
"Send me?"

G fat looked dazed, some did not understand what An Li meant, reasonable, not only An Li said what he did not understand, even An Li's identity he has not yet made a fuss, just received a call from the front desk, saying that someone wants to help him fulfill his long-cherished wish for many years.

To be honest, at first, G wanted to scold people directly, but then he thought about it and wanted to see who was talking nonsense, so he invited An Li in.

But I didn't expect that the first time he came in, An Li actually said this.

Still serendipity?

What is the chance?

Can't help it, G Chuan's face gradually became impatient:

"This gentleman, I don't understand what you mean by this, but I probably understand your purpose, I do have money, but it's not just that anyone can cheat my money away, if you have such a mind, then I advise you to leave early."

Although this is not at all polite.

It was almost clear that An Li was a liar, and he didn't even have the mind to chat with him more.

"I think Mr. Gabe may have misunderstood." An Li was not angry, but just smiled faintly: "I didn't come this time for Mr. Gabe's money, in fact, no matter how rich you are, you can't have more money than me, on the contrary, I came this time to send money to Mr. Gabe." "

Oh?" G Fat narrowed his eyes and glanced at An Li again.

Only then did I find that this Xia Guo's life is handsome, and more importantly, his temperament is not very comparable, calm, calm, natural, it seems that even if the end of the world is coming now, it will not cause too much emotional fluctuations in men.

This discovery made G fat instantly make a judgment.

This young man, not simple!

This is definitely not an illusion, as a former subordinate of Bill Gates, and even a figure who has communicated face-to-face with Bill Gates many times, G Fat is now a well-informed person although he has not yet appeared on the list of the all-rice richest people. And An Que's momentum is definitely not what ordinary people have.

"You send me money?"

"You mean, you want to invest in my company?"

Instantly, when it was determined that An Li was not a liar, G Fat immediately made a guess.

Moreover, guessing eight or nine is not far from ten.

"No, I said, I came to give you a chance, and investment is obviously not a chance for you." An Li smiled.

G fat breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not for investment, then it's good, save yourself a waste of saliva.

But as soon as his heart fell back into his stomach, he saw An Li suddenly smile: "I came to buy your company." In

an instant, G fat stumbled.

What the heck?

Not to invest, but directly to acquire?

Is this Nima different?

"This gentleman from Xia Guo, I don't know why you took a fancy to my company, I am also grateful for it, but I don't know who gave you the illusion, I will sell my company, you may not be too clear, I didn't even accept investment before, you even want to buy my company?"

G Fat couldn't help but narrow his eyes, the corners of his mouth hooked a smile, and said a little mockingly.


It's so arrogant!

Originally, I still felt that the young man in front of me was not simple, but now Fatty found that this young man was simply a megalomaniac.

Did he think that as long as he bought a company, people would gladly agree?

"Mr. Gabe, don't be busy refusing."

An Li smiled mysteriously and winked at G Fat: "What if I say, after I acquire your company, your company will become the most legendary game company in the world, and your name Gabe Newell will also resound throughout the sky and become a well-known figure to everyone?" These

words, like a demon who is hooking people and selling souls, made G fat, who had no intention of wasting saliva anymore, frown instantly.

Because what An Li said was indeed his biggest goal.

Even, the goal of Bi Shen.

Life in the world, always have to pursue, and G fat also has his own pursuit, he once worked at Microsoft, and then politely refused Bill Gates' retention, resolutely chose to start his own business, founded today's Villefort Company, all this is actually one.

Prove yourself!

Prove yourself in front of everyone in the world, and use what interests you the most to become a figure that the world will watch and praise.

However, An Li said what he was thinking, although it was surprising, but G fat who is also a little stunned at this time, and instantly his expression returned to normal, squinting his eyes and saying:

"To be honest, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Buying my company will make me famous?"

Speaking of this, the corners of G's fat mouth have outlined a smile, but this smile, as if he can speak, is saying:

"Are you teasing me?"

But in the face of G Fat's ridicule, An Li still maintained his confidence:

"It's actually not difficult to understand."

"Jobs sold only one share of Apple when he left Apple, but when Jobs became a person to be remembered by history, he was still at Apple. Churchill became one of the most important leaders of the 20th century, but he was only prime minister. Columbus discovered the New World and also received royal patronage.

"When I was a child, I used to read a saying in my school textbook that the fewer concerns you have in front of you, the closer you are to success."

"And your Villefort, three years ago, did come to the point of surprising everyone. But look at what you are doing now, as the president of Villefort, and the boss, you have to think more and more, you want to maintain profits, you want to make the company what you imagine, and at the same time you want to be the object of a generation's wow.

"With such a complex identity, can you really maintain your original intention?"


An Li's remarks are utter sophistry.

An Li knew that G Fat also knew, but even if he knew that he was sophistry, G Fat was a little unable to refute it, because what An Li said was all the truth.

In fact, in recent years, G fat has felt something.

Villefort was able to achieve success at a very fast speed and hide from attention, because Villefort maintained his original intention at the beginning of its establishment, without the pressure of publishers, without the urging of the gold lord's father, he was able to sink his mind to create his own games, which led to a series of classic masterpieces that became popular.

But in recent years, as Villefort's size has become larger and higher, many times Villefort even feels inadequate, many decisions, and sometimes even against their hearts.

A simple example.

He needs to make a profit, and he needs a lot of profit to maintain the company's normal personnel expenses, which means that the original intention to keep the original intention to make games has gradually faded, and he even needs to speed up the pace of making games in order to cater to the market.

This was unimaginable at the beginning of Villefort's founding.

Although these are little known to the outside world, and G Fat himself has never told outsiders about his anxiety.

But now, An Li appeared here, as if he could peek into people's hearts, and he could see through everything at a glance.

Is this man the devil?

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