While the driver was being arrested by the police, An Li had turned off his computer and walked out of the café next to Stanford.

"What a free country."

An Li shook his head and muttered.

To be reasonable, he always knew that the United States was very chaotic at night, but he did not expect that he could be chaotic to this extent, just take a taxi from the airport, and even encounter this kind of thing, which is actually a little unimaginable for the Chinese people.

Shaking his head and putting away his thoughts.

For him, this is just a trivial matter, with his ability, he has thousands of ways to break the game, and today he uses only the simplest and most straightforward.

In the hands of the American police, they should have received some evidence sent by themselves, enough for the drivers to be punished as they deserve, and An Li naturally will not waste too much time on this matter.

Next, it's time to go to Yu Lan.

However, An Li did not enter the Stanford school gate, because he just found out that Yu Lan was not at school tonight, but went to a bar not far from Stanford, so An Li directly changed his destination.

Fortunately, the bar is not far away, even if it is only a ten minute walk to see the bar.

From a distance, you can see many young men and women gathered at the door of the bar, obviously most of them are Stanford students, after a day of study, choose to come to the bar to have a glass of wine to relax, it seems to be a good choice.

An oak blends into the crowd and goes straight to the bar.

Inside the bar, young men and women are partying, heavy metal music seems to want to awaken everyone's young cells, but unlike the common small bars in the United States, although they are still young and restless, but very common drug addicted youth are obviously rare, I think it should be because it is close to Stanford, basically all are top students.

However, while still wandering around the bar, a figure came up:


The one who spoke was a girl with short oriental hair who was wearing leather clothes and pants and looked out of place in the entire bar, and it seemed that the whole person carried a cold breath, so that no one around her dared to get closer.

"Dong Aohan!"

An Li naturally recognized this person, Blood Rose's gun master, and also one of the people responsible for protecting Yu Lan.

The other party found himself first, which made An Li very satisfied.

As a security guard, you need to be constantly vigilant around you, since it is in a closed environment such as a bar, you naturally need to always pay attention to the characteristics of everyone who comes in, especially Dong Aohan, who is himself a master of thermal weapons, I am afraid that he must observe more carefully.

Even, I am afraid that it is necessary not only to observe everyone who comes in, but also to see if the other party is carrying a weapon and whether it is dangerous, and at the same time to find an angle where you can be killed with one shot.

In such a situation, it is not surprising that the other party found himself.

"Boss, you are here, you should tell us in advance." For An Li's satisfaction, Dong Aohan frowned slightly, obviously a little unhappy.

An Li naturally understood her dissatisfaction.

After all, although he is the boss, suddenly interrupting the plan will itself bother the security guards, not to mention that Dong Aohan is a well-known queen of high coldness among several sisters of Blood Rose, and An Li already feels very good about his attitude to be honest.

At this time, he smiled and said apologetically:

"Sorry sorry, I originally planned to come back in a few days, but I changed my mind and came directly, I hope you can understand."

Your own pot, you should carry it.

This is the truth that An Li has always believed in, it is impossible to be able to casually drink to his employees just because he is the boss and the big boss. People who like to use their power to find confidence in their employees are basically losers.

An Li's attitude finally eased Dong Aohan's attitude a little, and at this time he nodded and did not dwell on this topic, but pointed to a hidden corner behind the bar:

"Miss Yu is there, this is an activity organized by their classmates, I am responsible for security and long-range strikes, and Angela is responsible for close protection."

An Li nodded and followed Dong Aohan's point.

At a glance, I saw the figure.

The demand is gone, compared to when it was in China, Yu Lan at this time has changed a lot.

That blue silk has been cut into clean short hair, but a fairy is a fairy, even so, it still gives people a very eye-catching feeling. However, in addition to the changes, Yu Lan's demeanor was not as confident and jumpy as before, on the contrary, the eyes that should have been full of brilliance had lost their brilliance at this time.

At this time, Ding Nan was holding the wine glass, looking at the wine glass blankly, as if something inside was attracting people's eyes.

Just a glance, An Li's heart hurt slightly.

This girl, who was originally full of confidence and full of strength and fighting spirit, seemed to have become a soulless shell at this time.

You can imagine how hard she is in the United States.

This suffering is not external, but internal.

An Li put away his thoughts, nodded at Dong Aohan, and then walked quickly towards Yu Lan, but before he could walk in front of Yu Lan, An Li's brows wrinkled slightly.

A man dressed in oil head and flour walked in front of Yu Lan with a wine glass at this time.

Beauty, everywhere you go, are beauty.

In such a bar, Yu Lan's appearance, killing everyone present, naturally attracted the attention of many people, but this man seemed to come out on top, and at this time took the initiative to come to Yu Lan and greeted:

"Beautiful lady from the East, do you mind having a drink with me?"

His actions attracted the attention of many people present, but An Li noticed that among these eyes, there were envious, but more mockery, obviously mocking this man's self-sufficiency, finding such a gaze, An Li, who was originally impatient, simply stopped.

He was curious about what Yu Lan would do in the face of the conversation, otherwise these people around would not show such eyes.

Sure enough, I saw the man's voice fall, but he didn't receive any response at all.

Yu Lan still looked at the wine glass in front of him blankly, completely ignoring the courtesy of the man next to him, which made the man a little embarrassed, couldn't help but cough lightly, and said again:

"This beautiful young lady, I..."

"Handsome guy, you want to chase my sister?"

Yu Lan didn't speak, but Angela, who was sitting next to her, had already asked with a smile, this direct question made the man slightly stunned, only to find that Yu Lan was sitting next to a super Western beauty with a figure and appearance of more than ninety points.

That charming look, just a look, made the man's heart tremble.

What kind of fairy appearance is this?

Couldn't help it, the man nodded and showed a gentleman's smile:

"Anyone has the right to pursue beauty, and to two young ladies such a beautiful opposite sex, I think I may be able to bravely try it once."

"Not bad, good, courageous people, always worthy of praise." Angela nodded and praised.

Hearing this, the man's eyes immediately lit up.

There is a play!

But just when this thought just came up, I saw Angela suddenly change her tone:

"However, having courage but no brains proves that you are not worthy of my sister, so..."

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