An Li's words, in fact, G fat is a word that he does not want to believe.

After all, the current G Fat, said to be a game producer, is more like a professional businessman, he is very clear about the business routines, and he knows even more clearly that An Li said that all this is to make his inner defense flawed, is to make himself agree to his demagoguery and accept his conditions.


There are some things, even if you know it, but you are powerless to change.

Because at this time, G Fat understood that An Li's words were a blade that pierced the truth, a treasure knife that split his fig leaf.

He was moved.

Especially when An Li said that beyond the R star, G Fat even found the blood to find the place where the company was founded.

As an acquirer, you undertake not to interfere in the company's decision-making.

That's exciting enough.

This means that G fat can quickly exchange all the shares in his hand for real money, and in the same way, he will have no worries, do not need to think about anything financial, work hard to complete the ideas in his heart, and work hard to achieve his childhood dreams.

"I refuse!"

Finally, G Fat still made a decision and rejected An Que again.

It sounds good, but in fact, when it is really acquired, God knows what will happen, not to mention the past, let's say now, how many unloading mills kill donkeys, before Jobs is the best example, the company founded by his own hands, but was cruelly kicked out by capital, if not later killed back, there would not be so many stories behind.

Put your life's work, all your dreams, on a stranger who has just met once?

If you have a little brain, you won't do this.

And for these, An Li naturally understood it, so when G Fat rejected himself again, An Li was not angry, but smiled:

"I remember, your survival road is planned to start online next month, right?"

G Fat was stunned, not understanding why An Li suddenly asked about this, but still nodded: "Yes, Xbox and our steam store are launched simultaneously."

"It just so happens that a game company I am investing in now has recently released a new game that will be officially launched tomorrow, maybe you can see what kind of answer sheet the company I stocked up can finally deliver." An Li smiled, got up and took out his business card.

"I had a great time talking today."

After saying that, An Li turned around and left, without stopping for half a minute.

This move to leave directly once again made G fat a little confused, according to his ideas, generally speaking, the capital side has already said to this extent, it should be to take advantage of the victory and pursue, why did he leave directly at this time?

To be reasonable, G fat is still self-aware.

Although he concealed it well, he understood that the young man from the Xia Kingdom in front of him must have seen that his psychological defense had been breached.

This is a good time to continue lobbying.

But just give up?

Is it self-confidence?

Or did you really give up?

At this time, G Fat naturally did not know that Xia Guo was one of the thirty-six plans that were famous.

Allusions to lust.

Unable to help it, G Fat gritted his teeth and walked out of the office, but when he came back a moment later, he couldn't help but pick up the business card that An Li put on the table.

I have to admit that An Li's words have planted seeds in his heart.

Until he returned to the office, G Fat still couldn't calm down, looked at the business card in his hand, this business card is full of design, on it is written An Que two big characters, in addition, there is only one phone number and email address.

It's simple, neat, but quirky business card.

Can't help it, G Fat opened the Google search, because An Li's name is Chinese, and G Fat also spent a lot of effort to finally knock these two men on the Google search interface.

Click, search....

In an instant, a series of information about An Oak appeared overwhelmingly.

"The strongest philanthropist in the universe, donating more than 10 billion!"

The first message made G fat almost jump in fright, no wonder the name An Que seemed a little familiar before, but I didn't expect that he was the super philanthropist who shocked the world!

After all, it's a lot of fun.

Not only in Xia Guo, but also in the entire world, it caused an uproar, and even many people took out the news of Anque's donation to ask Bill Gates and Buffett how they felt, and at that time G fat also gloated for a while for this matter.

Unexpectedly, this great god actually set his eyes on himself.

Looking down again, the description behind is more shocking than the other:

"The only genius in the medical community, at the age of only eighteen, completed the world's first multi-organ extracorporeal resection, and wrote a paper, which caused many shocks in the global medical community."

"Independently complete the core technology of 4G network and vigorously promote it in Xia Guo."

"It is suspected that a lithography machine is being developed, and at present, Xia Guo lithography machine technology has made a major breakthrough!"

These three pieces of information directly put G Fat Lei's diplomacy tender.

What kind of immortal is this?

Not only did the donation amount break through the sky, but he himself has made great contributions in the fields of medicine and science, is this Nima really a person?

Compared with these, the following news is relatively dull:

"Mule Games, Mule Investment, and the CEO of Huanju Times Company."

"Xia Guo's unprecedented national college entrance examination full score."

"One of the Facebook shareholders."

"..." The

dazzling information directly made G Fat shake his eyes, and among the dazzling colleagues, G Fat was still a little envious.

If I have such a big card, I will have no regrets in this life.

Soon, G Fat noticed that the company of Mule Games, he still remembers now, before An Li left, he said that a company he invested in was about to have a new game online, which naturally made him pay special attention.

As a result, this look really allowed him to find a clue.

The wood game currently only has one dungeon and warrior in operation, and in addition, there is another game that is warming up, and the name seems to be League of Legends.

Determining these, G Fat once again knocked League of Legends on Google Search.

This search suddenly made a new discovery.

This game turned out to be created by a game company called Riot Company in the United States, and when Xia Guo was not officially launched in China, it was ready to go online in the United States at this time, and tomorrow is the time to go online.

These may seem like nothing, but what is really outrageous is that the expectation and popularity of League of Legends on the game website even exceeded many triple-A masterpieces at one point!

The sense of anticipation is directly full!

After that, G Fat searched for the little-known small game company of Riot Company, but the result was not searched, and after searching, he found that this company had already been wholly acquired by Mule Investment, the capital of Xia Guo, and there was even an interview on this matter.

It is clearly written in the interview that although the company was acquired by Xia Guo's Mule Investment, all other aspects of the company except finance are chosen by the founders themselves, and the game is built by themselves!

This made G fat's eyes gradually light up.

At the same time, there are also expectations for League of Legends.

This game....

Is it fun?

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