As soon as the manager's words fell, everyone present immediately began to applaud.

An Li was a little surprised, he didn't expect that such a small transparent little cute new could make so many people applaud and welcome, it seems that the atmosphere of this sales department is quite good.

But soon, An Li found himself thinking too much.

Just when he was about to stand up, he saw a young man sitting in the front row standing up and smiling slightly at everyone present: "Hello everyone, my name is Liu Jiacheng, I am currently serving as the leader of Group C, and I hope that everyone can work together and take care of them in the future."

"Haha, Team Leader Liu is polite, I still need you to take more care in the future."

"After entering our sales department, we will be a family in the future."

"Yes, congratulations to Team Leader Liu, I heard that Team Leader Liu is Mr. Liu's child, and he is really a tiger father and no dog, and the brothers will rely on you in the future."

Everyone present talked about it, and the scene was very harmonious.

But An Li couldn't help but frown.

Liu Jiacheng?

Is this kid who squeezed his team leader position?

"Everyone is too polite, although my father is the top of the company, but I hope that everyone will not take my identity in the eyes, I am a newcomer in the company, and I need more help in the future."

The two sides began a blatant commercial exchange.

Don't look at Liu Jiacheng's left sentence that I am a newcomer, and there is a lot of care, but the loftiness in that look cannot be concealed in any way, especially when he even said his identity in public, it was simply to tell everyone present.

I'm a cow, my dad is a cow, don't mess with me.

And the rest of the sales department, these are human essences, one by one, the mouth is like smeared with honey, extremely polite, among which An Li's team leader Zhou Hao only knelt and licked, and even spoke:

"This newcomer from our group also has no eyesight, and even wants to compete with Team Leader Liu, fortunately, Team Leader Liu didn't look at him, otherwise he wouldn't be making a joke."

These words made many eyes move to An Li.

Originally, An Li had been rushing to be a little transparent, watching everything coldly, but seeing that Zhou Hao took the initiative to lead the fire to himself, he couldn't help but frown.

It seems that Zhou Hao's attitude towards himself is so cold, in order to lick the newly appointed team leader.

To be honest, it was quite unexpected.

Originally, An Li thought that Zhou Hao was simply jealous that he was more handsome than him, but he didn't expect that there was such a relationship in it. What he didn't expect was that this good company was so chaotic in a small sales department.

"Haha, it is said that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and today's young people are always more daring."

"This newcomer is very good, and he can't pay for dinner at night?"

"Speaking of which, we haven't had a meal together for a long time, do you want to eat together in the evening, have a good drink, and celebrate Team Leader Liu joining us?"

"That's a good proposal!"

Many people had already spoken at this time, and even the few who were sitting close to An Oak before couldn't help but stay away a little.

And the much-anticipated Liu Jiacheng also looked at An Li, his eyes were full of contempt, but he still pretended: "Don't say that, this new colleague can pass the assessment of the personnel department, which shows that he is still very capable, and everyone has to make progress together in the future." By the way, this new colleague is called..."

Zhou Hao hurriedly opened his mouth to remind.

"Ah, Mu Le, haha, this colleague Mu Le, I don't know if I snatched your place, will you hold a grudge?" Liu Jiacheng looked at An Li and said condescendingly: "If there is any dissatisfaction, you can say it now." Hearing

this, the eyes of everyone present were playful.

Everyone knows that this newly appointed Liu Jiacheng Liu team leader is going to kill chickens and monkeys!

"How dare Mu Le have any dissatisfaction?" Zhou Hao opened his mouth next to him, while squeezing his eyes towards An Li: "Mu Le, isn't it?" "

According to the normal routine, this will definitely be soft.

Honestly whitewashed and humiliated.

But alas....

"There is no dissatisfaction, but speaking of which, I feel very disappointed that I was not made the team leader." An Li seemed to think for a moment, opened his mouth faintly, and looked at Liu Jiacheng: "After all, if I am eliminated by others, I can still understand, but being eliminated by such a garbage as you, saying that I am not disappointed, it is absolutely fake." "


There was silence!

The expressions on everyone's faces froze in an instant, and when they looked at An Li, it was as if they were looking at some monster, and they never expected that An Li would dare to say such a thing.

Is this kid crazy?

"Mu Le, do you know what you're talking about?" Zhou Hao roared for the first time, An Li was assigned to his group, even if it was his team member, he originally didn't look favorably at An Li, but now he never expected that An Li dared to say such a thing, he himself died even if he died, this is obviously to pull himself to die together!

"Don't hurry up and apologize to Team Leader Liu!"

"It is impossible to apologize, after all, I am telling the truth, and it is impossible to apologize with a conscience in this life." An Li shook his head, not giving Zhou Hao half a face at all, and even brought a little smile.

"What a big dog guts!"

"This kid is crazy, crazy!"

"Contrary to the sky, are the newcomers now so powerful, openly rebelling against their superiors?"

"Good boy, go back and pack up and get out!"

Everyone present reacted one after another, and immediately cursed angrily, originally thinking that they wanted to watch the singing well, but they did not expect such a change, and naturally denounced for a while.

And the newly appointed team leader Liu Jiacheng was also gloomy at this time, staring at An Li deadly:

"You just now... Say what?

"I said, you, trash!" Facing this gaze, An Li did not have any timidity at all, and opened his mouth word by word to ensure that everyone could hear his words clearly, after speaking, An Li even glanced at everyone present, and continued to add:

"No, I mean, everyone here is rubbish!"

At this moment, everyone completely fried the pan:

"Put your mouth clean for me!"

"It's the other way around, if you want to get out, get out, we don't welcome you in Taijiang!"

"A newcomer dares to talk like that, boy, I'm telling you, you're finished!"

"Bang ——!"

At this moment, a loud noise came, and everyone looked back, and saw that the manager had already slapped the table, glanced at An Li impatiently, and then said coldly:

"Mu Le, you were fired, you can leave now."

"The manager is not qualified to fire employees, only the right to make relevant suggestions, so I am curious, why do you let me go now?" For the manager's words, An Li did not have any fear, but the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and his eyes looked at the manager with burning eyes:

"Just because you led the domestic region for most of the year but did not achieve anything, and even the market development ability could not even sell a pirated toy?"

"Or is it that with your half-year sales performance is even only six million?"

"As a garbage, can you fire people?"

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