyes of expert analysis.

Even for this reason, the Ming family often laughed at the Lin family in private.

But what if, think differently?

What if, the Lin family bought this jade raw mine, not just to play tickets, but to understand the industry, and then find an opportunity to attack the Ming family?

It's terrifying to think about!

If these are true, then for the Ming family, it is absolutely unimaginable disaster!

While they were still laughing at the Lin family's loss, the Lin family had already set their eyes on the rice bowl in their hands, and even on their pot!

"This... Interlacing is like a mountain, my Ming family has been operating for so many years, even if the Lin family really wants to get involved, it is impossible to do it, let alone eat our Ming family. Octavia was still a little hesitant, but the brilliance in his eyes revealed his lack of confidence at the moment.

And such unconfidence, looked at by the woman, she did not do more persuasion, but sighed:

"Perhaps, I think too much."

But this did not advance and retreat, which made Octavia's heart even more uncomfortable, and he thought anxiously for a while, and couldn't help but ask: "Then according to what you said, what should we do now?" He

still believed it.

Have to believe.

Many times, it is always good to have an extra heart, and reason tells him that this is unlikely, but who can know if there is really a risk in this.

Being targeted by the Lin family is definitely not a good thing.

And hearing Octavia's words, the corner of the woman's mouth hooked a smile, but there was still some hesitation on her face, she seemed to think deeply for a long time, and then said: "In fact, what we think is not necessarily true, since we want to know the attitude of the Lin family, then we need to test and find out what the attitude of the Lin family is." "

Temptation?" Octavia frowned: "How to tempt?" When

he asked this, he saw that the woman had already looked at An Li.

Such a simple look, even if she did not speak, Octavia understood what she meant.

Since the opportunity is An Li, if you want to test the attitude of the Lin family, you naturally have to start with An Li to see if this Lin family really plans to use An Li as an excuse to find trouble with the Lin family.

If not, apologize yourself, the same family, may have hurt feelings, but it is impossible to turn your face.

And if it is....

Then your own family can also prepare early!

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