The moment this voice appeared, Yu Lan had already raised her head, her eyes were full of surprise and expectation, and a little unbelievable timidity, her shoulders trembled to show the excitement in her heart at the moment, but she forced herself not to turn around.

It seemed to be scared, when he turned around and found that the person was not him.

He seems to be afraid, if it is really him, how can he meet him?

"In this world, you won't lose me!"

But all the stubbornness, all the timidity, the moment this sentence appeared, completely dissipated, Yu Lan finally turned around and looked at the figure behind him.

Oak aper!

He, here it comes!

Seeing this figure, Yu Lan's eyes also turned red in an instant, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

"I'll take you home."

An Li smiled gently and spoke softly, and at the moment when this voice reached Yu Lan's ears, the tears accumulated in his eyes finally couldn't help but flow at this moment.

But soon, Yu Lan shook her head:

"I... I can't go. "

Coming to the United States, coming to Stanford, Yu Lan had fantasized more than once that An Li came to find herself, but when this scene really appeared in front of her, Yu Lan didn't know how to respond.

She was a little panicked, and even didn't know how to face An Li, and finally said this sentence that she regretted just after she came out.

Fortunately, An Li was not disappointed by her words.

On the contrary, when An Li heard this, she was only distressed, and she didn't say anything more at this time, just walked straight to Qi Wei's side, Angela gave up her position for the first time, An Li smiled at her gratefully, and then sat next to Yu Lan.

I ordered a glass of wine and drank it slowly.

From beginning to end, he didn't say anything, just sat quietly beside Yu Lan, because he understood that Yu Lan had a lot of words hidden in his heart.

The one who should really speak is Yu Lan.

"You... When did it come?

Finally, Yu Lan spoke, but her eyes did not dare to look at An Li more, just staring at her wine glass, but the panic in her eyes was not the same as before, it was obvious that her state of mind had completely become chaotic.

"Just arrived tonight."

"That... When to go?

"Do you want me to go?"

"I..." Yu Lan stammered, a little didn't know how to answer, of course she didn't want An Li to go, or rather, she didn't want An Li to go alone, but in the adult world, what did she think or didn't want, before leaving the country, she had plucked up courage.

But now, how can she muster up the courage again?

"We shouldn't have met... Possible.

"But I think we have to meet." An Li shook his head slightly:

"I have actually always been a very selfish person, whether it is you or Qi Wei, I don't want to miss it, the rest of my life is long, I don't want to let down any of you." I came to you as a selfish act, but I had to look for you.

"Because I'm afraid, I'm afraid that on the way to the future, one day I will regret it."

"I'm afraid, Yu Lan in the future, without me."

Yu Lan in the future, without me....

Yu Lan silently chanted this sentence, and at this moment, she understood An Li's intention.

An Quercus's concerns are numerous.

Her concerns are also quite a few.

In fact, after coming to the United States, she often thought about this question, what kind of person is she?


I'm afraid so.

She also once let herself forget An Que and let time heal this matter, but feelings are like old wine, even if the power of time is stronger, but An Li's shadow is clearer, the more she tries to forget, but she finds it when she turns her head.

Himself, can't forget him.

Can't do it!

An Li is afraid, why is she not afraid?

She is also afraid of losing An Que, who has been in the United States for nearly a year, alone. It may seem like receiving a state-of-the-art education at one of the best institutions of higher learning in the world, enjoying a life that ordinary people cannot achieve in a lifetime, but in fact.

She was like a walking corpse.

Without An Que, she is a lifeless flower, blooming alone, withering alone, and one day afterward, she will disappear alone.

And now, An Que is here.

The question that had plagued her for a long time seemed to have a new answer at this moment.

"Let's be together!"

Finally, after a long silence, Yu Lan suddenly raised her head to look at An Li, and her eyes once again bloomed with their former brilliance, just like the night before parting, her gaze was a little hot, no dodge, no timidity.

Human life is short.

Instead of living your life like a walking corpse, why not make yourself happy and pursue what you really love?

And to this Yu Lan's sudden words like an oath, An Li also smiled:

"Okay, together!"


Early the next morning, in the hotel room, An Li woke up from sleep, and the beautiful people around her were still asleep.

That night, they did nothing.

That night, they talked a lot.

It is like two lonely hearts coming together to huddle together for warmth, there is no lust, no physical comfort, but simply a spiritual fusion.

It seemed that because of An Li's gaze, Yu Lan opened her eyes slightly.

However, when he saw that An Li was still by his side, Yu Lan closed his eyes again and muttered, "It's so good, it's not a dream."

"Even if it's a dream, it's a lifelong dream."

An Li smiled slightly, gently kissed Yu Lan's forehead, and then got up and started making breakfast in the kitchen. Of course, the hotel serves three meals a day, but An Li has a rare whim to create a breakfast by hand, which is not that complicated, just a simple bowl of egg noodles.

Before the noodles were cooked, the aroma had already hooked Yu Lan up from the bed, leaning on the cabinet in the hotel kitchen, looking at An Li who was seriously cooking noodles, and his eyes were a little foolish for a while.

Such a picture only appears in dreams.

But now, it is so real in front of my eyes.

To be honest, this feeling, really good.

After eating, the two talked about returning to China, and although Yu Lan also couldn't wait to go back, she finally said that she needed to wait a little longer.

"Although I was forced by my father to study, since I came, I have to improve, next month's exam, when I pass, let's go back together, okay?"

For such a request, An Li naturally could not refuse:

"Of course it's no problem, think about it, it seems that it is not bad to have a wife who graduated from Stanford."

The two words of wife entered Yu Lan's ears, making Yu Lan's ears red, but did not refute anything.

If it really was a dream, she wished she never woke up.


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