"Those who were absent without excuse yesterday will all be treated as absenteeism, and according to the provisions of the employee handbook, absenteeism for three days will be regarded as self-departure."

The first message, there is nothing special.

In the face of everyone's resistance, Zhou Kaixuan showed extreme toughness, did not compromise at all, and even moved out the contract signed at the beginning, looking like he wanted to fire the owner of the company.

But such a circular now lacks deterrence.

After all, people always have a herd mentality, at least An Li found out when he went to work the next day, although some did not come to work yesterday, but not much, calculated, compared to the full state of Taijiang, today's Taijiang still has more than 50% of employees absent.

Obviously, in everyone's opinion, such a large-scale departure, as long as the company is not brain pumping, absolutely dare not do anything.

In the end, the company will still relent.

Even a few suspended vice presidents directly encouraged the company's employees not to go to work, encouraged employees to fight with the company to the end, and even several vice presidents visited Wang Dao, who was also suspended, but unexpectedly, they did not see Wang Dao, which was a rub of ash.

But in this case, they stand on the commanding heights.

Some people waved the flag and shouted, and some people unveiled the uprising, which looked like they were fighting against capital.

But these momentum, in the face of Zhou Kaixuan's second statement, the momentum of the direct rebels has weakened a lot.

"Successive vice presidents enter the half-month assessment period, and the task is completed during the assessment period, and they can be directly promoted to the boss!"

"At the same time, the company began to expand the recruitment of relevant technical personnel in large quantities, and the salary and treatment were comprehensively raised."

"Finally, the company has set up a comprehensive new assessment system to rate every employee, and after the rating is completed, they can be promoted based on seniority, which can not only make the position higher and higher, but also get a higher salary."

Three initiatives, released on the same day.

And the moment of release is, of course, a great blessing for the original employees of the company.

After all, these three initiatives are basically what the company needs the most at the moment.

First of all, the opportunity for promotion!

Secondly, there is the opportunity to make money!

And finally, there is a fairer career opportunity!

These three points, basically relying on these three major initiatives, made many employees who had already been shaken excited for the first time.

What does an employee come to work for?

Unconditional risk society, unconditional risk company, shine in the company, grow in the company, struggle in the company for a lifetime, squeeze out all the value?

Think too much!

How can there be such a person these days?

To put it bluntly, who does not come to work for money, power, and self-realization?

And these three policies simply completely expose the biggest drawbacks of Taijiang before, so that all employees can have a spirit of endeavor in the company.

It seems that many companies have policies that are nothing special about this policy.

But in fact, look at what was Taijiang before?

There are also individual assessments, but the assessment is mainly the responsibility of the department head, which can increase the bonus for each month and the bonus for the middle of the year at the end of the year. This creates a problem for the company, where everyone revolves around the supervisor and the sycophants can better get promoted and raised.

You won't slap?

That's sorry, Taijiang is not for you.

Moreover, in the past, Taijiang, even after the acquisition of An Li, after investing a lot of money, the first batch of old people who started with Wang Dao basically became the company's super bosses, they have no connections to others, owners have rights that others do not have, and at the same time, they also control all the promotion channels of the company.

Similar to An Li, he applied for the position of team leader, but he was replaced by a small salesman.

This situation is not unique.

The most in Taijiang are always related households, as long as there are connections, even if it is a primary school diploma, even if it is not graduating from primary school, it can be a big job.

What to say?

With their relatives and relationships, they are the elders of the company, the pioneers of Taijiang, and an important cornerstone of Taijiang's success!

This group of people, even An Que did not move.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but because of the agreement with Wang Dao, he doesn't interfere with the company's management, so he hasn't moved these people.

Even when An Li found a problem and wanted to move, he always wanted to use some gentle method to solve it.

But look what did Zhou Kaixuan do?

As soon as she came on the stage, she directly moved the most energetic group of people in Taijiang, and she didn't even have any feelings to talk about, and she didn't even bother to meet with these people.

Doing so naturally made many people applaud.

But more people are deeply dissatisfied.

This is too cold-blooded.

Completely ignoring the old feelings, completely ignoring everyone's previous positions, and even in order to stabilize the company, directly let his henchmen take important positions, this is clearly to separate everyone!

A few elders killed the company at the first time, and some even bought a kitchen knife and planned to fight with Zhou Kaixuan.

But alas....

Zhou Kaixuan is not there!

After promulgating this series of policies, Zhou Kaixuan returned to Xiangjiang as soon as possible, without any intention of communicating with these people, so that a group of people who sharpened their knives punched the cotton.

On the third day, the company's attendance rate reached 80%.

Obviously, the promulgation of the policy has forced many people to calm down, but there are also many people who are still willing to stand behind those elders, some for friendship, but most of them are in order to find better opportunities and go to a higher springboard.

They are still holding on.

But on the third day, when Zhou Kaixuan returned from Xiangjiang, he directly made 20% of the employees who did not come dumbfounded.

All self-leaving, resignation procedures completed on the spot!

Moreover, after these people were handled and left, three buses from Xiangjiang drove to the company floor, and a batch of new faces appeared, basically all of them were college students, and everyone inquired to understand that these people were all interns pulled from Xiangjiang University of Science and Technology.

Taijiang, signed an internship unit with the University of Science and Technology!

The appearance of these new forces immediately made everyone panic in their hearts.

These people are low-paid, highly educated, and although they don't have much experience, they have expertise that many of them do not have, and they have a future that they cannot reach.

These people arrived at the company and were immediately assigned to different jobs according to their respective majors and hobbies.

They are about to embark on a three-month internship.

After three months, if they do a good job, they will be able to obtain the official employee qualification of Taijiang.

For a while, many people calmed down.

What year is it?

Global economic crisis!

All the big companies, even the world's top 500, are trying to deduct the wages of their employees, and they are trying to lay off employees, but now they want to give up this job?

For a time, countless grassroots high-level officials panicked.

They see the possibility that they can be replaced at any time.

Such an idea appeared, and many people became more and more at risk, but the previous crisis was whether Zhou Kaixuan would suddenly use a knife on himself, and whether the company would suddenly go bankrupt.

But now they are at risk, will the company not want itself?

For this move, Zhou Kaixuan actually gave An Li an explanation, there is only one sentence:

"The sense of crisis is always the best catalyst in this world, and the more serious the company, the greater the sense of crisis!"

This is Zhou Kaixuan's means.

Increase everyone's sense of crisis!

But do you think that Zhou Kaixuan is such a means?


Her attack on the top has just begun!

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