At eight o'clock that night, inside a casino in Las Vegas, a famous gambling city in the United States.

An Li and Qin Feng and the group walked towards the casino at this time, several people were wearing ordinary clothes, looking like ordinary tourists who came to the United States, such a battle is not too big, after all, the gambling city is famous, and it is still a legal income, naturally many tourists are happy to come here to try their luck.

Therefore, the arrival of An Que did not attract too much attention.

After entering the casino, no one buys a little chip, someone buys more, someone buys less, and then goes directly inside the casino.

At this time, it is the hottest time of the casino, and the people inside are full of people and lively.

"Everyone, since you have come to the United States, then let's give it a good go, I wish you all to be able to make a lot of money here today, haha, let's contact when there is something, pay attention to the phone on, don't find anyone at that time." Qin Feng proposed as if he were a leader, and then everyone dispersed.

An Li did the same, carrying chips and dangling around the casino.

According to the plan, Qin Feng will communicate with the contact person of the Rakshasa Kingdom next, and the location is in the casino, as for how to meet, it is not clear for the time being, they need to be fully on standby now.

An Li naturally didn't care about this, but his eyes couldn't help but observe the people around him from time to time.

Qin Feng said that in addition to the Rakshasa Kingdom and the Xia Kingdom, there were three medium-sized countries participating in the operation this time, and since the agreed place was here, the people who wanted to come to the Rakshasa Country should have arrived, An Li was quite curious, what the cultivators of the Rakshasa Kingdom looked like.


When An Li was observing the surroundings, he saw a man angrily shooting a slot machine, and his whole face was full of anger.

This scene is not uncommon in casinos, and there are always people who can't help but want to vent after losing all their chips.

"What to see?"

It seems to notice that An Li looked at himself, and suddenly his eyes glared at An Li viciously, An Li shrugged and ignored it, just a gambler who lost money, he naturally would not calculate anything with the other party, and then turned his head and walked towards a black jack's gambling table.

But he didn't want to deal with the other party, but the man seemed to have found the target, he actually smiled grimly at An Li, walked directly towards An Li, glanced at the chips in An Li's hand, and couldn't help but whistle:

"Boy, give me a few of your chips."

The tone was tough, and even more uncaring, as if this was not the first time he had done it. An Li raised his eyebrows slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"You want my chips?"

"This is not to borrow, it is to borrow, I will lend you chips!" The man seemed to notice that the security guard looked here, and suddenly changed his words, but there was fierceness in his eyes: "Don't talk nonsense, lend me a few chips, and I'll return it to you when I win the money."

Saying that, the man also made a clearly threatening gesture.

It is indeed not the first time he has done this, naturally there is nothing to be afraid of at this time, with his understanding of the yellow people, most of the yellow people are weak and afraid, even if they are blackmailed by themselves, they dare not say anything, and naturally there is no scruples at this time.

The truth was exactly as he imagined.

An Li did not refuse, but took out the chips in his hand and shook them in his hand: "I can give you these chips." "

An Que's chips are not too much, but a hundred thousand meter knife, which is a small play.

But this is not too much money in his opinion, but it is a sky-high price in the eyes of men, at this time the eyeballs almost fell out, full of surprise and greed to look at An Li, originally just planned to blackmail a knife or two hundred meters, but did not expect An Li to be so atmospheric, which was beyond his expectations, and at the same time a little strange:

"You really give it all to me?"

"Of course, these chips are nothing to me, and it's okay to give them to you." An Li smiled, but did not wait for the man to hand over and wanted to take the chips away, but An Li smiled: "However, this is actually equivalent to anything, and I have to pay something to take my chips, right?"

"Pay for what?"

The man was stunned and searched his body.

In addition to the half-pack of cigarettes, the pocket is even cleaner than the face.

"You're often in this casino, right?" An Li didn't wait for him to guess wildly, and at this time he had already taken the initiative to ask: "Introduce me to this casino first." Hearing

this, the man froze even more.

That's it?

Introducing the casino?

But looking at An Li's dress, it is obviously a tourist who has just arrived, although I don't understand why An Li is so generous, but I didn't think so much about it and introduced it directly:

"This casino was founded five years ago, the owner is black-hearted Oni, their..." I

have to say that this gambler does know enough about everything about the casino, and his introduction is clearer than many people, even from when the casino was established, what is the background of the boss, Even what gambling masters are in the casino can tell clearly.

An Li was not interested in these, but he was also very satisfied, and took out a thousand meter knife chips and handed them to the gambler.

Taking the chips, the gambler was overjoyed and shouted luck.

"This gentleman, what else do you need to know, you can ask, I don't know anything else, but I know a lot of things in this Lazhou, I know all the casinos and bars, and even the technology of my sister inside, everything you want to know, I can answer you!"

"Oh yes?"

An Li smiled, narrowed his eyes and looked at the noisy casino, and then asked:

"I don't believe your nonsense, unless... You tell me those people are coming for the first time? "


The man was stunned, he didn't expect An Li to raise this question, but looking at the chips in An Li's hand, he didn't think much about it, and said directly: "This is simple, tell you, basically ten percent of this casino comes every day, and twenty percent have come several times in this month, and the remaining ten percent are often haunted in various casinos."

"And in the end, the remaining sixty percent are tourists like the boss you."

Saying that, the man pointed to a black jack table surrounded by many people, this table was surrounded by many people at this time, it was very lively, it was the table with the largest number of people: "The white-bearded old man there, and the woman have seen it, they are all regular customers, and except for those two people, everyone else is a new face who has just arrived for the first time."

Speaking of this, the man suddenly snorted:

"You actually won so much money?"

An Li was also attracted to the attention, and saw that at that table, a young man with an eastern figure dressed in black was sitting on a chair and smiling lightly, and the chips in front of him were also the most, obviously the biggest winner tonight.

This was originally just a very ordinary scene, but when An Li's gaze swept towards the other party, he saw that the other party seemed to have sensed something and also looked at An Li.

And at the same time, a wave of divine knowledge came from the man....

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