How valuable is Villefort, G fat himself knows in his heart, although Villefort's game development has been improving in recent years, and the reputation in the outside world has been good, but in fact, even if it is valuable and has a reputation, the market valuation is not high.

To put it bluntly, profitability is still blocked.

Although the reputation is good, games such as Half-Life do make a lot of money, but the game itself belongs to the buyout system, and the money that can be earned is actually not much, especially now that pirated games are rampant, which directly affects the income of game companies.

Without enough profit, after all, it is just a castle in the air, even if a game is sold again, but unless it becomes a popular super masterpiece, the income will not be too outrageous.

Billion and buy 60% of the shares.

In fact, it's sky-high!

Maybe honestly valued, Villefort may also be worth 1 billion, but you know, there is a premise here, Villefort does not plan to go public, that is, this valuation does not have much meaning, can not be profitable, valuation can never be cashed out.

According to the original idea of G Fat, although the asking price is 100 million meters of knife, 5% of the sky-high price, but in fact, G fat has an estimated price in his heart, 100 million meter knife 10% of the shares.

This is acceptable to G Fat.

Although this price is still slightly higher, in the eyes of G Fat, this is the bottom line, and if An Li does not agree, he will definitely not talk about it again.

But he never expected that with such a sky-high price, An Li would really agree!

Once the transaction is completed, G fat will be able to cash out immediately, ten billion meter knife, in the eyes of the capital of the entire United States may not be nothing, but this ten billion meter knife placed on his own person, that is a huge amount of money, enough for him to live a life without worry.

Plain to understand.

In this life, he doesn't have to worry about money.

However, although the heart is excited, but G fat who is also a man, that is the man who was shouted by steam users in the later life and deceived countless gamers' wallets, at this time, seeing that An Li actually offered such a high price, the first time the careful thinking in his heart became active:

"Billion you want so many shares of me, and there is 90% of the steam platform, in this case, I'm afraid it's a little..."

Or do you want more things?

An Li naturally saw G Fat's thoughts, and looked at G Fat with a smile at this time: "Mr. Mark, I think you should understand that I don't like to bargain, this price is the bottom line in my heart, if you agree, we can sign cooperation immediately."


G fat was a little embarrassed.

To be reasonable, An Que's price, it is simply not too fair, almost rushing to send money to himself.

And look at what he can get.

Sixty percent of Villefort's shares, and this share only has the right to dividends, not the right to interfere, which means that after so much money is taken out, An Li can only wait for dividends at the end of each year. With the current profitability of Villefort, after cutting off the cost and publicity, An Li wants to return the cost, let alone ten years.

In fact, so much money, in fact, G Fat himself feels that it may be difficult to earn in his lifetime.

Of course, if Villefort wants to go public, then this money will definitely be easily repaid.

But if it's not listed, it's different.

As for the steam platform proposed by An Li, to be honest, even G Fat himself does not care much, after all, although the current steam has some player base, in fact, the number of users is very limited, and although it is a game store, the number of games it has is not much.

This platform, to be honest, G Fat completely treats him as his own game login.

Bigger and stronger?

G fat didn't think about it, at least the current G fat didn't think about it at all.

It's not that there is no idea, but because the current mainstream games are basically focused on Xbox console games, as for the PC side, it is not the main direction of major game manufacturers for the time being.

Therefore, although An Que specifically proposed to ask for a 90% share of steam, this is not a problem for G Fat.

It's just that this business was negotiated so quickly, G Fat always felt a bit of a loss, so he was a little hesitant:

"No hurry, no hurry, we can talk again..."

An Li frowned: "Does Mr. Mark think that this price is unreasonable, or do you think that my sincerity is not enough?"


seems that it is not that I am not sincere, but Mr. Mark, you, are not sincere."

Finally, without waiting for G Fat to say more, An Li's face finally became cold, and the originally relaxed sitting posture also straightened up at this time, and his eyes looked directly at G Fat:

"I have already said, I am not a person who likes to go around in circles, but Mr. Mark, you don't seem to care about this."

"I know, you probably think that since I can offer such a high price, maybe you can dig out more wealth from me, right?"

"This... Of course not. G fat was embarrassed and waved his hand repeatedly.

But An Li just sneered, obviously not believing his nonsense at all, and said in a cold tone:

"Mr. Mark, do you think ten billion meters of knife, is it much?"

"Huh?" G Fat was a little confused, and then nodded honestly, and said with a sneer: "Of course, ten billion meter knife, I have never seen so much money when I am so big, which in my opinion, is an unimaginable astronomical amount."

"So since that's enough, what do you think if I take this money and start a game company myself?" But saw An Li's words turn around.

But the words he said made G fat a little stunned.

I have to admit that one billion yuan, just for 60% of the shares of Villefort, this is simply pie in the sky on his head. With so much money, what games can be invested in, can be smashed, it can basically be determined that the game team members are basically all top in the industry.

Although I dare not say 100%, if such a large amount of money is used to smash the game, to be honest, there will definitely be great pressure on Villefort.

And when G Fat was stunned, An Li had already said again:

"As for your steam store, in fact, I myself am very optimistic, but even if I am optimistic, what do you think will happen if I take out this billion to build a game store by myself?"

G Fat was completely panicked at this moment: "This, you... "The

reason for the acquisition of Villefort is because I believe in this company and believe in you, Mr. Mark, so I am willing to invest in higher market value than the market value, even regardless of the return, but if Mr. Mark himself is insatiable, then this cooperation is not necessary for me to continue."

An Li shook his head slightly, his eyes looked directly at G Fat, until he looked at G Fat a little sweaty upside down, and saw An Li finally spoke:

"I have a habit of this person."

"If I like something, I'll go all out to get it."

"But if I don't get it, then I'll ruin him too!"


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