An Li's words were sonorous and powerful, with a special momentum, which even made He Si, who was an observer, couldn't help but feel excited.

Build your own esports kingdom!

Is that why he worked for it?

So, he was for a dream of his youth, wasn't he?

"Of course, dreams can't be eaten, these imaginations are just imagination after all, as Sigongzi said, there are too many fetters here, there are too many dangers, since I am willing to pull Sigongzi, naturally it is impossible for my dreams to be above Sigongzi personally."

An Li changed his tone again:

"After all, my dream is definitely not the dream of the fourth prince, what I want to do is to fulfill the dream, and what the fourth prince does is to transform, I can't let the fourth son suffer with my dream because of my dream."

"The belief that tries to make one's dream a partner is either stupid or bad."

"So, we have to talk about something practical."

An Li's words made He Si couldn't help but laugh.

What he said is really interesting, trying to make his dream a partner's belief, such people really exist, and there are many, whether it is the boss of the company, or the partner, always like to talk to you about the dream, but in fact, these dreams, is it really the dream of the audience?

The answer, of course, is no.

If every boss and every partner could find someone who dreamed the same as himself and could make sacrifices for his dreams, the word like-minded would not be so rare.

Moreover, in business, the imposition of one's own dreams on others is itself a kidnapping.

An Li's words, listen to it!

"So, let's go back to that question, actually, I think it's really the biggest problem, but it's not actually the biggest problem." An Li smiled and picked up the copy on the table:

"After the release of this document, it gave e-sports a head-on blow, and made countless practitioners extremely nervous."

"But in fact, let's take a closer look at the purpose of this document."

"In recent years, online games have flourished, all kinds of games have begun to emerge endlessly, let's say that in recent years, the online game fire has basically appeared after the document was issued, since the fourth prince has understood this aspect, do you know what the purpose of this document is?"

What is the purpose?

If someone asked this before, He Si would definitely not hesitate to say that the purpose of this document is to curb the development of the domestic game industry, because the people above feel that the game is a flood beast.

But now, listening to An Li's words, He Si couldn't help but think deeply.

Oh, yes.

This document does seem to be a curb to games, but if so, why is the game industry still growing rapidly in recent years? World of Warcraft, CF, Power Dance, Go-Karting... Even the most popular game DNF in China today emerged after the appearance of this document.

So what is the purpose of this document?

He Si's gaze looked at the copy of this document, and suddenly his heart moved: "Could it be... Not for prohibition, but for better management?

"Answer correct!"

An Li smiled and gave an affirmative answer:

"If you want to curb the game industry, then e-sports will not be included in sports, and this regulation does not appear because the game industry is about to enter the twilight, on the contrary, it is because the game industry is moving rapidly."

"If you want an industry to develop rapidly, you don't want them to grow freely and savagely."

"On the contrary, it is with more perfect regulations, a better legal system and related protections that can make the industry develop steadily and rapidly."

"But..." He Si still had concerns, and hesitated:

"This document has not been revoked now, although it seems to be a regulation, it has no impact on the general direction of the game field, but if we want to hold an event, we always need a way to spread, and a game cannot be on TV, then... What else do we do? "

It's really a concern.

E-sports, in addition to being affected by the game industry, is more important in the way of communication.

In the past, you could still see e-sports competitions on TV, similar to the WCG competition mentioned by An Li before, but after the appearance of that document, the TV station completely banned the broadcast of this thing, and if you want to find information about the game, you can only see it through online reprints, or game-related forums and information.

In this case, it has a great impact on the esports they want to do.

Faced with this question, An Li smiled confidently: "Sigongzi should know that I have a company called Huanju Era, right?"

"Well, of course." He Si nodded a little unsurely.

"Then I don't know if the fourth prince knows, what kind of products are there in my Huanju era?"

"A product of the Gathering Era?" He Si frowned and pondered: "Play more game communities, YY voice, live broadcast... Wait a minute! He

Si raised his head, looked at An Li with surprise, and couldn't help swallowing: "Mr. An, does it mean that you plan to rely on live streaming to develop e-sports?" Finally

, he figured it out.

"The emergence of 4G networks means more and more possibilities, and the possibility of watching TV on mobile phones will be solved quickly, and live broadcast is a stepping stone." Just last month, the live streaming software of the Happy Gathering era has made great progress, and once the mobile terminal appears, the live broadcast will be even more popular.

An Li spoke confidently, his eyes full of brilliance:

"Let me ask, if you can choose to watch the TV you want to watch on your mobile phone, you can directly see the stars singing on your mobile phone, and you can see game events or game explanations you like on your mobile phone, will you watch TV or mobile phone?"

Hearing this, He Si gasped.

No need to answer.

What is the problem?

Do you still need to think about it?

What is the urine sex of TV nowadays, five minutes of commercials, ten minutes of dramas, but who wants to stare at TV if there is a way not to watch advertisements?

"Mr. An not only relieved my first doubt, but now he has answered my second question."

For a long time, He Si suddenly smiled.

This is indeed his problem, the first question is the future of gaming and esports, and the second question is how esports attracts attention and attracts attention.

But now it seems that these problems are no longer a problem.

An oak, be prepared!

"In fact, e-sports can always develop in China, and there is no need to worry about the attention, our generation, and the generation after us, will become the most loyal fans of e-sports, as long as there are excellent games, excellent and perfect matches."

"That's all the problem!"

An Li smiled confidently and smiled at He Siyi: "And it just so happens that in terms of games, I already have two projects, and if Sigongzi is willing, I can start preparing now." So, what is the last question of the fourth prince? Last

question, He Si took a deep breath.

His eyes looked at An Li seriously, and after hesitating for a moment, he spoke:

"E-sports, in the initial stage, I am afraid that it will only keep losing money, in fact, including third-party events such as WCG, as far as I know, the amount of money that can be made is minimal, I want to know..."

This question is very important.

For He Si, the first two issues are confidence, and the last problem is reality, and he wants to know how An Li makes a profit.

This project may just be an opportunity for An Li to realize his dream.

But for Ho Si, it was an attempt.

It became that he was able to jump out of the He family and jump out of the aura of a gambling king.

And if you lose....

He will be a joke.

And in the face of He Si's serious gaze, the expression on An Li's face gradually became serious, and I saw him sitting up straight, but the smile on his face was still confident:

"I don't plan to make a profit."

"Not going to make a profit?" He Si was stunned.

But seeing An Li nodded, he said mysteriously:

"But you, you can make money!"


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