

In the sales hall, the atmosphere fell into an eerie tranquility, and the only sounds in the quiet sales hall were accompanied by the turning of the pages of the contract and the sound of signing, as if these sounds had become the only sounds in this world.

No, no, there was another figure, and that was the sound of everyone's hearts twitching violently.

Every time the saleswoman signed a contract and came up with a brand new one, the hearts of everyone present twitched violently, and then it was not long before they couldn't help but gasp again.

Everyone's eyes were on the saleswoman who was sneered at.

"How many copies?"

"In duplicate, this should be the twenty-seventh..."

That means all twenty-seven houses were sold?

"This... How much does it cost? "

The minimum selling price of two million per house, which ... 27 houses, at least 54 million, and commission..." "

Commission, at least 160,000!"



group of salespeople started talking, but what was different from before was that at this time, everyone had lost the initial sourness and sneering, instead, everyone's eyes on the female saleswoman seemed to bring a special brilliance, bright and scary.

Sell a house and everyone will say she is lucky.

Sell two apartments, everyone will say that she walks shit luck.

But when the house sold reached more than twenty units at one time, or even approached thirty, everyone understood that this female sales was no longer something they could insult.

Not to mention that such a large business negotiation will immediately appreciate and raise salary, and the commission of this large order alone is enough for her to crush everyone present.

"Sir, you want to see the garage, I can show you around."

"Sir, the underground garage in our community is the best planned, it just so happens that I know several garages with the best location, let's go and see it first, and then come back to sign it once, right?"

In addition to envy, there are many people who have already gathered in front of An Li, who is looking at the garage at this time.

Although some are not righteous, after all, An Li is a guest of women's sales, they are already cut off, it can be regarded as a taboo in the industry, but at this time, everyone did not say anything about it, after all, the head of the house has been taken, they drink some soup, right?

The saleswoman who was signing also apparently noticed the scene, but she didn't say anything, and let her colleagues compete for the garage commission.


The female saleswoman gave them the opportunity to compete, and finally bypassed and bypassed, but it was still An Li who held the decision.

To this group of salespeople, An Li just smiled coldly and did not take them seriously at all.

Someone ate a slump here in An Li, and turned his head to find Qi Wei, but he didn't expect that Qi Wei, who was originally easy to shy, was unexpectedly tough this time, and interrupted everyone's flattery unceremoniously:

"Let's only find that young lady to buy, you better rest."

As soon as these words came out, the enthusiasm of the sales staff instantly vanished.

This caused a group of salespeople to be extremely depressed, but they couldn't vent it, so they could only laugh and stand awkwardly on the sidelines and watch, and they didn't even dare to say two rebuttals.

Fools can see that this commonly dressed couple is definitely a character they cannot offend.

For a while, the scene was a little funny.

An Li was picking up the garage parking space over there, Qi Wei was by An Li's side, the female salesman was writing the contract hard, and as for the other salespeople, they could only dryly gather around, wanting to come up but couldn't talk, they could only watch.

Finally, all the contracts for the thirty-six suites were signed, and An Li finally began to sign.

And the female salesman is not idle, after all, so good at kung fu, An Li has almost picked more than fifty parking spaces, and these parking spaces are all to sign contracts.

Yes, the journey to sign contracts continues.

It turns out that everyone feels relaxed about signing a contract, but when more than eighty contracts are placed in front of you and asked you to sign them one by one, you will find it.

The hand is going to be signed and scrapped.

"It seems that if there is an opportunity, it is still necessary to set up a branch in Kyoto as soon as possible, at least the legal affairs must have it, and the next time I encounter this, I don't need to be so tired." While signing the contract, An Li thought as he could.

Finally, more than eighty documents were signed.

The saleswoman did not feel tired, carefully checked the contract, and immediately said after making sure that it was correct: "Mr. An, all the contracts have been signed, now we..." "

What are you doing, what are a group of people doing here, don't you have to work?" At this moment, a roar came, interrupting the female saleswoman's words.

"Manager Wang."



"Mr. Gao!"


salespeople hurriedly greeted each other, but there was a secret cry in their hearts.

I saw that at the door, two figures had appeared at this time, these were two middle-aged men, one of them had a manager sign on his chest, obviously the manager of the sales department, and the other person next to the manager was wearing a sophisticated suit, and the whole person carried a momentum that was not angry and self-threatening, but if you looked closely, you could find that this man had fatigue in his eyes.

This person is the developer boss, Gao Bingqiao, Gao Zong!

Seeing these two people, the salespeople are bitter in their hearts, and it would have been a good thing to open a big order today, but the key is that this big order has nothing to do with them, and when the time comes, the little girl is afraid that it will be valued by the boss and manager.

And that's not all.

If the boss and manager inquired carefully and let him know that they had snubbed An Li and the two, I was afraid that none of the people present had good fruit to eat.

Fortunately, the bitterness of the salespeople was not noticed by the two people who came in.

Because, the eyes of both of them were attracted by the high stacked documents on the table in front of the saleswoman.

"What's going on? Sold your home? The manager immediately stepped forward to inquire, and when he saw clearly that it was his own contract, he immediately gasped:

"What's the situation?"

"Manager Wang, Mr. Gao!"

The saleswoman hurriedly got up to say hello, and then pointed to An Li on the side: "This gentleman bought all the houses in our six buildings, including fifty parking spaces


Manager Wang gasped and looked at An Li in amazement, he had noticed this young and somewhat excessive young man before, but he didn't take it seriously, but now he understood that this was a super big coffee!

Buying a house....

Buy one directly?

Not to mention his manager Wang, even Gao Bingqiao behind him looked at An Li with amazement at this time.

What kind of family is this?

Buy a house and buy a building directly?

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