The train is not the most widely used public transportation in the United States, but it does not mean that there will be fewer people at the train station, the first time An Li entered the bathroom, there were many people stopping around to talk, it was not obtrusive, and a coffee shop ice shop not far away also did a lot of people.

However, a few of them glanced at the bathroom door from time to time.

Stalkers, apparently patient.

They don't just wait at the door, but after An Li enters the bathroom, someone will enter the bathroom one after another, and then come out a moment later, put their hand on the headset and gently tap twice.

Without exception:

"People are still inside."

Waiting, still going on, if someone sits in the monitoring room at this time and observes attentively, they will find that this group of people is quite numerous, and their behavior is not procrastinating, they are obviously elite.

But unfortunately, at this time, in the monitoring room of the railway station, the original security personnel have long disappeared, replaced by a tall and strong man sitting in the monitoring room, wearing a pair of sunglasses, a cigar in his mouth, and a confident smile.

He does have this confidence, because if someone recognizes his identity, they will inevitably drop their jaws.

Danny Sharp.

That's his name.

It seems to be just a mediocre name, but if you talk about his nickname, even the people of the Red Rose Mercenary Group must be vigilant.

Danny the Bloody Hand!

A title with blood on his hands, which even made the entire Nanmi underground world tremble.

"Such a heaven and earth net, this Xia Guo kid, it is difficult to fly this time!"

Danny the Bloody Hand laughed at this time and took a leisurely sip of his cigar. Next to Danny the Bloody Hand, there was a black man standing with his hands down, his hands were full of calluses, which were traces left by the use of firearms for many years, and when he heard Danny the Bloody Hand's words, his face was still expressionless:

"Don't underestimate this Xia Guo, he is very dangerous."


Danny the Bloody Hand raised his eyebrows, a little disdainful, and sneered at the man, but it seemed that thinking of the man's identity, Danny the Bloody Hand did not say anything ugly, but asked:

"Just such a Xia Guo boy, can make Mr. pay so much attention, and even need to use my strength, I don't know what you plan to do with him?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't, and besides, your reward should be enough for you to shut your mouth, right?"

The black man raised his eyebrows, his face still cold.

Taken aback, Bloody HandDanny's face was a little stiff, obviously a little dissatisfied in his heart, after all, Bloody Hand Danny is not just a small character with a false name, but thinking of the identity of the man in front of him, he finally endured it again.

Next, the atmosphere in the monitoring room was somewhat low.

For a long time, the black man frowned: "Why is it so long?" "

Maybe this Xia Guo kid is constipated." Danny the Bloody didn't care, but he was actually a little strange, and immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted:

"Go in and see, if it doesn't work, tear down his toilet door!"

The black man frowned slightly, and finally did not speak, and in the surveillance footage, a burly man wearing a leather jacket walked towards the toilet, a moment of effort, a knocking sound came, this is a code word, the meaning is obvious, the other party is asking:

"The toilet door is still in charge, do you need to forcibly open the door?"

Danny the Bloody Hand glanced at the man in black, saw the man in black nodding, and immediately shouted directly with his throat: "Take it apart and take a look, if there is someone inside you know what to do." This

time, there was no response, and a loud noise came directly from the intercom.

"Bang ——!"

This was the sound of kicking the toilet door open, and Danny the Bloody Hand said with some evil taste: "I hope this Xia Guo kid will not be so scared that he doesn't dare to go to the toilet anymore because of this matter."

But soon, a voice came from inside the intercom:

"There is no one inside, this kid ran away and escaped through the ventilation air conditioning pipe in the ceiling!"

Hearing this, Danny the Bloody Hand froze for a while, and then hurriedly jumped up:

"Grass, how did he find out?"

"Everyone immediately divided into three teams, a group of people searched along the ventilation ducts, a group of people paid attention to the various ventilation duct exits in the train station, and the other team was responsible for surrounding the exits of each train station, once they saw the target, immediately report!" The black man on the side had already directly responded to the right to speak and give orders at this time.

His face was wary.

Danny the Bloody Hand was robbed of the command, and he was somewhat unhappy in his heart, but after all, this happened under his nose, and he did not think about this at this time, but opened his mouth and said angrily:

"Find him, you must find this yellow-skinned monkey for me!"

Compared with the black man who snatched his command, he was even more angry that this matter, which was obviously under control, had such an accident at this time.

This is a slap in the face!

On his own territory, and still with his own preparation, the other party can even escape, almost no need to think, if this matter spreads, his bloody Danny is afraid that he will be laughed to death tonight.

Soon, everyone took action, and it was clear from the surveillance video that his subordinates were scattering to find the Xia Guo kid. Several of them have also rushed into the toilet to help, and they will be responsible for chasing along the ventilation duct where Quercus escaped.

"Look, everything is under control!"

Seeing this, Danny the Bloody Hand leaned back on the chair, took a sip of his cigar and said: "I have seen the drawings of this train station countless times, even if this kid is powerful, it is difficult to fly today."

"I hope so."

The black man said coldly, and then walked to a corner to make a call.

Apparently, he was reporting the accident to his superior.

Being ignored like this, a trace of brutality flashed in Danny the Bloodyhand's eyes, his title was not earned for nothing, but thinking of the identity of the other party, the brutality in Danny the Bloody Hand's eyes was quickly hidden, picked up the walkie-talkie, and vented his anger:

"The teams report the situation!"

Soon, replies from various groups came over the intercom:

"Channel A1 is on alert!"

"Channel A2 is on alert!"

"Channel B2 is on alert!"

"..." Answered

one after another, making Danny the Bloody Hand nodded in satisfaction, but when everyone finished reporting, Danny the Bloody Hand couldn't help frowning: "What about the team of ventilation ducts, what about your reply?" But

this inquiry did not get any response, like a stone sinking into the sea.

Suddenly, Danny the Bloody Hand frowned:

"Tiger, go and see!"

Soon, from the surveillance video, you can see that a man sitting in the café not far from the toilet put down the newspaper for the first time, got up and walked towards the toilet, but shortly after entering, Tiger's voice came:

"Damn, that kid didn't leave from the ventilation duct, he knocked everyone unconscious!"

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