No wonder Xie Lin had such an idea, it was really because An Li's performance was too difficult.

Originally, the five stocks that An Que bought, in addition to ST Jintai becoming a regular customer of the word board, the other four are not bad at all, and they continue to rise every day, and even occasionally have a limit increase.

A stock makes money, perhaps by luck.

But five stocks to make money, then it is not simple luck A few words can be clearly said, it is with real strength!

And now, An Li not only did not sell his current stock, but took out 35 million to invest in the stock market, and bought a stock that continued to decline in the first quarter, although there was a small rise some time ago, giving people the illusion that it was about to pick up, but according to Xie Lin's professional vision, the decline is still inevitable.

Buying at this time, to be honest, is not wise.

However, this time Xie Lin didn't call An Li stupidly anymore, and after this period of contact, he had understood that An Li was definitely not the kind of person who could be easily persuaded by others with two words.

This is a very assertive young man.

I just don't know, this time, can he still create miracles?

At 9:30, the alarm clock on the computer desk suddenly rang, and Xie Lin stared intently at the market for the first time, but only for a moment, his heart was hanging:

"Oops, the market is high and low, the overall stock market is bearish today!"

As a professional veteran, Xie Lin judged today's stock market at a glance.

Except for professional traders, no one likes to be bearish, including Xie Lin, if all the shareholders under their hands do not know anyone who has a loss, will people come to speculate in stocks again in the future?

This year, countless investors in the stock market poured in, but it was only for more than a month, because of the inflated high market, many shareholders came in with 100,000, and finally the stock was trapped, and only 10,000 remained after enduring the pain of cutting the meat, and the losers did not know.

Now, many new investors who were originally carried away by the blood have fled the stock market, and some people are even afraid of the stock market.

As a result, a large number of shareholders have fled, the income of various securities companies is also rapidly decreasing, and the current market urgently needs a shot in the arm to stabilize the situation.

And today, apparently, there is no strong shot in the arm.

Of course, the eyes of professionals are useful, but they are not 100% accurate, the stock market plays the heartbeat, if everything can be predicted at a glance, then it is not a person but a god, although the market is not optimistic, but Xie Lin still stared closely at the computer, wanting to see today's situation.

"By the way, how is An Li over there?"

Ran, Xie Lin remembered this young man who he paid special attention to, and checked the holding of An Li for the first time, as expected, the previous heavy position of ST Jintai is still hanging on the word board, and it doesn't look far from the price limit, sweeping other stocks again, also rising steadily, and when it is green, this piece of red can be described as pleasing to the eye.

But the next moment, Xie Lin's heart tightened:

"Oops, the Sanlian Trading Company that An Li just bought opened low, and now the market is like this, I am afraid that it will fall even worse today!"

Thirty-five million, not a small amount, An Li directly took out so much money into the stock market this time, definitely wants to make more money, and now the market is lower, An Li's 35 million, I don't know how much it will eventually shrink in this meat grinder.

Sure enough, Sanlian Trading Company was originally opening low, and it was still continuing to fall under the influence of the broader market, and even fell below five points in a blink of an eye!

The holders of Sanlian Trading Company sold their shares one after another, and at the moment of throwing, they were immediately bought by An Que, which had set up automatic buying.


"At this moment, the iron must be trapped!"

Xie Lin frowned, like this, continue to fall, how much 35 million can finally come out and get under him, only God knows, if one accidentally falls to the stop, these 35 million of An Li will shrink in an instant!

But just as this thought arose, the exploration of Sanlian Trading Company suddenly stopped.

Moreover, this time it lasted about five minutes!

"Could it be..."

Xie Linxin suddenly moved, and looked at An Li's 35 million all purchased: "Trader, trader appears to stimulate stocks!"

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, the stock that had originally stopped rose wildly in an instant!

But in the blink of an eye, the rise of the stock rose wildly at an uncontrollable speed, equaling the previous opening price in an instant, and the rise of this stock still did not stop.

"This speed... How can it be! Rao

is Xie Lin is well-informed, and he can't help but widen his eyes when he sees this scene at this time.

How long has it been?

Is there a minute?

Not even a minute, the Sanlian Trading Company, which originally opened low and continued to dip, actually equalized the previous opening price in an instant, although the low opening from the broader market still made the shareholders who held yesterday lose money, but for An Que, who just bought it all, this fall and rise not only did not make him lose money, but even made some money!

And the rise of Sanlian Trading Company still has not stopped!

Because the original upward trend is a word, the speed at this time is like riding on a rocket, but in a few seconds, the original -5% Sanlian Trading Company actually rose directly to 1%, a fall and a rise, and the increase reached 6%!

Moreover, some of Anque's stocks were bought when they opened low and went low, and even some of them rose by 8%!

In just a split second, this floating green stock turns white in an instant, and then turns red in an instant, as if riding a roller coaster, bypassing the winding path and finally reaching the top of the sky!

The speed is so fast that people shout terrifyingly.

Even, compared to the previous ST Jintai is even more terrifying, if ST Jintai was a small snake climbing upwards before, then the Sanlian Trading Company in front of him is simply riding a super rocket straight into the sky!


Xie Lin shouted, his heart was about to jump out, from -5% to 5% now, an increase of 10 points!

In other words, in this moment, An Que's 35 million has already earned 3.5 million!

And, it's more than that!

The stock market has an ironclad rule, with a maximum of 10% of the day's rise and fall, and only 5% for high-risk stocks such as ST. Rules are dead, but people are alive, and if you want to break this rule, the best way is to make leverage!

The easiest way is to buy when the stock price is the lowest of the day, and once the limit rises, it is not only 10%, but even 15% or even 18%. It's just that to get to this level, you need not only technology, but also enough luck.

Obviously, Angel Oak had good luck!

Sanlian Trading rose to 5%, still not stopping the efficiency of a word board, and after half an hour, the stock finally stopped.

10%, up limit!

15% increase!

And An Oak's 35 million, after this increase, directly reached 40 million!

Just this one stock, today's daily earnings, reached five million!

And in the next few days, this income will be even higher!

In the dormitory, An Li, who was watching this scene, couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth:

"This is... One bet a day for the two-color ball jackpot? "

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