The man in black has never been a person who is willing to give up and grab his hands, in fact, even if he was shocked by An Li's sharp means before, he did not mean to be half-divided, and the reason why he said so much with An Li was just to find an opportunity to make a move.

He knew very well that the more shocked he said, the greater his chances.

Therefore, he basically picked up the most shocking news and said it, and at the same time, in order to avoid An Li realizing that he was lying, he told all the truth.

And in this way, the effect is also very good.

Sure enough, in the telling of the man in black, An Li and the surrounding people were all attracted to the past, especially the moment when everyone heard the news of the Hell Gate at the top of Kunlun, and they were completely attracted to their hearts, and the man in black understood even more.

Your own opportunity, here's it!

Without any hesitation, the power of Knowledge that the man in black had already accumulated turned into a sharp blade and stabbed towards everyone present. His Divine Soul Thorn was only aimed at one person, and as for using it against many people, only the existence of Young Lord Ouyang could be displayed.

But now, he had to take the plunge.

If he does not try, he will be killed by the other party without dignity.

And to try, even if it ends up dying on the spot because of the excessive consumption of Knowledge in Hidden Knowledge, is better than trying nothing.

Fortunately, he succeeded.

Divine Knowledge turned into a sharp blade and stabbed at everyone present.

The few people who were originally shocked by his words, after encountering the attack of the Divine Soul Thorn, they landed in an instant, and Qin Feng and several people were even more stunned on the spot in an instant, and their minds had been completely controlled. Licking his lips, the man in black looked at An Li with a deep gaze.

Next, it's time for you to die!

But what he didn't expect was that just when the man in black was about to make a move, he saw a more powerful and pure Divine Hidden Knowledge impact force rushing towards him, so strong that even the whole person in black didn't even have a chance to react.

When he came to his senses, the man in black noticed the dark blade pierced his heart.

Myself...... Finished!

Almost instantly, the man in black understood, but at this time, he did not have the heart to pay attention to his imminent death, but looked at An Li with shocked eyes, his eyes were full of doubt and shock, and at the same time... There seemed to be a bit of abruptness:

"It's you... The one who gets the inheritance is you!

Saying that, the man in black smiled miserably, looked at An Li, with thousands of hatred in his eyes:

"So it is, all of us have been deceived!"

"You are their target!"

"I hate!"


Finally, the man in black finally died, and when Qin Feng and the others came to their senses, the only thing they saw was the body of the man in black that was slowly cold, and when they looked at An Li at this time, their eyes were full of shock.


Facing everyone's gaze, An Li smiled flatly: "This attack will cause damage to you to a certain extent, rest and sleep more during this time, and you can slowly recover."

Qin Feng nodded, then looked at the man in black and frowned, "

You killed him?"

"The results are obvious, aren't they?" An Li spread his hands.

Qin Feng was silent.

"Let's go." An Quercus spoke.


Qin Feng's everyone immediately frowned, but saw that An Li had already said:

"Since this operation itself is a scam, there is no need for your mission to continue, and I can be sure that the other allies should have become corpses by now, and you should be able to escape the pursuit and kill by leaving and returning home as quickly as possible."

"We're gone, what are you going to do?" Qin Feng asked.

Several others nodded in the same way.

Yes, killing the cultivators, this is definitely a big thing, they can naturally escape, but what about An Que?

He is the one who did it, if this matter is found out, An Li will probably be chased and killed by a group of cultivators, although the threat of the man in black did not scare them at that time, but in fact, several of them understood the truth.

An oak, a big disaster!

Even if they don't know anything about the things in the cultivation world, they also understand that it is definitely not so easy to create a cultivator to come out, just being killed by An Li like this, the other party may not give up, they can just leave, but just lose An Li like that?

"I'm not leaving, stay and help you." But he saw Qin Feng faintly speak.

And when Qin Feng's words just fell, the sniper monkey baby also smiled at this time: "I won't leave, if there is no you this time, I would be a corpse now, you helped the second brother to avenge, then my life will be given to you."

Several other people also said:

"I'm not leaving!"

"If you don't leave, if I go alone, wouldn't it be a deserter, anyone can leave today, but I definitely won't go!"


people spoke one after another, their faces relaxed and their eyes full of determination.

Seeing everyone say so, An Li's heart couldn't help but warm.

Don't they know how powerful a cultivator is?

They don't know if they don't go now, they may never be able to walk again?


They know!

But even if they know it, they are still willing to face the horror crisis that may come with them.

Some people, even if they have known each other for a lifetime, seem to have never known each other.

Some people, even if they have only known each other for a day, seem to have known each other for a lifetime.

The choice of these people made An Li couldn't help but take a closer look at everyone again, remembering all the faces of everyone in his heart, and then smiled:

"Thank you, but... You don't have to stay here. "

An Li..." Qin Feng seemed to want to say something, but An Li had already waved his hand: "You should have seen the battle just now, let me tell you the truth, in fact, I also have some ability, at least self-preservation is not a problem, if it is in the face of ordinary enemies, I naturally don't mind you helping, but this time the enemy..." "

You can help very little."

An Li's words were a little hurtful, but in fact, even if these words hurt people, he had to say it at this time, because what he said was the truth.

Even if they all stay, it will actually have no effect.

Ordinary people, when facing cultivators, no matter how powerful people are, they are just ordinary people after all, and this is a gap that cannot be crossed. Even if it seems that cultivators have only mastered some more things than ordinary people, it is those things and powers that have mastered more, which has already opened the gap.

And listening to An Li's words, everyone also fell silent.

An Li patted Qin Feng's shoulder:

"I know your intentions, but at this time, I don't need your help for the time being, and what I need your help more is the people I value far away in China."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Feng finally stopped tangling:


Now every minute and second could not be wasted, Qin Feng was obviously well aware of this, and at this time he already understood what An Li meant. The relationship between men is never highlighted by saying two more words, everything is silent.

Soon, Qin Feng left with everyone, and watching the car leave, An Li's fist gradually clenched...

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