
"Ma Ya, this young lady is so beautiful, is this a star?"

"It's simply the image of the perfect goddess in my mind, especially that temperament, in the face of so many reporters and cameras, I am not even half timid, who is this young lady, ask for a phone number?"

"Don't think about the idiots upstairs, people are the general manager of Mule Investment!"

"Investment Queen!"

"I heard that Ding Nan is an investment genius who has never missed a shot in the investment world, and I heard that she is a big beauty before, and now she looks at her on her mobile phone, which is simply more beautiful than rumored. To have good looks and good looks, to have temperament and temperament, the key is to have ability. "

..." Ding

Nan appeared, and the live broadcast room exploded on the spot.

There is a saying, Ding Nan's appearance, that is definitely not covered, originally in school was a recognized goddess teacher, now after working in Mule Investment, the whole person's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes, the original big sister next door temperament, has become today's super strong woman temperament, by no one does not lick the screen.

It is often said that a woman who looks perfect is still perfect without even having to do anything.

But in fact, a perfect-looking woman, if she still has her own career and is very successful, that is the real second kill.

And Ding Nan perfectly interprets this truth.

But different from the attention of netizens, after hearing Ding Nan's words, the reporters present were like taking medicine, and their eyes were bright and scary, and they didn't even care that this was a press conference of Mule Game, but directly asked:

"Mr. Ding, is the boss lady you said the wife of Mr. An Li?"

"An Li is not married yet, is it An Zong's fiancée, why have we never heard of it, this fiancée is a rich family, I don't know which family's money?"

"Miss Ding, so we have always wrongly blamed Mr. An Li, and it was Mr. An Li's girlfriend who won the grand prize?"


series of questions, one after another.

All the reporters smelled the revelations in Ding Nan's previous words, and they were keenly aware that this might be a brand new news.

The hostess of Mule Investment!

In other words, An oak, the famous grass has a master!

For this mysterious lady, everyone showed great interest in this mysterious boss reporter, just like the gossip news reporter.

But unfortunately, in the face of these problems, Ding Nan just smiled:

"Guys, I just came to tell everyone that it was not my boss who won the lottery, but the boss's wife. As for other things, I don't think I need to tell my boss's personal affairs, otherwise I will probably have to be deducted my salary the next day, so don't embarrass me.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

Although she is still a little unwilling, Ding Nan is indeed telling the truth, she is an employee of people, and now let the employees say the boss's private affairs in front of all the viewers and reporters in the live broadcast room, which employee dares to do such a thing?

However, it is impossible to ask from Ding Nan, but it does not mean that everyone cannot investigate by themselves next.

A few quick responders have even begun to investigate the identity of Mule Investment's boss lady in their own channels and networks, and everyone understands that if anyone can investigate the identity of Mule Investment's boss wife, I am afraid that they will have to be promoted and raised in minutes.

But in fact, they are doomed to be in vain.

An Li's news has not been investigated, and Qi Wei, who is the boss of Mule Investment, has naturally become a top secret, and it is definitely not something they can investigate.

But now, of course, they don't know.

And when the reporters were busy contacting their contacts, the reporter before had already spoken again at this time: "Since President Ding said that it is the prize in your boss wife, what is the difference between it and President An himself winning the lottery, it is nothing more than adding a name to the list of people who do not have charity and love."

These sad words once again cooled the atmosphere in the venue.

But this time, the reporter can't rest easy.

Because he is no longer facing Hou Ze, who has always been restrained in studying technology, but Ding Nan, who is articulate and even known as the queen of investment.

I saw that when Ding Nan heard this, the expression on his face did not change much, and he even showed a smile:

"This journalist friend said well in the first half, the boss lady won the lottery, and our boss won the lottery, it seems that there is indeed not much difference." However, the second half of the sentence I feel very problematic, what is the list of people without charity? Could it be that this journalist friend also made such a list himself?

"This... Of course, I don't have such a list, but as a public figure, it always has to be paid attention to, and now large domestic enterprises basically have their own charitable institutions and undertakings, so I should have no problem asking this, right? The

reporter's face changed, but he still reluctantly explained.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this.

But in front of Ding Nan, as long as she thinks, this reporter is wrong even if she breathes:

"I really don't agree with this, according to the logic of this journalist friend, is it not related to poverty and wealth to do charity, is it not in the eyes of this journalist friend, we ordinary people, people without money, the money donated is not a good thing, and the good deeds done are not a good thing?"

"This... You...... I didn't mean that! The reporter shook his head repeatedly, his face a little flustered.

He dared to offend An Li because he felt that there were a large number of ordinary netizens who stood on the same front as himself, but if he really followed Ding Nan's logic, I was afraid that he would have to be buried by spit in the first place.

"Doesn't that mean?" Ding Nan frowned: "Then why do you always chase us An Zong, is this a moral kidnapping, or is there something wrong with your thinking?"


the reporter concluded, so stunned that he couldn't speak, and after a long time, he spit out a sentence: "As a public figure, you should have shouldered some more obligations, and I asked this question only from an objective point of view."

Is it objective?

It is not objective at all, whether it is everyone present or the audience in the live broadcast room, they can see it.

Fortunately, Ding Nan did not pursue this issue, unexpectedly, Ding Nan even nodded in agreement: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, I still agree with this, I don't know how much this journalist friend thinks, how much should President An donate appropriately?" "


Everyone present was stunned and sensed that something was wrong.

Ding Nan asked this, could it be that An Li couldn't stand the pressure of public opinion and planned to donate?

"How much is appropriate..."

the reporter also thought the same, although he was speechless by Ding Nan's question, but listening to Ding Nan's words at this time, he couldn't help but feel proud.

No matter how awesome it is, it is not necessary to be soft, and his eyes rolled at the moment:

"My monthly salary is more than 5,000 a month, and last year I donated almost 500 yuan, according to this calculation, a big businessman like Mr. An should also donate 20 million, right?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present rolled their eyes.

Mud horse, math is good.

You donate five thousand a month, and donate five hundred a year to say it?

And when it comes to An Que, at least 10 million will be donated?

That means that An Que can now earn 200 million a month?

This is no longer a moral kidnapping, this is an oak on the stove to bake!

But hearing this, Ding Nan couldn't help frowning:

"It's only 20 million, such a donation, do you look down on our President An?"

"Since you want to force donations, you should be bold!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell silent.

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