"If there is a rank in charity, then our boss is the strongest king!"

Ding Nan's words were simply domineering, and his words made everyone present stunned on the spot, and even the audience in the live broadcast room stared at the live broadcast room with a sluggish expression.


It's so pretentious!

Although they don't know what the strongest king is, they can probably understand what this so-called strongest king means.

Does she mean that An Li is very powerful in the charity world?

How can it be!

"Ding Nan, you are not afraid of the wind and flashed your tongue, don't we still know what your boss looks like, everyone knows that your boss An Li has not attended any charity activities at all, he has never shown indifference to charity, you dare to say such a thing!"

The reporter had completely stood up at this time to refute, after all, after saying so much for a long time, the face that should be lost was also lost, there was no need to fake politeness.

"Five hundred million is only a fraction of him, what are you kidding?"

"An Li has never donated any money, nor has he participated in any charity, otherwise it would have been investigated long ago, do you think that the netizens on the Internet are waste, I'm afraid you don't know, there have been relevant posts on the Internet before to investigate An Li, all the large donations to charity, there is no name of An Li this person!"

"Just like that, you dare to say something like that just now?"

"I'm afraid that what you say now is cool, and it will not end well later!"

If at first this reporter was a little afraid of this sharp-tongued woman, but now he is really not afraid at all, because he is telling the truth.

When it was previously reported on the Internet that the winner was An Que, someone had already investigated An Que's donation records.

The donation records show that An Li has never donated to any charitable cause, not even a dime.

It is precisely in this way that those quarrels that followed.

But now, Ding Nan jumped out and said such arrogant words, in the reporter's opinion, Ding Nan's current practice is to dig his own grave.

Even in the live broadcast room, there were many people worried about Ding Nan at this time:

"Miss Ding Nan is miserable, and I don't know how she said something like that, after all, An Li has not participated in charitable donations before, and it was originally a stone hammer."

"Although I also think that people who engage in moral kidnapping are disgusting, lying about donations is a bit too low-end."

"These can be found out as soon as you check them, and An Li really has not donated."

"A good deck of cards is played poorly, and I think what we want to discuss is why other people should stare at An Que and hope that An Que will donate, instead of lying about donations, which is obviously exposing their own flaws to others."


the live broadcast room, there was a lot of discussion, and everyone thought that Ding Nan was afraid that he was going to be self-defeating this time.

Even many reporters at the scene spoke one after another at this time:

"Mr. Ding, as far as we know, Mr. An Li has never made any charitable donations, I don't know if what you just said is wrong, or how?"

"Could it be that Mr. An has been doing charity in private?"

The reaction of journalists is faster than that of netizens in ordinary live broadcast rooms.

Some people have even guessed that An Li may be doing charity in private, which is rare but not uncommon. The matter of approaching the donation does not require any identity verification, as long as An Li does not donate in his real name, he will definitely not be detected.

But, to be honest, even the reporter who asked the question didn't believe it.

Corporate donations, for what?

Really contributing to charity? Really to help people in need?

True, such people are not excluded, but to be honest, most of them will make donations in their personal honor. In fact, most corporate donations may indeed have that kind intention, but they are more or less for show.

Increase visibility, enhance corporate reputation, and earn the title of a caring entrepreneur.

This kind of thing is the conventional routine.

What's more, the most important point is that even if An Li really donated privately, it can't be too outrageous in everyone's eyes, at least absolutely impossible as Ding Nan said that the five hundred million are fractions, which is absolutely impossible.

But in the face of the doubts of everyone present, Ding Nan was always calm, shaking his head and smiling at this time:

"It seems that I overestimated the strength of all the media reporters."

This, to be honest, is a bit offending.

All the media staff present immediately frowned, after all, Ding Nan's words offended all of them.

But before one of them spoke, Ding Nan had already said again:

"Remind everyone, our boss donated, not using the name An Li, nor using the reputation of any of his companies to donate, but using the pseudonym Mule that he occasionally uses to donate, if you are interested, welcome to check."

As soon as these words came out, many people present had already taken out their mobile phones.

But Ding Nan obviously did not mean to wait any longer, and smiled mysteriously at this time:

"I think, this press conference has ended, it is better for us to end it here, as for what the results you find out in the follow-up, then it depends on you to play your own role."

What the?

Is this the end of it?

Everyone present was stunned, and the audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned.

This mud horse pants are all off, you told me that the actor came to the aunt, so stop for the time being?

When everyone was stunned, Hou Ze over there seemed to have received a signal, and the staff who arranged the scene at the first time began to direct all the media staff present to leave, as for the live broadcast room, it was the first time to cut off the line at the first time, and the live broadcast room was instantly dark and obviously closed.

This is... It's very mysterious.

The reporters were confused, but now they can't continue to be confused, because the security guards at the venue have arrived at the battlefield, smiling "please" the reporters and media staff to leave, even if some reporters want to ask again, but they can't get the answers they want.

In desperation, everyone could only leave the venue with a confused look and was semi-forced.

In the live broadcast room, many viewers widened their eyes.

Fortunately, although the video in the live broadcast room has been cut off, the barrage function has not been offline for the time being, at this time, click on the barrage to see, only to see the same barrage full of screen appear:

"Lying groove, this is over?"

"Groove, what's next?"


all the national curses flashed on their computer screens.

And just when the full screen barrage flickered, a colorful barrage that was obviously a VIP super member suddenly flashed out in this barrage:

"I found out, the amount of donations under the name Mule is more than ten figures!"


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