
Being put against the mouth of his throat, An Li was suddenly wary, he had been careful before, but he relaxed a little because of the magic of this fog, but he never expected that in this fog, he could knock down a living person so quickly.

And, look at that silver-white blade, An Que understands.

Those who come are afraid that they are not ordinary people.

Just as An Li was thinking about how to answer, another voice appeared: "Raul, relax, this is probably just a victim who accidentally set foot on the Holy Island."

As soon as these words came out, the blade was quickly retracted, and then the two walked out of the fog.

These are two extremely strangely dressed men.

Looking at the costume, it is somewhat similar to the Western swordsman in the medieval period in the film and television works, and the sword in his hand is also a very popular Western sword of that era, and it is an object of some eras. If he met these two people somewhere else, An Li would even suspect that they were not actors from which crew.

But in this place, and judging by the sword of the man with brown hair named Raul, these two are definitely not actors, but really capable people.

And when An Li looked at the two, the two swordsmen were also looking at An Li.

One of them, a handsome man with blonde hair, took the lead in making a strange courtesy towards An Li at this time: "God forbid, can you tell me who you are and how you got here?"

"I'm a sailor."

An Li casually said nonsense: "When the storm came a few days ago, I was shipwrecked and fell into the sea, but fortunately, a wooden board saved my life, and now I am floating here." "


The two narrowed their eyes and again A Que did not express anything for a while, and they didn't know whether to believe it or not, but looking at An Li's ragged and embarrassed appearance, the two did not doubt too much, after all, An Li obviously suffered a big change to make it.

"What's going on with your injuries?" Brown-haired Raul asked, "It looks like an injury from a fight with someone."

"I met the pirates."

"You lie!" The brown-haired Raul hummed, "If it's a pirate, what they prefer to do is use a gun, but you don't have any gunshot wounds on you!"

This explanation was indeed a bit lame, but An Li could only helplessly spread his hands:

"The mist here can heal my wounds, and there is nothing incomprehensible about encountering pirates who like to cut people with knives, right?"

Since it doesn't make sense, then force an explanation.

As for whether they believe it or not, An Li doesn't care, at this time, if these two people make a move, he won't keep his hand, fortunately, the injury has healed by half, he feels that he already has the power of a battle, naturally there is nothing to fear.

Unexpectedly, hearing An Li's words, the two immediately looked at the wounds on An Li's body.

That pair of eyes, as if seeing a miracle, An Li was a little uncomfortable looking at it.

Just as An Li was thinking about whether to say something, he heard the two whisper:

"He can treat injuries, so he is an ordinary person!"

"Most likely won't lie to us."

Although the two suppressed their voices, An Li's hearing had already been systematically strengthened, and at this time, he could still vaguely hear the words of the two, and he couldn't help but move in his heart.


Could it be that the fog here can only be treated by ordinary people?


These two are not ordinary people?

Who is that?

Cultivators again?

Almost instantly, many thoughts popped up in An Li's mind, and the two of them muttered a few words in a low voice, An Li did not hear clearly, but he could clearly see that the attitude of these two people towards themselves had changed, and they may have been a little vigilant before, but at this time they have completely relaxed, obviously in their hearts, they are not a threat.

"What is this place and who are you?"

Seeing that the two relaxed their vigilance, An Li couldn't help but ask his doubts: "Are you also victims?" Also, do you have any communication equipment on you, I want to ask for help. "

A complete victim mentality.

This performance made the two relax a little, but for An Li's words, the blond man shook his head for a while, crying and laughing:

"I really don't know if it's your good luck or your misfortune, you have come to a good place, but if you want people to come in and rescue you, I advise you to dismiss this idea, because even if you send the most elite rescue team, it is impossible to find you."

"Huh?" An Li was stunned, a little strange.

"You were able to come in so simply, it really surprised me, in fact, many people have been thinking about how to land on the island all their lives, but they didn't expect you to come up by mistake." The man smiled and shook his head:

"But don't worry, if you meet us, it means that you are safe, and when we finish the matter, we will take you away." But...... We may stay a few more days before leaving, and we may need your help at that time. "

You need my help?" An oak is a little strange.

These two people obviously came prepared, they can only be regarded as mistakes, and as a result, these two people want the help of such a person who seems to be an ordinary person?

"For some special reason, we have limited mobility here, so we may need your help, but it is only possible, you can rest assured, this place will not hurt you." The blonde man said with a smile, subconsciously looking at the thick fog around him when he said this.

Such a subtle action made An Li puzzled.

The thick fog here is very strange, and they can gently treat their injuries, but these two seem to be a little uncomfortable in this thick fog.

Thinking of the previous two labeling themselves as ordinary people, and then thinking that their divine hidden knowledge was suppressed, An Li made a bold guess.

This place should not be harmless to ordinary people, but it is extremely harmful to people with special abilities or cultivators, right?

With this thought, An Li made a new discovery when he looked at the two again.

The two of them, their faces were pale for a while, and there were faint beads of sweat spilling on their foreheads, obviously under some kind of pressure. But in fact, the thick fog around us at this time, as long as you do not use the power of Knowledge in God, basically does no harm, on the contrary, whether it is mental state or physical health, you can quickly recover in this dense fog.

My own guess may be true.

Thinking of this, An Li showed an extremely bright smile:

"Since I was a child, I have been a person who is willing to help others, if you need my help, just open your mouth!"

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