In Lin Er's telling, An Li gradually understood the jadeite rough stone mine.

To be reasonable, although he had heard some things in this industry before, what came out of Lin Er's mouth really surprised An Li.

This is a profiteering industry.

Similarly, it is also a very risky industry.

The road was bumpy, when the sun had begun to tilt to the west, the two finally entered the deep mountains, the mobile phone model and network had completely disappeared at this moment, and there were more and more soldiers around, and countless dilapidated mining houses made of aluminum plywood could be seen around, and a large number of ragged and dark-skinned miners could be seen squatting at the door.

Most of these people are young people in their early twenties, but also a small number of teenagers and middle-aged people in their forties.

When they saw An Li's car, those people were indifferent, just looked at the end of the road in front of them with bright eyes, and their eyes were bright and scary.

"These are black miners."

Lin Er explained:

"The government provides legal miners, they have a perfect welfare system, a perfect work schedule, and mechanized mining. However, mining in all mining areas basically ends after 6 pm, and along with mining, a large amount of waste and residue will be transported out, which allows these black miners to provide opportunities.

"Say that they are black miners, in fact, most of them are young people who want to come to pan for gold and hold the dream of making a fortune."

"They are not eligible for official mining work in the mining area, so they spontaneously enter this area and wait, and whenever a waste slag truck comes out, it will become a target for them to loot, they will pick the waste mine they feel suitable and sell it, and in addition to the waste mine, they will also sneak into the mine area to mine overnight at night after work."

"Can you go into the mining area to mine, and no one cares about them?" An Li not only frowned and asked.

Lin Er casually explained: "Of course there is, but these people are like rats in the sewers are unpreventable, no matter how to control, there are always fish that slip through the net in such a large mining area, and these people can sometimes act as cheap labor when they encounter emergencies, and even garbage that can be sacrificed at any time, and can also bring benefits to local soldiers, so everyone slowly acquiesced to the existence of these people."

Listening to this, An Li understood.

These people are not legal and formal miners, but they are no less dangerous than miners, and they may even be assigned to some dangerous work in the past.

As for bringing benefits to local soldiers, this is better explained.

Along the way, An Li has actually seen other cars, obviously some jade ore merchants, they can pay protection fees to obtain the qualification to enter the mining area, but without the Lin family's nod can not buy qualified ore, so their purchase objects are mainly these black miners.

Using a lower price to buy jadeite ore in the hands of black miners, and then pulling it out and selling it, can also bring a lot of profits.

These people also need to pay protection fees, and when crossing the road, they also need to pay some concession fees.

"In the mining area, the worst thing is not the soldiers stationed, not the official miners, not the black miners who are like sewer rats, on the contrary, the worst are the small traders who come to the mining area." Lin Er opened his mouth flat while driving.

An Li followed his gaze and saw a middle-aged businessman in a suit and leather shoes, with a big belly, carrying a box surrounded by a large number of black miners.

Apparently, he is selling.

An Li's eyesight was good, and at a glance, he found that the contents of the merchant's box were all DU products, and there were many types.

Lin Er said quietly:

"These businessmen do have serious business, but many of them are not just a business."

"When they come to the mine to buy rough, most of them don't bring too much money, but bring some DU products. Spend money to buy the ore in their phase from the black miners, and then take out the DU products to sell to the black miners to earn their money back.

"And what about these merchants, their income from DU products alone is enough for them to buy a large amount of jadeite ore for nothing, and these ores can immediately increase the price by at least ten times when they change hands and sell them." I even saw one who spent 30,000 to buy an oversized jadeite rough stone of nearly two tons, and after going out, he sold it as a gambling stone for 300 million, making a full 10,000 times.

"As for these black miners, they don't really deserve sympathy."

"They all come here with the dream of making a lot of money, but after making money, they will quickly lose the money, and DU products have become an indispensable thing in their lives."

"They came here, their fate was already sealed, there were only two ways."

"Or, die in an accident at the mine."

"Or, die from smoking DU."

"There is no third."

Lin Er's tone was cold and silent.

When looking at those black miners, it is more like looking at the dead people who have stepped into the coffin board with half a foot, and do not look at human feelings halfway.

An Li was a little embarrassed, but did not say anything.

He's not a bad guy, but he's definitely not the Virgin.

These people have long been incurable.

There will always be more dark sides in this world than you have ever seen.

The car continues.

After walking for more than twenty minutes, the car finally arrived at the jade ore area, with tall metal iron gates, sharp and offensive horse bar, and more than dozens of soldiers with real guns and live ammunition, showing that the security here was strong.

Looking at it from a distance, you can vaguely see the huge potholes in the mining area.

Excavators and other machines are busy, and many miners in uniform are busy, and when the time comes to leave work, they have to sort the ore mined today into storage before leaving work.

Lin Er got out of the car to go through a series of procedures, fortunately, as an investor in this mine, there was no accident in the middle, and the soldier gave a military salute to the car of these two people, and then directly let them go.

As soon as the car drove into it, a meticulously dressed man in a brown suit and gold wire glasses immediately greeted him, clasped his hands together and greeted a Dai etiquette:

"Mr. Lin Er, Mr. An Li, General Song Cai has been waiting for a long time."

"Please lead the way." Lin Er returned the salute.

The two of them, led by gold wire glasses, went all the way to a small building not far away, and An Li glanced around on the way, mainly looking at the miners who were sorting work, and his eyebrows couldn't help but pick.

But soon, An Li withdrew his gaze, and just looked thoughtfully at the gold-wire glasses leading the way in front of him.

This place, kind of interesting.


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