"Doctor, the person is not there, it is like disappearing out of thin air."

"He didn't get to the airport, the terminal, the train station, the bus, the public transportation out of the city."

"Traffic everywhere has also been controlled by us, but the target person has never appeared, and he may still be hiding in the city."

"It could also be... Already left. "

Inside the base.

Several high-ranking reformers were standing in front of Dr. Z in shame, one by one, their heads bowed, like children who had done something wrong. It is hard to imagine that these powerful thugs, when facing this old man on a candlelight day, are like children, nervous and afraid.

Dr. Z also frowned slightly.

It's been three days.

Three days have passed since An Que escaped from the base.

In the past three days, the Z organization has used almost all its strength, but it has never been able to find the trace of An Li, he is like the evaporation of the world, completely disappeared, even if they used the power of the police, but still could not find this Xia Guo.

"Moreover, we met people from the Holy See."

"They also seem to be looking for the person who caused the vision of heaven and earth before, and our people have also been attacked by the Holy See, in order to teach your plan, we can only temporarily retreat and do not fight them."

"But that makes it harder to find our target person."

"What now?"

Everyone asked, each with concern on their faces.

They are worried that the Doctor will take his anger out on them, and they are also afraid that it would be a great sin to interrupt the Doctor's plan because of their own mistakes.

In fact, listening to the report of his subordinates, Dr. Z's brows also furrowed tightly.

Oak disappeared?

How did it go?

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and then a young man came out, and when he saw Dr. Z, he bowed respectfully to him, and there was a hot flash in his eyes, as if he saw the person he admired the most in his life:


If this person was seen by the disciples of the Dementor Sect, he would be extremely surprised.

Because, he was none other than the son of the sect master of the Dementor Sect!

However, compared with the unruly three days ago, the young man in black at this time had already lost half of his sharpness, and when he was in front of Dr. Z, he seemed to have become a well-behaved and obedient loyal dog, and the kind of undisguised worship made people have no doubt that Dr. Z let him cut himself on the spot, I am afraid that he will not have any hesitation.

Seeing this person at this time, Dr. Z had a smile on his face:

"It seems that you are recovering well."

"Thanks to Dr. Doctor's care, I have found the meaning of life, and now I am extremely healthy." The young man in black smiled, his face was full of gratitude, and while taking out a manuscript from his arms, he handed it out with respectful hands: "This is all the cultivation methods of the Dementor Sect, and now I am willing to give them all to the doctor." "

These things, consisting of only one or two pieces of paper, were originally intended to give Dr. Z a condition for an alliance.

But now, the young man in black had already handed over all the biggest secrets of his sect to the doctor without receiving anything.

Dr. Z was not surprised by this situation, and looked at the young man in black with admiration, as if looking at a work that he was most proud of:

"Not bad, very good."

For Dr. Z's appreciation, the young man in black was obviously a little pleased, noticing that everyone was talking about An Li, and said at the moment: "That Xia Guo man has left the city and is now heading towards the east, but the distance is not too far, and the speed of staying away is not too fast. "


Hearing this, the group of reformers immediately frowned, and some of them were dissatisfied:

"What kind of joke, so many of us have not investigated the slightest trace, you can conclude that the person has run away with a word?"


"You want to prove yourself, you don't have to prove it like this, do you?"

This place is not friendly to newcomers, especially when Dr. Z praises the young man in black in front of everyone, although they will not resist Dr. Z, but they are more or less hostile to the young man in black, not to mention the young man in black will say a nose and eyes, which makes people can't help but ridicule.

But such a mockery, the young man in black smiled disdainfully:

"You can't investigate, it only shows that you are incompetent and drag down the great professor, it doesn't mean that no one in this world can investigate it."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately met the angry eyes of several transformation people.

However, the young man in black didn't pay attention to the appearance of several people at all, just glanced at it coldly, and then turned his head to look at Dr. Z and explained:

"That Xia Guo, named An Li, killed our disciples of the Dementor Sect, especially the sister-in-law of the Guan Hall Master, and was even killed by An Li, although at the beginning I didn't know that Senior Brother Guan's death was done by An Li, but later I found out that the Guan Hall Master had placed a soul blood curse on Senior Brother Guan."

"Dementor Blood Curse?" Dr. Z narrowed his eyes.

But he saw the young man in black smile slightly:

"This thing is branded using the power of Knowledge in the Divine Vault, and this imprint basically takes at least three years to dissipate. The advantage is that those who hold this imprint will be free from disease and disaster while the imprint exists. The disadvantage is that his location will always be mastered by the person who has placed the blood curse, whether it is hiding to the ends of the earth.

"This kind of spell is generally only used for two purposes. Either to track down strong enemies or to shelter those you value.

"Because this Dementor Blood Curse also has a function, that is, the person who is not under the curse kills the person who holds the Dementor Blood Curse, and this blood curse will naturally be transferred to the murderer."

"Do you mean that there is a Dementor Blood Curse on that An Que?" A transformation person's eyes suddenly lit up and he understood the meaning of the young man in black.

"That's right."

The young man in black nodded:

"At the beginning, I didn't know that this thing existed, but just this morning, when Hall Master Guan questioned me about Senior Brother Guan's death, I found out that Hall Master Guan had been casting the Soul Dementor Blood Curse on Senior Brother Guan all these years, and this blood curse, naturally, was transferred to An Li."

"Since there is a Dementor Blood Curse, then we can find his location?" Another makeover man licked his lips and asked.

"Of course!"

The young man in black nodded, his eyes bright and looking to

the east: "He is in the east, it seems to be a ship."

"I have to say that being able to kill Senior Brother Guan and escape our pursuit, this An Que does have some ability."

"But..." "

With the Dementor Blood Curse in his body, even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, there is no way to live!"


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