
Gaia was just a very simple sentence, but it shocked An Li.

Necropolis of Gods?

Inheritance of God?

Become a new deity?

"You really don't know anything?"

When An Li was shocked, Gaia couldn't help but get strange, seeing that An Li really didn't seem to know anything, he couldn't help shaking his head at the moment, and said the previous emotional words again: "I don't know, are you too lucky or too unlucky."

"I think you should be able to give me some explanation." An Li shrugged, ignoring his words.

Gaia was suffocated, obviously a little depressed by An Li's rogue words.

But helplessly, An Li is telling the truth, since An Li is the enemy of Organization Z, then at this time it is inevitable to become their ally, and An Li will obviously not be disturbed in this environment, many things need An Li to help, they have no choice at all.

And since they are irreplaceable allies, all they can do is eliminate An Li's doubts as soon as possible.

"In ancient legends, there has always been a myth of the graveyard of gods, with many versions, mixed true and false, and our Holy See finally found that this is indeed a graveyard of gods after hundreds of years of investigation and data collation, and even this god is even more powerful than the God of our Holy See."

"For nearly a hundred years, our Holy See has investigated and learned about this area every year."

"There are many areas here, although we have not been here, but there are countless detailed records in the materials of the Holy See, and we speculate that the inheritance of this place is not only one, but multiple inheritances, and each inheritance can obtain a part of the authority of this cemetery of gods, and can control some organs and unknown forces in this place."

"This unknown force, including the perennial fog of the island, includes the way into the island."

"Similar to the piece of jade you see outside, it belongs to the inheritance of the gatekeeper, once the inheritance is obtained, it can control everything on the entire island outside the stone gate, and even allow their people to easily land on the island unimpeded, and there are certain abilities that I don't know for the time being."

Gaia's words were full of helplessness and unwillingness.

Indeed, it is definitely not a good feeling to plan for a long time, but in the end it is overtaken by others.

But An Li couldn't help but frown: "Since you know so much detail, and even know the mechanism here, it means that someone in your Holy See should have obtained that inheritance jade pendant, why would it be snatched at this time?"

"How easy is it to obtain the inheritance of the gods?"

Gaia smiled bitterly and said, "

Obtaining the jade pei is just obtaining a qualification for inheritance."

"Next, the person holding the jade pei will undergo a preliminary trial for more than twelve hours, and only through the trial can he temporarily obtain the external authority of the island, but if he wants to fully obtain the inheritance, he needs at least nine trials, the content of the trial is different, it can be carried out once a month, and if it fails, it will completely lose the qualification to continue the trial."

I see.

An Li nodded.

This means that obtaining jade is only the qualification to obtain one test, and the true inheritance needs to pass one test after another, otherwise once it fails, everything obtained will disappear.

And this jade pendant is still there, which means that the Holy See should have conducted research in the gatekeeper's inheritance trial, but it has not been successful.

"That is to say, the people of Organization Z have obtained the inheritance qualification, but if they want to initially master the peripheral authority of the island, they must pass the preliminary trial, and because this preliminary trial takes twelve hours, that is, we now have twelve hours of preparation time?"

The reason is very simple, An Li's reaction is not slow, and he naturally understands what he means.

Gaia was obviously a little surprised that An Li understood what he meant so quickly, but then nodded:

"That's true, now that we're hiding in, they can't enter for the time being, but once the people of Organization Z pass the preliminary trial, they can freely enter and exit the island, and at the same time can enter here, if we can't find a way in these twelve hours, the final result... Probably not good.

"So, do you have any good solutions?" An Li asked.

Gaia and Raul looked at each other, and finally nodded.

There is, of course, a way.

According to the explanation of the two, this cemetery of gods has definitely more than just the inheritance of the gatekeeper, in fact, the inheritance of the gatekeeper can only be regarded as the lowest inheritance, if someone can obtain a higher inheritance, then even if the Z organization obtains the inheritance of the gatekeeper, it will be meaningless.

And it just so happens that about another inheritance, they also know.

Knowing this time, An Li finally saw the surrounding environment clearly.

Before a few people were obviously in the stone room, but after passing through the hidden secret door, the situation here has completely changed, and the location of several people is actually in a completely artificially built corridor corridor, both sides of the corridor are covered by fog to see the situation clearly, but you can vaguely see and feel that this seems to be in a very large building complex.

This long corridor, built in an antique way, followed these two Holy See swordsmen all the way forward, passing several forks, but both of them directly ignored, but continued to go deeper, seemed to see An Li's doubts, Gaia kindly explained:

"There is not only a great opportunity, but also a great danger."

"After hundreds of years of investigation and exploration, this inheritance place has basically been explored by us seventy percent, and every fork in the road we passed before can lead to various places, but basically nine out of ten there are powerful organs, so many people in our Holy See have died in it."

To this, An Li nodded.

In fact, the door of the secret passage was closed before, and a transformation person was beheaded on the spot, which shows that this inheritance place is definitely not a quiet and peaceful place.

While An Li was observing everything around him, the two swordsmen finally stopped at a fork in the road:

"That's it."

"There is a great inheritance in this."

"What's inside?" An Li looked inside along the fork in the road, but in the line of sight, it was white, and he couldn't see anything.

But Gail nodded affirmatively:

"This is the second inheritance discovered by our Holy See."

"The inheritance in this is the inheritance of the strongest priest of the god, what you need to do now is to walk in, and then find the inheritance token in it, and start the inheritance test, as long as you are fast enough, even if they obtain the inheritance of the gatekeeper, we are not afraid at all!"

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