"Judging from the situation in the house, Mr. An, you seem to have been cutting stone millstones, and you are still carving some things, looking at the situation of these dusts, it seems that you did not get it on a whim, but for a long time, maybe you have already begun to do this from the first moment of the test."

"In the past few days, I heard that you bring a few gambling stones to the room every day, at first I thought you were for collection, but now it seems that you are processing it yourself."

"However, I still don't understand, what does this have to do with making five billion yuan?"

After scanning the room and carefully analyzing for a moment, Song Cai finally steadied his mind and asked, compared to the jealousy of An Li, he now cares more about the truth of the matter.

He was so curious.

How did An Que do it, it only took three days to earn five billion.

"I think you might be able to take a look at this."

To Song Cai's doubts, An Li did not answer, but went straight to the sofa, lifted the dust cloth covered on the sofa, and then turned on the TV.

Soon, a picture of an auction scene appeared on the TV screen.

It seems that it should be recorded, and the auction site is very well arranged and full of atmosphere. Just when Song Cai didn't understand what An Li was doing, the camera on the TV hurriedly swept by, and this simple sweep appeared in the camera to make Song Cai exclaim.

"The boss of St. Peter's Jewels, Rogers?"

"And that woman, Jela, the chief designer of Paulai jewelry?"

"That old man... That old man is the boss of Dafufu Jewelry, Zheng Dinghong?


the camera only swept by in a hurry, the figures that appeared still did not escape Songpa's eyes, not because he was well-informed, but because those people were too well-known, they were the world's top jewelry merchants, each of them was a super monopoly!

After all, he has mines in his hands, and he naturally knows enough about some characters in this industry.

But because of the understanding, it made him more and more frightened and inexplicable.

These people are the coveted partners of all jade merchants, because they not only have money, but also mean a stable and long-term business channel.

Jadeite is a high-end product, and the price of top-quality jadeite is even more priceless, but in fact, it does not mean that you have it and sell it.

In fact, channels will always be something that limits your development.

There is a world of difference between a commissary in a village with few families and a commissary in a school.

These gem merchants, any one, are all big coffee!

Knowing one at will can ensure that countless sources of goods are sought after by people.

Now, in this auction, most of the world's top gem merchants are gathered.

How is this possible?

But I can't believe it, because the picture on the TV has returned to the stage, and the host said some opening remarks in Xia Chinese, showing that this auction was held in Xia Guo, and even Song Cai noticed that the time the host said was today!

Don't...... An Oak's money, will it have anything to do with this auction?

Jadeite often appears in auctions, especially top jadeite, and even some of them perform very well, and very large gambling stones frequently appear in auctions.

In this way, An Li took the top jadeite to auction?

But in the next second, Song Cai found that he thought too much.

Because in the TV, the auction lot has been served, is a plate covered with red cloth, with the red cloth lifted, a heart-shaped necklace immediately appeared in the camera, the necklace looks brilliant under the convergence of spotlights, and if you look closely, you can see countless small facets, making the glass jadeite shine brighter.

Such a carved jadeite, the moment it reappeared, was destined to attract the attention of everyone in the audience, and Rao Song Cai was also attracted to the past.

Because, this pendant is so beautiful!

It's hard to describe this necklace in words, it's just there, but you can't help but be intoxicated, if you have to find an adjective, there is only one.


Only perfection can be described, this is the top jadeite carved by the top master, even if the chain of the necklace is not special, it still makes people can't help but long.

"This necklace is called the One Heart."

"From the hands of Master An, the starting price, two hundred million."

On the stage, the auctioneer has already said, from the perspective of a professional auctioneer, he is definitely not a professional auctioneer, or even without any professional quality, he did not introduce from the design, from the material introduction, but dropped a name, and then quoted a price.

It seems hasty and sloppy.

But the simpler his words were, the more they attracted the eyes of all the audience, even Song Cai, who was sitting in front of the TV, couldn't help but look at the pendant curiously.

Soon, Song Cai knew why the auctioneer didn't introduce it.

Because there are more professional people than him at the auction to introduce them, it is a group of world-renowned gem design masters, carving masters, the moment the heart-shaped pendant appeared, they had directly begun to exclaim:

"This... This is the top jadeite, if I'm not mistaken, it should be the top jadeite of the glass species tender green!

"The most unique thing is not the material, but the technique of the master carver!"

"Five hundred and twenty facets, many people may not know the meaning of this, but in Xia Guo, this is the homonym of 520, which means I love you three words, this gemstone is definitely a good marriage proposal, the most perfect gift for your other half!"

"The only heart... "I

found, you look closely, the facets of this gemstone, all the facets, no matter what angle you look at, you can see yourself from it, and the direction is exactly the same!"

"The only heart, the only heart, even if it is as many as 520 facets, but no matter which side you look at, you can see yourself from this, it turns out that this is the meaning of the name, it's terrible, Master An is simply the most terrifying carving master I've ever seen, so sneaky work!"


were obviously many expert discussions behind, and everyone was full of shock, and everyone was full of shock.

Moreover, none of the experts present is a lie!

Soon, with the expert speaking, the auction officially began, just this pendant necklace named the only heart, in just three minutes, from the first 300 million, all the way up to 1200 million, and finally by a prince from Dubai at a price of 1.3 billion, pocketed!

Seeing this, Song Cai's heart was horrified.

Just a pendant.

It sold 1.3 billion!

Unable to help it, Song Cai looked at the machine placed in the room, and then looked at An Li, her lips squirmed for a long time, but she never said half a word.

He had nothing to say.

The only thing he wanted to say was:

"This... Is it still human? "

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