"Boss, the recharge bug in

the game has now been completely fixed, this time the bug has lasted for twelve hours, and in these twelve hours, plus the treasure chest given by the sand city competition, our recharge players have exceeded 18,000 people, and in just these twelve hours, the recharge amount has reached 13 million!"

"At present, some of the BUG players have been lost this time, and the gap between ordinary players and local tyrant players has gradually widened."

"There is also the combat effectiveness system you said by the boss before, I have already begun to work on it, as long as all skills, props, and equipment are fixed and a point value is calculated, it is not difficult, and it can be invested the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"The number of players lost in the old district is starting to increase, maybe we can start thinking about merging the old district."


to Hou Ze's report on the phone, An Li nodded:

"Okay, the old district can start to prepare, try to ensure that the old district is combined at the same time, and the new area is also at the same time."

"As for the loss of players, this is fine, most of the players who go are non-krypton gold players, as for the players who have charged money, they will not go, after all, we are only private servers, not long to do, there is no need to stare at the number of players, after all, this is not a lifelong career..." Hanging

up the phone, An Li rubbed his eyebrows.

Starting your own business is like this, you have to know everything big and small, and many things have to be done by yourself, I hope Hou Ze has experienced the legend of Haiyan and can become a general in the future, so that it will be much easier in the future.

Moreover, if you have the opportunity, it is better to engage in investment, it is too tiring to do it yourself.


Looking at his balance, An Li finally suppressed the idea.

Now is not ten years ago, there are tens of millions of more than 10 million can almost become the richest man, now the domestic economy has been rapidly taking off, worth more than one million almost every day, worth more than 10 million is definitely a lot, just look at this year's new Hurun rich list, the top 60 are all tens of billions up.

With such a little money, it is okay to invest, but it is definitely not enough to see.

Today's future rich, Da Ma Ge has prepared for the listing of Xiangjiang, and the super richest man from abroad has now attracted the attention of countless people, even if he wants to invest, people can't look at this little shrimp. As for Xiao Ma Ge, not to mention, the valuation of people's assets has exceeded 10 billion, and he has become a super boss of domestic instant messaging, and he can't look at his little shrimp.

Therefore, if you want to be an angel investor, this net worth is definitely not enough.

Of course, it does not mean that An Li cannot take the investment route, after all, although the big horse has nothing to do with him, some of the companies on the subsequent rich list have not yet taken shape, and some are even on the verge of bankruptcy now, but there is no need to worry about this for the time being, try your best to increase your income first.

Put away your thoughts, drive out of the village, and head towards the school.

Last night he did not live in the company, but went back to his hometown overnight, although compared to luxury hotels, the environment at home is naturally not comparable, but as the saying goes, the gold nest and silver nest are not as good as his own kennel, An Li still prefers to live at home, even if there is no one, he can feel at ease.

After all, if you have a car, it's more convenient to do anything.

Look at the time, there is still more than an hour before the evening self-study, and there is no traffic jam on the road, and the road is unimpeded. However, when approaching the outskirts of the city, I saw a figure wearing a Beichen school uniform pushing an old-fashioned "28" bicycle towards the front.

Looking closer, An Li couldn't help but step on the brakes.

This person, no one else, is the school flower who won the first place in Beichen again in the last bottom examination, and Beichen is a super student who deserves it.

Qi Wei!

Looking at her bicycle, it should be a little old, maybe it should be her grandfather's object, the chain of the car has been broken, it is estimated that something happened when riding halfway.

Seeing this, An Li did not say hello, but stepped on the accelerator and left forward.

Although they know each other, they don't know themselves, not to mention the character of a girl like Qi Wei, if they drive a luxury car and open the window to ask the other party if they need help, 90% will be rejected, and there is a 10% possibility that it will cause the other party to backlash.

From An Li's observation, Qi Wei, this girl, has a lot of self-esteem, and a slight carelessness will bring a bad impression.

Of course, An Li did not just turn a blind eye and leave, after all, let a girl like a flower like jade push the old twenty-eight bicycle to the school like this, what kind of friendly and good young man is the new era?

How to get the certificate of three good students in the future?

How to be a praiseworthy entrepreneur of conscience in the future?


No more.

After about ten minutes, An Li drove back again, turned around and followed Qi Wei, rolled down the window and pretended to find the same: "Classmate, do you need help?" "


This sudden voice startled Qi Wei, turned his head to look at An Li, and suddenly his little face turned red, and then he hurriedly shook his head: "No... No...... I can do it myself... Thank...... Thank you..."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of "banging" the car door shut.

Looking sideways, I saw that An Li had stopped the car and closed the door and walked over, not waiting for Qi Wei to speak, he listened to An Li: "It turns out that the hinge is broken, this is a small problem, I'll help you get it right, this is about to go to the evening self-study, when do you get it by pushing the car like this?" Hearing

this, Qi Wei finally did not refuse again.

As a top student, Qi Wei has never missed any class in her high school career, and she has never even been late, and what An Li said happened to hit her heart.

An Li didn't wait for Qi Wei to respond, turned around and walked towards the car, opened the trunk and felt out two small tools:

"In fact, the chain is broken and repaired, but you need to have professional tools, but if you used to have too tight a chain, then there is no way, but look at your car hinge should have been sent, barely repaired should still work, but then it is better to go to the repair shop to change a hinge."

While speaking, An Li had already started to work part-time as a car repairer with a chain beater and a chain quick buckle.

These two gadgets were bought by An Li when she went to the nearest bicycle shop before, but in a different way, so as not to give Qi Wei a feeling of being prepared.

Seeing An Li busy, Qi Wei also stepped forward, to her surprise, An Li's technique was skillful, and she didn't look rusty at all, and couldn't help but ask strangely:

"You... Can fix a bike? "


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