"The fantasy oriental martial arts world, beautiful character shapes, breathtaking light skills, fist-to-flesh fighting experience, bloody battle process, and immersive mission plot, this is definitely the hottest game of the year, Sword Spirit!"

"With its unique style, gorgeous graphics, extreme combat system, highly regarded innovations, and countless players' expectations, it already has the potential to become a super masterpiece."

"This game is launched by Penguin, the only game they have not plagiarized so far, it is said that the copyright was bought from Koryo, and it was originally intended to compete with DNF, but now DNF died halfway, and this game may dominate the entire online fighting game in the future."


series of discussions overwhelmed the world in an instant.

Log in to your Penguin account and you will be the first to receive news about Penguin's new game Sword Spirit. Open a random webpage and you'll see Penguin's promotion of the new game. Even if you enter the largest game forum in China, the most popular post you see is also about the sword spirit.

For a moment, countless players were excited.

Even many people forget about DNF and start looking forward to Penguin, a super giant game.

Because, in the promotion of Penguin, there is a game introduction, but also related game screens, just looking at the picture and fighting, is a proper 3A masterpiece version of the online game, in the first time attracted the attention of countless people, but also became the object of countless people.

Even, because of the promotion of this game, Tencent's stock price even rose directly on the same day!

"Looking forward to it!"

"If this game comes out, I will definitely be the first to play it, which will simply refresh my understanding of online games."

"I heard that the Goryeo side has just been developed, but this game seems to be a point card charging game, Penguin this agent, it will not be a free game, right?"

"The game is free, the props are charged, and if you become stronger, you have to open a member?"

"In any case, this game is good enough just by looking at the promotional picture, as long as it is not too dark I am willing to play it, I just don't know, when will this game be played, I heard that Penguin has just won the copyright for a few months, it seems to have been won shortly after DNF, and it is still in closed beta, right?"

"Exact news, the game is still in the closed beta stage, but the open beta is two months later, this open beta qualification is limited, in Penguin open a variety of diamond members, you can draw prizes."


For a while, the new game about penguins on the Internet was full of attention.

At this time, when all the attention on the Internet was focused on the penguin, in the conference room of the Mule game, the corners of Hou Ze's mouth couldn't help but rise:

"Everyone, the behind-the-scenes promoter, come out."

In the conference room, the other high-level members of the wood game also showed a knowing smile at this time.

In the past few days, in the eyes of the outside world, they are not doing well, but in fact, they are very clear that they are just deliberately keeping a low profile.

As Huangshan said, what they need is absolute calm.

Only by remaining calm can they think of corresponding countermeasures.

And this time, they succeeded.

They did find a way to break the game, and they still keep a low profile, because they know that the people behind it have not yet jumped out. There are grievances and revenge, there are revenge, since the behind-the-scenes pushers want them to die, they naturally can't easily let go of the behind-the-scenes pushers.

It's not difficult to find out who is behind it.

As long as it is determined that there is a behind-the-scenes promoter, then the best way is to start from the aspect of interests, DNF is yellow, who can get the most profit, who is the behind-the-scenes promoter.

And it turns out that Penguin is obviously behind this time, after all, being able to prepare all the publicity materials so quickly, being able to attract the attention of the whole network so quickly, if it is someone else, no one believes it.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and on the battlefield, when you know who your enemy is, you can find a corresponding solution to all difficulties.

"I heard that the penguin side only issued 10,000 open beta qualifications?"

Huang Shan opened his mouth faintly at this time, and his eyes narrowed.

This expression is very clear to many people present, after all, Huangshan's role in Mule Games is the game operation, and what he does is how to find a way to empty the player's wallet. After getting along for so long, everyone knew that once Huang Shan showed this expression, he thought that he had held back.

"We will immediately win these open beta qualifications, as long as these open beta qualifications are grabbed by us, then during the open beta of the game, we have the final say."

Someone answered at the first time, obviously guessing Huangshan's thoughts.

Since the penguins put cold guns on them, then naturally they cannot be idle.

Cold gun, they will also put!

Huang Shan also smiled: "Winning the public test qualification is the most important, use all our channels to win these public test qualifications, if you can't get it, then buy, buy these public test qualifications from people who have public test qualifications!"

Everyone nodded, and there was no objection.

Hou Ze did not participate in such a discussion, seeing that several people who had similar ideas to Huangshan were smiling badly, Hou Ze shook his head:

"Prepare, it's been almost a week since you stopped serving, prepare to restart the server."

The penguin salute is still exchanged, that is an afterword.

Now that they know who the target is, there is naturally a way to clean up the penguins, and the most important thing for them now is to restart the DNF.

What they have to do is to re-establish the original lost reputation.

Yes, the suspension of DNF is only seven days.

The suspension of these seven days is an unimaginable disaster for any game, change to other companies, or even change to usual, encounter such a thing, no game company dares to hold out hope, basically such a big loss, almost has determined that DNF has reached the end of its life.

But this time, the wood game is different.

This time, they still don't believe in this evil.

"Propaganda Department, how are you doing over there?"

"All the publicity materials have been prepared, just wait for you to speak, we can start publicizing immediately."

"Technical Department, how is the new version of the game?"

"The new version of the game 'Nirvana Rebirth' is now fully prepared, and the testing that began yesterday has no obvious bugs and is ready for official launch."

"Legal affairs?"

"All the relevant documents have been properly prepared and there are no problems with it."


Ze asked the relevant responsible persons of various departments one after another, and after making sure that there were no problems, Hou Ze smiled slightly:

"Gentlemen, follow me."

"Nirvana Reborn!"

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