When the divine soul thorn was used, a smile appeared on the face of the young man in black.

He is a cultivator, this is the biggest difference between him and ordinary transformation people, after receiving Dr. Z's transformation, his physical strength has broken through the peak and completely stepped into a new realm. At the same time, he himself also retained the ability of a cultivator, especially the most powerful Divine Soul Thorn of the Dementor Sect, which had already been practiced by him extremely skillfully.

As soon as this trick comes out, An Li will definitely die!

This is the self-confidence of the young man in black.

But this confidence suddenly came to an abrupt end at the moment it first appeared.

Because, at the moment when the smile on his face had just bloomed, a coercion of Divine Hidden Knowledge that was also not weaker than him also appeared in an instant, and what was cast was exactly the same as him.

It's also a thorn in the soul!

What the?

The young man in black was shocked, he never expected that this person in front of him, who only surprised him in terms of physical strength, actually possessed such a strong Divine Hidden Knowledge, and was not weaker than himself at all?

But before the shock stopped, his brain went blank for a while.

This is the result of the impact of Knowledge in God's possession by the other side.

Fortunately, although the young man in black was surprised, but his reaction was extremely fast, the Dementor Sect itself delved into the piece of Divine Hidden Knowledge, although An Li's Divine Hidden Knowledge was stronger than he expected, but he would not be tied up, almost in just a second, the young man in black had recovered again.

But as soon as he recovered, he saw that a dark blade had already slashed towards his heart.

The young man in black subconsciously shrank back, but with such a close distance and such a strong force, where could he retreat with his whole body?


With a sound of breaking the air, the young man in black suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his heart.

Looking back, he saw that one of his arms had fallen to the ground at this time.

This trick, I lost a hand!

"You dare to break my arm?" In an instant, the eyes of the young man in black were red, staring at An Li with hatred, and his heart had long lost the ease and strategizing he had before, and he never expected that he had planted such a big head at this time.

But for the anger of the young man in black, An Li had some regrets.

It's a pity.

If he is in good condition, this move may not be just a broken arm.

This move hollowed out all of An Li's power, and at the same time hollowed out all of An Li's divine hidden knowledge, and even An Li had a feeling that as long as he closed his eyes now, he would immediately pass out.

Are you going to die?

Looking at Siye a little blankly, An Li sighed faintly.

He was ready to die, but when this moment came, An Li was inevitably a little melancholy. But this melancholy soon disappeared, because the angry young man in black had quickly rushed towards him, and several transformation people around him were also rushing in an instant.

At this moment, the moment when death was imminent, An Li suddenly gritted his teeth.

Can't die!

You can't just die here!

Because at this moment, An Li thought of his parents, Qi Wei, Yu Lan, Ding Nan, and all the people he cared about and cared about. If they die like this, what will happen to them in the end?

He, can't die yet!


Almost instantly, An Li's heart once again erupted with a strong desire for survival.

But how to escape?

Now I am in a vast ocean, there is no way to go to heaven, no way to enter the earth, and there is no life at all.

Soon, An Li looked at the rough sea.

Instantly made a plan in his heart, An Li quickly rushed towards the deck railing, and the black-clothed young man just broke an arm, at this time it was the time of anger, seeing that An Li planned to escape, where was he willing to let him leave, the whole body strength burst out in an instant, when An Li just arrived at the deck railing, he had also rushed to An Li, the combat knife in his hand almost did not have any hesitation, and slashed diagonally towards An Li.

This knife came out with hatred.

At the same time, he also carried the aura of a cultivator.

An Li did not dare to make a hard connection, so he could only grit his teeth and pick up the rung of the combat knife that he had picked up casually before.



Unexpectedly, under the all-out strength of the combat knife infused with spiritual energy, the long knife that also belonged to the black yao blade in his hand had shattered in an instant, and then slashed towards An Li's chest with unparalleled strength, and An Li stepped quickly, and flew out of the ship with the help of this force.

But even so, it still can't get rid of the power of this combat knife.

Seeing that An Li was about to be completely split in half under this knife, a monstrous wave suddenly swept in, even this extremely strong giant warship, at this moment, was also swept up by this monstrous wave, and this sudden change made the knife in the hand of the young man in black instantly lose some strength.

When he stood firm again, the young man in black could only see the blood stains on his combat knife.

His brows furrowed:

"People are not dead yet!"

"Search me immediately, within a hundred miles around, search them all!"

But these words made several transformation people can't help but feel bitter.

In the usual time, if you want to search, there is naturally no problem, but when this storm covers the entire sea, I want to find Quercus at this time.

How easy is it?



A wave woke An Li up, slowly opened his eyes, and An Li's eyes were a little dazed.

After jumping from the giant ship, the only thing An Li could do was to swim into the distance with all his strength, swimming until he didn't have half a strength in his body and his consciousness couldn't hold on at all, the only thing he remembered was that he seemed to have caught something before he exhausted his strength.

Opening his eyes at this time, An Li saw the object under him.

It's a life jacket.

Looking at the handwriting on it, it seems that it fell from the fishing boat before, and he just held the life jacket and floated from night to day.

Looking at the sky, it should have been just after dawn, the sea water was cold and piercing, and even his body was numb, even if those terrifying wounds were soaked in the sea water like this, An Li still couldn't feel too severe pain.

This is not a good thing.

If he is in this situation for a long time, the heat in his body will be lost quickly, and for a long time, he will not even have to wait for the people of organization Z to catch up again.

Moreover, the injury is too serious and must be dealt with as soon as possible.

But even knowing this, An Li was still powerless at this time, forcing himself to put on a life jacket, looking at the vast sea around him, An Li understood that everything that followed would be completely out of his control.

He, alone, floated in the ocean wearing a life jacket.

No food, no water.

More importantly, he couldn't be sure when Organization Z would catch up with him again.

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