"Is this a cultivator, it's not at the same level as us."

"At that moment just now, I had the feeling that I had become an ant looking up to the giant, and there was no way to resist from beginning to end, it was too powerful!"

"If he wanted to do something to me at that time, I wouldn't even have the ability to resist at all!"

"What kind of power is this?"


an hour later, inside a business SUV, several members of the Xia Guo team started talking with a palpitation at this time, and everyone's faces were a little frightened.

They are elite warriors.

Accustomed to life and death, but also accustomed to blood, he has already forged a fearless heart.

But it is such a fearless heart, but at this time there is a bit of strange fear. It is hard to imagine that even if they will die in the next second, they can die calmly, as long as their death is valuable. But such a person still can't help but be afraid at this time.

This is the fear of the unknown.

After all, the shock that the scene just now brought to everyone was too incomprehensible, and even people with a mind like iron would be terrified when they saw that scene.

"The strength of the cultivator is not something we can speculate, but this time we are allies." Qin Feng was also livid and proud as him, and he had to bow his head at this time.

But Qin Feng's words were met with a rebuttal:

"But now it is an ally, and no one knows when we will be enemies."

These words made everyone suffocated.

Oh, yes.

There are no eternal allies in this world, not to mention that they belong to different camps, and the other party is so strong, although it is useful for this operation, but who is sure that the next moment they will become enemies, in the face of such enemies, what will they take to fight with others?

"It's just a bunch of people, what do you care so much about?" Qin Feng snorted coldly and pulled everyone's thoughts back: "There are cultivators in the Rakshasa Kingdom, do you think that there are no cultivators in our Xia Kingdom?" "

We also have cultivators in the Xia Kingdom?"


"Who is it and where?"

Qin Feng's words made everyone come to the spirit.

"The cultivator is too mysterious, few people know about it, but I have been fortunate enough to see it, it is a big man from Taoyuan, wearing a green shirt and carrying a long sword, I didn't get too close, but I saw the other party with the sword going, you say, such a person, is it powerful?"

What the?

Royal Sword Flight?

As soon as these words came out, everyone exploded on the spot.

I couldn't help but ask, but Qin Feng shook his head: "These people are too far away from us, don't think about it, I tell you, just to let you understand that if the Rakshasa Kingdom is our enemy, there are also high-ranking people standing behind us."

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately nodded, and the momentum that had been discharged had been restored.

But An Li glanced at Qin Feng strangely.

He could feel it.

Qin Feng was lying.

However, he did not expose the other party, and at this time, in his heart, he was still thinking about the methods of the black-clothed young man.

By using Knowledge in God's possession, you can make a move with dignity.

Such an ability, An Li is unseen and unheard of, at this time, he can't help but start thinking, how did such an ability do it?

It is clear that God has hidden Knowledge weaker than himself, but why can he achieve this level?

If the mysterious bead pushed open the door for An Li, then the man's technique before seemed to open another window for An Li, and the power of Divine Knowledge seemed to be not only used for small things such as detection and lie detection, but also seemed to have an effect in battle.


How did he do it?

An Li was puzzled, the reason was very simple, it seemed to stimulate the minds of others present with the knowledge of God, suppress the other party's Knowledge of God, and then he could kill people with dignity, but no one could stop it.

But the truth is reasonable, but how to do it is something that An Li can't understand.

He also wanted to try, but several trials ended in failure, but he was not discouraged, because he knew very well that the methods of the young man in black were only a method that he had not studied for the time being, and the most important thing was the strength of Knowledge in God's possession.

That's all that matters.

Like a giant, he may not use weapons for a while, but can you say that he is not strong?

In this regard, An Li is very open.

"It's arrived!"

After the car bumped for a while, it stopped in a wilderness fifty kilometers away from the casino, everyone turned off the lights, and their eyes couldn't help but look around, it was late at night, the surrounding was dark, the night was hazy, and there were no people around.

According to the plan of action given by the Rakshasa Kingdom, this mysterious Z organization was established in this vicinity, but their goal is not to enter the Z organization, but to wait here.

Their target is a senior member of Organization Z.

Codenamed Lion, it is said that the other party has a lot of confidential information about Organization Z in his hands, and he is also one of the high-level elders of Organization Z, and there is not much information in addition to this. And the only thing that is certain is that the other party will pass by here every night, and what they need to do is wait here for the other party to pass by, and then intercept, preferably to be able to kill.

"Everyone be on guard, get ready."

After making sure that there was no one around, and the surroundings were safe, Qin Feng ordered everyone to scatter.

After all, they will face the people of Organization Z, and they will also be a high-level person, and it is inevitable that they will have some drumming in their hearts. The people of Organization Z are basically all modified people, they have terrifying combat power, they have good strength and speed, and even casually one person can destroy a squad, such people, everyone can't be nervous.

"I don't know where the masters of the Rakshasa Kingdom are, they won't come out at the critical moment, right?"

Someone muttered.

These words made everyone's hearts sink.

It had already been said at the previous meeting that the masters of the Rakshasa Kingdom would follow the various teams and appear to help them at critical moments. At first, no one felt that this arrangement had anything, but now that they came to the scene, where could they see the masters of the Rakshasa Kingdom, and even if it weren't for the fact that the black-clothed young man was too weird before, everyone was afraid that they had already thought in the worst direction at this time.

However, just when everyone was worried, An Li shook his head:

"Don't worry, the people are coming."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned and looked at An Li in surprise.

It can be imagined how surprised they are in their hearts at this moment, after all, they are all masters, among them there are many masters of counter-reconnaissance, even they did not notice where the masters of the Rakshasa Kingdom were, An Li actually found out?

But to everyone's gaze, An Li only smiled slightly and did not explain.

His practical and simple reconnaissance techniques, he could not find the other party, because the other party seemed to have some special means to reduce his breath to the lowest level, and then the night was imperceptible.

And what Angela really relies on is God Hidden Knowledge.

Although he did not see the other person directly, he was able to sense the fluctuations of the other Hidden Knowledge and seemed to be not too far away from everyone.

However, the other party's various wonders made An Li look forward to it more and more.

I don't know, in the battle, the other side will use some surprising means to come out.

While thinking like this, Qin Feng's voice came from the earphones:

"The target is approaching, everyone pay attention!"

In the distance, a car light flashed and was slowly coming from a distance.

At this moment, the originally bright night sky suddenly hung a gust of wind at this moment, which vaguely seemed to bring a few drops of rain.

A vicious battle is coming!


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