
"Stop and rectify?"

"Now at this juncture, let's stop serving, this is to push us to death!"

"It's over..." The

news of the suspension and rectification came, which instantly made everyone in the office explode.

No one expected that all this would be so fast.

From the scolding war on the Internet involving An Li, to the current suspension and rectification, it only took more than a week to catch everyone by surprise.

"Okay, what about the people from the regulatory department, invite them to the living room, I'll meet them!" Compared with the panic of everyone present, Hou Ze was slightly calmer, but if you look closely, you can find that Hou Ze's hands are trembling slightly, obviously he is also anxious to the extreme at the moment.

However, as the company's CEO, he had to force himself to calm down at this time.

Seeing the collapsed expressions on everyone's faces, Hou Ze frowned: "It's just to stop and rectify, don't lie like this, remember your duties, you are the heads of various departments, your emotions will directly affect the employees under you!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately reacted.

Oh, yes.

Just now they really had a sense of the end of the world, and even felt that it was all over.

But even if it is really the end of the world, their current position and identity have made them have to deal with it calmly, even if the sky falls, they can't mess up, otherwise they don't have to wait for them to come up with a way, the whole Mule game is afraid that it will collapse in an instant.

At this time, they have to adjust their state.


How to adjust?

Once the news of the suspension and rectification of the game spreads, no matter how powerful they are, I am afraid that they will have to return to the sky.

Hou Ze glanced at everyone and wanted to say something more, but after the employees under him repeatedly emphasized that the people from the regulatory department had arrived, Hou Ze could only close his mouth and leave quickly, but before leaving, Hou Ze glanced at Huangshan.

Hopefully, Huangshan can help everyone find confidence.

As soon as Hou Ze left, the office exploded:

"What to do now, the game is suspended and rectified, although this has not appeared in China, but it is basically some unknown small game that has played the edge, and online games like ours have basically not appeared."

"Block the news, block the news immediately, this news must not get out."

"But even if the news is blocked, if there is no way to reopen the server for a long time, then what should we do, is it just like this?"

"This..." Everyone

was helpless, and they were anxious for a while.

They enjoy superior salaries and are leaders in their respective fields, but it is difficult to calm down in the face of such a crisis.

"Bang ——!"

Just when the whole office was chaotic into a pot of porridge, a loud sound attracted everyone's attention.

It's Huangshan!

It was he who slapped the desktop heavily, only to see his brows furrowed, his gaze swept over everyone present: "What's the panic, is the company bankrupt, or do you think the boss really left alone?"

These words made everyone can't help but be silent for a while.

"But the boss, didn't he say..." Someone spoke, but stopped halfway through the words, because Huangshan was already staring at him with murderous energy, making him unable to say the following words.

Huang Shan snorted coldly: "The boss said, he has full authority to handle this matter by ourselves, and said that he believes in us, and as a result, what he believes is that we will be messed up into a pot of porridge at this time, with a salary several times higher than others, but we don't even have the ability to resist pressure a little?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately turned red.

It's a shame.

Yes, the boss believes in us, but what about us, what have we all done that is worthy of his belief?

"I understand why the boss did this this time, now look at you like this, I will know." Huang Shan sighed and spoke:

"All along, we have been under the protection and aura of the boss, everything we do has been smooth, from the establishment of the company to now, we have never encountered any real crisis, let alone encountered any too serious adversity."

"It's not good for a company in itself."

"At this time, you are the best proof, you rely too much on Mr. An and have been under his protection to develop rapidly, so naturally let the Fit led by Mule Games develop, but it cannot become a normal company, this is your biggest problem!"

"Or rather... It's us. Huang

Shan's words were not too loud, but it clearly reached everyone's ears, making everyone only feel ashamed.

Because Huangshan was right.

"Then we... Now what? Someone asked suspiciously.

Huang Shan shook his head: "No one knows the perfect solution, so what we need to do now is not to panic, but to calm down as soon as possible and think about what we should do next." One person can't come up with the perfect solution, but so many of us, we can definitely come up with it.

At this moment, the high-ranking people in the office began to think.

They are still worried, but compared to the end of the world just now, they can try to calm down and think about the problem at this time.

For the next half hour, everyone quietly thought about what they thought would work.

Finally, this silence was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

Hou Ze came back, he had already received the people from the regulatory department, his face was flat, people could not see whether it was happy or worried, everyone couldn't help but look at Hou Ze, even Huangshan, who had been acting as stable as Mount Tai, couldn't help but ask at this time:

"What's the matter, what does the regulatory department say."

"Now that it has been confirmed, stop serving and rectify." Hou Ze did not hesitate, and finally said this result that made everyone look ugly.

Stop serving and rectify!

This is a disaster for any gaming company.

Up to now, the development of domestic online games has only been eight years, and even the real vigorous development is only five years, and in this short period of time, the number of online games suspended and rectified is also very small.

In particular, it was stopped by the regulatory authorities.

In the same way, so far, there have been games of suspension and rectification, and basically ended in defeat, and they have never been spared.

Originally, I thought that this matter was still far away from everyone.

But now....

They finally came to this day too.

Disaster, happened.

Hou Ze sighed deeply, although the current situation was extremely difficult, but fortunately, the person in the regulatory department did not say it to death, and left a glimmer of hope for the company. But when Hou Ze was about to say the news, he saw everyone sitting low, and suddenly spoke:

"Stop the service and rectify, it seems to be in a desperate situation, but the current suspension and rectification in history is either a major bug inside the game, or it involves yellow or bloody violent thunder, but we are different, even if it is suspended and rectified, it is mainly to avoid suspicion, to put it bluntly, it is a kind of protection for us."

"Yes, I think so, now the outside rumors are very unfavorable to us, but there are also many people who firmly support us, and we still have a chance."

"Our public relations department will start this battle well!"

"We, there is still a chance!"


to everyone's words, Hou Ze was stunned and looked at everyone in disbelief.

For a moment, Hou Ze smiled.

The scene in front of you is the spirit that a normal company should have, not admitting defeat, not afraid of losing!

"Guys, next, let's fight a beautiful turnaround!"

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