Shi Ling's tone, along with An Li's arrival, had gradually changed. If it was a little polite at the beginning, then now she almost jumped up and pointed at An Li's nose and shouted scumbag, and even her tone of voice was a little condescending.

Such a change naturally did not escape Qi Wei's eyes, and at this time, he frowned for the first time and pulled his girlfriend: "Lingling, why are you so harmonious... What about Mule talking?

"It's okay, your girlfriend cares about you too."

An Li smiled slightly, still looking like a peerless warm man, then thought about it, answered Shi Ling's question, and also gave Qi Wei an explanation: "How to say, the situation in the past few months is a bit complicated, I have carried out several tourism projects abroad, because the local situation is somewhat complicated, and some calls are out... May not be very secure. "

Blow you!

You just blow the cow to the sky, look at your ordinary dress, and also engage in tourism projects, why don't you say that you are a super rich second generation?

For An Li's words, Shi Ling did not believe a word.

Even the customers who have been paying attention to this scene shook their heads at An Li at this time, this young man's bragging position is not enough. Disguised as a rich second generation, this outfit alone is not qualified, not to mention, even if he is really a rich second generation, what is the danger in developing tourism projects?

You think you're the protagonist of the King of Soldiers novel?

Danger everywhere you go?

But when everyone was mocking, they saw Qi Wei holding An Li's hand tightly with a worried face, and those eyes were about to burst into tears, and they looked afraid: "Is it dangerous, are you injured, I didn't know you were so dangerous..."

Even a goddess like a fairy is the same.

"I'm not okay."

In the eyes of everyone, An Li smiled and continued to talk nonsense: "Not only is my person fine, but the project is also going smoothly, and when the summer vacation comes, I will take you to play."

"Just be safe, promise me that your own safety is the most important thing at all times." Qi Wei still had an expression that was carried away by love.

But she definitely didn't notice how much of a crit such an expression brought to the men who were watching this scene.


This is all a fake excuse, do you believe it?

Where to find such a girlfriend, I want a dozen!

Shi Ling also twitched at the corner of his mouth, looking at Qi Wei in disbelief, usually a very smart girl, in terms of academics, even many times the head turns much faster than himself, how can this IQ drop to such a low level?

"Hey, I said, you two are enough!"

Finally, Shi Ling couldn't help but interrupt the two, and Qi Wei finally found that his face turned red and lowered his head.

This scene made Shi Ling even more angry.

She is no longer just hostile to An Li, she simply regards him as her biggest enemy. Obviously, such a lame lie can actually make Qi Wei believe, it is hard to imagine how much soul soup this kid has poured into Qi Wei to make her look like this.

"This... Mu Le, since you said that you can develop any tourism projects, the conditions at home should be good, right? "


, Weiwei, didn't I ask casually, even if you protect fiercely, it won't be like this, right?" Shi Ling said half-jokingly, and then looked at An Li again:

"After all, this classmate you may not know, Weiwei is a serious school tweed, there are countless suitors, and there are many rich and talented, as Weiwei's friend, I always have to investigate her boyfriend, I hope you don't mind."

I hope you don't mind what to say, but in my heart I don't want An Li to mind, it's best to turn her face on the spot, so that she can let Qi Wei see the true face of this bastard in front of her.

But alas, let her down.

To her words, An Li just smiled lightly, as always

gentlemanly: "Although I think that finding a boyfriend has nothing to do with whether you have money or talent, but Weiwei is indeed excellent, and thankfully, I should also be worthy of Weiwei."

"So Mu Le-san's family conditions are very good?"

Shi Ling narrowed her eyes and looked at An Li's eyes, she felt that she had found a place where An Li lied. Although she doesn't know much about men's clothing, An Li is obviously just a cheek clothing that can be bought casually on the ordinary street, and the person who wears such clothes is a rich second generation with an excellent family?

What about making trouble?

"I don't know what Mu Le's family is doing..."

This question, before he finished asking, the door of the café had been pushed open, and then two men in suits walked in, it seemed that most of them came to talk about things, one of them looked middle-aged, and the other was a young man in his twenties, who attracted a lot of people's attention as soon as he entered the door.

Originally, this Icelandic coffee located in the Swire Shopping Tower itself was a good-grade café and was loved by young people, so it was naturally not surprising that a few people came in.

But the strange thing is that these two people came in, and a group of café employees who were originally busy were in awe:

"Mr. Wang is good!"

"Mr. Wang!"


Not even just the employees of the café, even the customers in several cafes obviously knew the middle-aged man, and they greeted enthusiastically at this time, such a big face, naturally attracted the attention of many people, including Shi Ling.

However, Shi Ling only glanced at the man, and then fixed his gaze on the young man beside the middle-aged man.

This young man is also very handsome, perhaps his appearance is better than An Que, but it is still eye-catching.

But Shi Ling's eyes did not show the girl's expression when she saw the handsome man, but was surprised and suddenly lowered her head and took out her mobile phone to search, and after a moment raised her head and looked at An Li again:

"Classmate Mule, do you know who that person is?"

"Well, I know."

"Oh, too, you... Wait, you know this person? Shi Ling was stunned and looked at An Li with surprise.

"Is it hard?"

For Shi Ling's surprise, An Li smiled: "The older one, named Wang Qinian, the manager of the management of this Taikoo Shopping Building, is basically a veritable emperor in this building."

"Then do you know the young man?"

Shi Ling's eyes widened, a little incredulous, she hoped that An Li didn't know, but unfortunately, An Li didn't appear as dazed as she imagined, let alone cranky, but smiled confidently.

"The fourth son of the He family."

Hearing these four words, although there was no other explanation, Shi Ling already understood.

An Li really knows this son of a gambling king from Haojiang, He Sigongzi!

The implementation spirit knew the other party, or because the topic she was studying recently was about the economic issues of the Haojiang gambling king family, so she naturally knew a few children of the gambling king family, but she never expected that An Li would be able to say the identity of the other party at the first time.

Originally, he also planned to use this as an entry point to despise the attack on An Que for a while.

Even she is ready to speak, since An Li is so powerful, she still does big business, then she must have an understanding of the world's heroes, maybe she will know him, if he can't say He Si's name, then she will definitely make An Li doubt life.

But now what?

Just when Shi Ling was full of sluggishness, An Li suddenly smiled:

"It seems that He Sigongzi is coming to say hello."

Looking back, sure enough, he saw that He Si over there obviously also noticed An Li on this table, first unbelievable, and then after determining the identity of the other party, he quickly walked towards An Li, that expression, that demeanor, completely the expression of seeing an idol!

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