Next, the driver began to stage his acting skills.

Driving the car out of the airport, at first the driver still drove according to the route, but halfway through, the driver suddenly changed the route, An Li naturally saw that the driver had a ghost, and at this time pretended to be puzzled and asked:

"We seem to have gone wrong, we should have turned right at that intersection just now."

"You... Haven't you been here? The driver asked in surprise.

"Naw!" But seeing An Li shaking his mobile phone, he smiled and said: "Although I haven't been here, my phone has still been used, and your Google Maps is still quite good."

"Ah, that's how it is."

The driver nodded, secretly relieved, and then casually said nonsense: "It's like this, the car is almost gone, I plan to go to refuel, I just know that there is a gas station over there, rest assured, it won't delay you much, and this time the fare, I'll be cheaper for you."

In his opinion, he explained it this way, and promised that the travel fee would be cheaper, and normal people would basically agree.

However, just in case, the driver still showed his muscles nonchalantly, and added:

"My Xia Guo friend, what do you think?"

I don't know if it's scared or how, An Li glanced at the man, and finally nodded and agreed: "It's okay to take a detour, but I'm still in a hurry, I hope you can deal with things as soon as possible, I'll come this time." It's to meet someone very important, so I hope you don't delay me too long.

"Of course not, my friend, I will do it as soon as possible!"

The driver nodded again and again and agreed casually, but silently added in his heart:

"As long as you cooperate with me to give me the ransom, naturally it will not delay your time."

That's right, what the driver has to do is kidnap!

In fact, this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing.

In the past, he was an ordinary taxi driver, but secretly, he was a vicious kidnapper, and his job every day was to wait at the airport for the fat sheep to be hooked, as long as it was a foreigner, left alone, and got into his car, he would quickly screen whether it was suitable for prey.

This screening, of course, is the previous small talk, such as the purpose, intention, and whether it is the first time.

Through these, he screened out qualified people, he would notify his companions, and implement actions together, so far, he has succeeded in similar methods seven times, and even a neon schoolgirl last time, even let him have a good refreshment.

In fact, An Que is not his preferred object.

After all, although An Li is a person, but after all, he is a young man with a strong personality, but during the chat, the driver found that the young man's clothes were too good, all handmade customized clothing, top watches, and even the suitcase pulled casually, all Hermes.

This says only one thing.

This Xia Guo, very, very rich!

In this case, he naturally determined the target, and now what he had to do was to kidnap An Li.

"This kid may be able to extort millions of meters of knives!"

The more the driver thought about it, the more excited he became, and the smile on his whole face was brilliant, but what the driver didn't notice at this time was that behind him, An Li, who was sitting in the back row, also outlined a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Who is a fat sheep?

Not necessarily.


Finally, after about ten minutes, the car finally arrived at an extremely remote gas station after seven turns and turns, the lights were a little dim, and there were not many pedestrians around.

The driver is indeed professional, and until now he still intends to eliminate An Li's concerns, and when driving into the gas station, he even has kung fu to comfort An Li:

"My Xia Guo friend, we have arrived, please wait, we will get it soon."

In this regard, An Li smiled and nodded, still sitting calmly in the car.

In the end, the car stopped next to the machine at the gas station, the man pretended to be flat, pulled out the key and jumped out of the car, and when he left, he smiled gently at An Li, if it weren't for hearing his words before, An Li would even suspect that the other party was really a good person.

And the driver, seeing An Li still sitting stupidly in the car, immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Squeeze your keys and walk briskly towards the convenience store at the gas station.

Even, the man walked to the monitor of the convenience store and shook around, but secretly, he had already taken out his mobile phone and sent out the text message that had been prepared earlier.

The text message is simple with just one simple word:


After doing everything, the driver turned around and waved at An Li in the car, as if telling him to wait for himself not to worry, after doing this, the driver began to grind around the convenience store, buy some water, buy some snacks, and even the driver lit a cigarette and smoked slowly in the smoking area.

It took almost ten minutes for the driver to frown.

What's going on?

Have you forgotten to reply to your own message?

The driver frowned a little, after all, he is responsible for fishing, of course, he can't do it, he is only responsible for bringing people over, and then his companions will pull people away, and when he goes back, he can pretend to be a guest escape.

As for the kidnapped person to call the police when the time comes, not to mention whether these newcomers will call the police, even if it is really a police call, the surveillance video of the convenience store can explain their innocence.

Such a method has always been invincible.

But this time, it seems a little strange.

According to the agreement, once the companion succeeds, he will immediately send a message to himself, but what is going on now?


Or is something wrong?

Shaking his head, the driver felt that the former was more likely, after all, although An Que seemed to be a very healthy person, no matter how healthy he was, it was impossible to even get his three companions, right?

Yellow-skinned monkeys, their bodies are always very weak.

Thinking of this, the driver couldn't help but lean in front of the window and look out, which made the driver frown even more.

What's going on?

His own taxi was still parked in place, and according to the plan, the van driven by his companion was also parked in front of his taxi at this time. According to the plan, the van will rush to its taxi as soon as it sends a signal for action, and then open the door rudely, pull the people inside into the van, and then quickly leave.

But now, the van has not left, and his companions, at this time, do not have the slightest shadow.

This...... What the hell is going on?

The driver's heart sank, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried, and a bad premonition had emerged at this time.

Taking out his cell phone, the driver began to call his companion.

The phone rang for a while, and it was quickly answered, and the driver immediately cursed angrily and said:

"Tiger, you idiot, why hasn't it been okay for so long?"

But on the other end of the phone, the rough voice of his imagined companion did not appear, on the contrary, an extremely cold voice came from An Li:

"Mr. Driver, can't we leave yet?"


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