"Go back..."

At this time, seeing the man walking towards him step by step with a cruel smile, An Li keenly noticed the meaning of this man's words, and seeing the man approaching step by step, he shouted angrily at the moment:

"You dare to lynch me, aren't you afraid of being taught a lesson by the people above you after you go back?"

After saying this, An Li stared at the man with dead eyes.

Sure enough, the man really hesitated when he heard this, but after a moment, he smiled nonchalantly: "As long as you don't die, whether it's missing a hand or a leg, no one will care about this, you better think about it, you have to lose something today."

After that, the man walked step by step.

And An Li's brows were also deeply furrowed, but there was some understanding in his eyes.

From the beginning, he had been thinking about why this group of people was following him, who this group of people really was, and what their purpose was.

And now, although he still does not know their identities, he can already guess them.

The other party, want to catch themselves alive!

After all, if the other party wants to die himself, with the strength of the other party, there is actually no need to make such a battle, and even let people like Danny the Bloody Hand help.

Then there is only one possibility, the other party wants to secretly control themselves, whether it is to slice themselves for research, or to pull them back to be tortured, but it is certain that only the living self is the most useful for the other party.


Even with this discovery, it seems that nothing can be changed at this time.

"Who are you?"

An Li asked, since there was no hope of escaping, then An Li could only learn as much as possible about the other party's situation. But unfortunately, the man did not pay attention to An Li's inquiry, but just sneered and said:

"When you go back with me, you will naturally understand!"

"Okay, have you little grasshopper thought about losing something now, I personally suggest, anyway, the bone of your right hand has been broken, why don't you unload the whole right hand?"

"Or are you going to lose your left leg?"

"Actually, your eyes are quite beautiful, if you don't mind, I want to gouge out one of your eyes."


man opened his mouth word by word, and his face even brought a tease, obviously a person who likes to torture people, and before he made a move at this time, he already planned to put pressure on An Li.

An Li frowned.

Until now, he still can't find any solution to the current situation.

The only thing to expect seems to be the system.



An Li's eyes lit up, and he still had the biggest hole card, that is, the system!

Think about it, what can the system do to help itself?

Almost immediately, An Li set his eyes on the martial arts interface, since the system 2.0 upgrade, An Li has upgraded a lot of things, especially the skill book on the learning main page has lit up a lot. After all, these things contain countless black technology knowledge, and these things can use these things to make money, so that they can accumulate more and more wealth.

But now, these things, obviously, can't do anything about their current situation.

As for the martial arts interface, since it was unlocked, An Li did not continue to learn after lighting up the upper plate of kung fu, this is because he thinks that these things are of no use at all.

After all, no matter how high the kung fu is, I am afraid of kitchen knives.

Although An Li is very interested in the immortal characters at the top of this martial arts page, the wealth required is too large, and An Li wants to wait for the future to slowly accumulate before upgrading.

But now...

Now facing this monster-like man, An Li changed his attention.

【Is it proficient in lighting the next plate?】 】

【You also confirm that lighting up the next plate is proficient, and it consumes 10 points worth of wealth in this life! 】 【

Do you light up the sense of battle?】 】

【You have confirmed to light up the battle consciousness and consume 20 points of wealth in this life! 】 【

Do you light up the potential of the body?】 】

【You have confirmed the potential of the body technique and consume 20 points of wealth in this life! 】 【

Do you light up the potential of the dantian?】 】

【You have confirmed the potential of the light machine dantian, consuming 80 points of wealth in this life! 】 At

this time, An Li, in just a few moments, constantly the skills of the martial arts page in the system page, he does not care that this will spend all his wealth accumulation, after all, the money is gone, you can earn again, but if you plant here today, he will have nothing to do.

At this time, Quercus didn't even carefully study what the various branches represented.

After a moment's effort, the first layer of sub-pages was all full, and at the same time An Que began to impact towards the second layer, the second layer compared to the first layer, the mastery of all parts of the body is different, the second layer does not seem to have substantial progress, but more related to potential.

But at this time, An Li didn't think much about it, and could only keep lighting up one option after another.

Finally, when the last one in the second line lights up, the choice of the third line finally appears.

Does it light up Hidden Knowledge? The

classification of the third row is very different from the other rows, and this row has only three classifications.

Divine Hidden Knowledge, Dantian Qi Sea and... The pinnacle of martial arts!

When he reached this level, An Li was a little hesitant, because after a large number of upgrades, he had almost consumed all the wealth he had saved for more than a year, and now there was only two hundred wealth points left.

That is, two hundred billion.

This is still thanks to the Lin family's income and the income of the Dai Kingdom all given to An Li, which can withstand such consumption, but even so, An Li at this time only has the last 200 points left.

This point means that An Que can only upgrade one of them.

Now, which one should I upgrade?

To be honest, An Li was a little hesitant.

He did not know what these three represented and could only be ruled out literally.

The pinnacle of martial arts.

This is the first object that An Li excludes, not that it is useless, but above the peak of martial arts, there are no other branches, literally speaking, it is obviously to completely raise his martial arts ability to the peak level, perhaps it is the master of integrating a hundred schools.

This is awesome, but....

Look at his current situation, his arm has been broken, there are multiple fractures all over his body, and no matter how powerful his kung fu is, he can't exert it.

Then you have to look at the other two.

Dantian Qi Sea, or God Hidden Knowledge?

Although Dantian Qi Hai doesn't know what it is, but after watching the novel Xian Xia TV series, I probably know that most of them are similar to the cultivator's Dantian, it seems to be a little mysterious, and even An Li is very similar to trying to try, but now his own situation, even if he can really cultivate peerless divine skills, what is the use?

Then there is only one.

An Li turned his gaze to the Divine Hidden Knowledge.

With such skill, the man had already walked to An Li step by step, and took out the dagger from before, which emitted a dark luster under the light.

Apparently, he was ready to strike.

Seeing this, An Li gritted his teeth.

Fight it!

Does it light up Hidden Knowledge?

[You have confirmed that the Light of Knowledge in God is worth 200 points of wealth in this life! 】


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