What the heck?

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, they are a little uncertain.

Because under the order of G, this meeting, which was supposed to be just to study the opponent, suddenly became an Internet café five consecutive sitting....

In front of everyone, there is a computer, and League of Legends has been installed inside.

At this time, Hurry has already taken the lead in operating the computer:

"What kind of magic this game has, you will know later."

This made everyone puzzled again.

What magic?

Is the magic of MOBA games?

Shaking his head, although he was puzzled, since the boss spoke, they did so, registered an account one by one according to the game reminder, created an ID, and then entered the game.

Enter the interface of the game, very crisp and neat.

The screen layout can be seen to be careful, there are no miscellaneous functional options, giving people a particularly clean and comfortable feeling, a department head in charge of Steam product optimization, at this time couldn't help but sigh:

"I have to say, just this interface, it is very good, worth our Steam learning."

Steam launched the friend function not long ago, mainly to strengthen the interaction between players, and at the same time through the achievements of each game, attract competition and ranking between players, but after all, it is the first time to do this, to be honest, the current STAM friend interface and the entire game interface are not too good.

Everyone ignored it and quickly started the game.

Looking at the dazzling character selection interface, although there are not too many heroes, there are only thirty-two in total, and because they are all new numbers, they can only use the week-free heroes provided for free by the original system, but even such a few heroes still make many people difficult.

When a hero who was hastily selected to enter the game and wait to load, everyone talked about it:

"The biggest problem with MOBA games is that there are too many heroes and people are dazzled."

"This has made me impatient, MOBA games themselves are tactical operation games, the difficulty is too high, I have tried DOTA before, but the difficulty of the operation is too high, so I can't play it, this is a common problem of MOBA games."

"And the equipment system, I can't understand what equipment."

"One thing to say, although I haven't entered the game yet, and it's certainly not a small difficulty, this loading interface is good, and each hero's standing drawing has its own characteristics, all of which are very beautiful."

"Ice shooter, king of barbarians, these heroes are still very different."


In the midst of everyone's discussion, the game finally entered after a period of loading.

As soon as they entered, everyone saw the recommended equipment in the game.

Any fool can understand what it is.

Looking at the desktop of the colleague's computer next to him, everyone found that these recommended equipment were different, obviously using a unique hero algorithm, giving the most reasonable equipment recommendation that the system considered reasonable, such a recommendation, so that everyone couldn't help but nod.

"My biggest headache in MOBA games is to get out of equipment, I can't understand each hero and equipment at all, it's quite good to give such recommended equipment at this time."

"That's right, and it is recommended to have beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, and it seems that there are also transitional equipment in the early stage."

"Although the recommended equipment saves some things, but I have played DOTA before, the most difficult thing in this game is not only the choice of outfit, in fact, the game operation, and the eating line is the most difficult, I once played DOTA, that is called a difficulty, I face a powerful player, even the army line can not eat."

"Yes, that's my concern too."

Although many people are new to this type of game, through the guidance of the game, they probably know that it is a victory to push the opposite crystal all the way.

"This game has wild monsters, and it seems to offer a variety of ways to play."

"The mall can only be purchased when you go home."

"There is a key to go back to the city, you can go back at any time."

"At first glance, the map seems to be somewhat similar to DOTA, both in the mountains and down the mountain, but the details have been greatly changed, and the grass can be invisible."


Waiting for the troop stage, everyone discussed with each other, and some people carefully looked at their various game skills introduction, after all, they are making games, and these vital things naturally need to be understood enough.

At this look, everyone couldn't help but be surprised:

"My hero is too strong, can slow down, can see the field of vision, and the big move can also stun people!"

"I'm even more powerful, and the big move opens to avoid death for five seconds!"

"You guys don't have a problem, I'm a terrifying guy called Galen, silence, shields, damage, and a skill that kills players with low HP!"

"So, the skills are actually fairly balanced."

"Not bad, and the introduction of skills is easy to understand."

Soon, the line of troops appeared, and everyone discovered a new question:

"I can't fight my own minions, what about you?"

"Neither can I!"

"That is to say, the biggest difference with DOTA is that we don't have to worry that we can't even eat our technical dishes, and even if we can't get the minions, at least we can increase the experience for upgrades!"

"That's right, in this way, the overall difficulty seems to be a little lower than DOTA."

"Well, here's someone, don't talk, finish this game well!"

For the next twenty minutes, the room was filled with tension, and from time to time someone could be heard shouting:

"Kars, hurry up, come quickly, help kill this guy!"

"Don't run, let's hide in the grass and wait for the people on the other side to come over, surprise!"

"Hahahaha, human head, I got the human head!"

"This hero is simply too strong!"

"Oops, help, Oops, I'm dead."


, twenty minutes later, the game was over, and several people couldn't help but feel a little depressed when they saw the crystal in front of them explode like this:

"Ben, this idiot, everyone is on our high ground, what are you still running out for?"

"You're an idiot, can't you steal Mama, you were destroyed by others in your own home, and you still have the face to blame me?"

"It's a really interesting game."


everyone said one by one, even a little unfulfilled.

Give me another chance, I can blast the opposite side!

This idea appeared in the hearts of everyone, although it was not happy to lose the game, but everyone couldn't help but raise expectations, especially a few employees who had never played MOBA games, and their eyes lit up at this time, because they found a problem.

MOBA games are not necessarily difficult games.

Even if they are new to the game, they can actually become proficient in this game very quickly!

And when everyone was full of excitement and wanted to have another round, they did not find that their boss, G Fat, had quietly left the conference room at this time, and did not disturb his group of subordinates.

He had faith in the game because he understood that it was not just for DOTA players.

It's ordinary mass players!

Whether you have played this game or not, you will be attracted by this game, the low difficulty of the operation requirements, but the extremely high tactical cooperation online, let him keenly perceive.

This game is bound to become a hit.

Thinking of An Li's calm expression in his office before, and then thinking about what An Li said before, G Fat understood.

Myself, the heart moved.

Took out his mobile phone, clicked on the address book, found the phone number that had been written down in the address book by himself, hesitated for a moment or dialed:

"Sir, we... Maybe it could be revisited. "

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