Thunder Tianwei is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Even if it was a cultivator, there was absolutely no resistance to such a heavenly power, at this time, seeing thousands of thunders actually split in through the aisle dome, everyone's hearts were cold, and several people in the Holy See were extremely pale, and even a few timid ones collapsed directly to the ground.

"Tianwei, divine punishment!"

"What's going on, is Lord Kamime angry?"

"Are we all going to die here?"


people of the Holy See are most afraid of such heavenly power, because what they have the most contact with is the power of the elements, and the ability given by the gods is used. And in the Holy See, it is never a good thing to encounter thunder, because it means that the gods are angry, and the gods are punishing them.

That's why people are so unbearable.

But soon, all the people in the Holy See widened their eyes, and the tension in their hearts relaxed.

Because they noticed that although this thunder fell, it did not come towards them, but towards the Z organization transformation people who were constantly rushing towards them, even a few people who were very close to the transformation people were not affected in any way.

At this moment, many people's hearts were relieved:

"The gods are helping us!"

"This is a god or the like, it must be that our current encounter is detected by the gods, so the gods sent Tianwei to help us!"


people knelt on the spot and prayed religiously.

But there were also many people, instead of kneeling on the ground, they looked at An Li in amazement, especially Gaia, and looked at An Li with shock.

The power of the gods cannot be used very well on the island itself.

This is what they knew from the beginning, otherwise such an island would not have had to wait for hundreds of years without any progress.

Why is this thunder?

Thinking of what An Li said before, Gaia gave birth to a guess in his heart that made him sweat.

It's Quercus!

At this moment, An Li's gaze moved over, Gaia only felt that the whole person's shoulders were like a big mountain, and the whole person hurriedly subconsciously avoided An Li's gaze, but soon he found that An Li just glanced at himself lightly and casually, and did not look at himself for half a point.

That pressure, as An Li's gaze moved away, also disappeared in an instant.

But Gaia's heart couldn't help but panic.

It's really an oak!

Although I don't know what means he used, what is certain is that the coercion of heaven and earth at this moment must have been made by An Li.


A scream pulled Gaia's thoughts back.

Looking at the transformation people behind the passage, although there was a distance, they could still see at a glance that in the Asura field shaped by the thunder over there, the transformation people fell one after another, and in the face of such a terrifying thunder bombardment, they couldn't even resist.

Every lightning bolt can take the life of at least one modified person.

The powerful power of thunder and lightning will shatter their hearts in an instant, even if it is a few high-level Z organizations who have done protection in the heart area, there is still no resistance in this terrifying sea of thunder and fury.

"Boom ——!"

The thunder roar that penetrated still did not stop, as if it never ended, every time this sound appeared, it could always take away the lives of countless transformed people, and at the same time, the moment each sound sounded, it was like hitting Gaia's heart.

Finally, the sea of thunder and fury finally ended completely after three minutes.

In the entire passage, there was a smell of scorched flesh, and looking at it, none of the people who had transformed them died, and the expressions and movements on some people's faces were still the same as before they were alive, and they were directly taken away by this terrifying power of heaven and earth.

The fury of thunder, mighty and irresistible!

When Gaia was looking at the scene in front of him with a dull face, he heard An Li's voice next to him again:

"Garbage is garbage, since it is dead, it can't pollute the environment on the island."

Saying that, he saw An Li gently wave his hand.

At the same time, a hurricane suddenly roared, blowing suddenly from the inside out, and the corpses of those who transformed people, in this hurricane, actually disintegrated and broken, turned into powder, followed this hurricane and flew out of the channel, directly to the bottom of the island, becoming the best nutrition on the island.

After the hurricane, the entire passage full of killing gas has been restored at this time, and it is clean and tidy that it is difficult to imagine what kind of horror has happened here.

"Walk the talk!"

At this moment, these four words appeared in Gaia's heart.

True and true to the word!

This is the description of the gods in the Holy See, and just one sentence can make the heavens and the earth change.

God said there would be light, and there was it!

That's what you say!

And now, An Li said that the people of Organization Z should not leave today, so they became a charred corpse.

An Que said that he could not pollute the environment on the island, so their corpses became the nourishment of the island.

Isn't this just what you say?

Just when Gaia was shocked and inexplicable by the scene in front of him, he saw An Li casually grabbing it:

"Since you are here, don't be busy leaving, not to mention that you have become my gatekeeper, then you should do your part, this time is busy leaving, it's a little unusual."

When the words fell, I saw a figure that seemed to be pulled by some invisible force, and actually flew over.

This man, none other than the only survivor of Thunder Fury before.

Young Master of the Dementor Sect!

Or rather, he was not a survivor, because An Li had never thought of killing him from beginning to end, and among the thousands of thunders, this young master of the Dementor Sect was the only one who had not been struck by any thunder and lightning, but even if he did not receive any damage, the panic on his face could not be concealed in any way.

At this time, he was caught back, and he was already frightened, and his eyes were even more full of fear when he looked at An Li:

"It's you... Did you do all this? Gaia

also pricked up his ears to hear an answer to this question, but unfortunately, An Li did not answer his meaning, but instead looked directly at the young master of the Dementor Sect, and his voice was cold:

"Now, you have two choices in front of you."

"Surrender to me and recognize me as Lord."

"Or..." "

Go and accompany your fellow citizens!"

When these words came out, Gaia's heart jumped again, obviously An Que was saying something to the young master of the Dementor Sect, but strangely, after he said this, it was like a giant hammer hammering into his heart.

These words seemed to be not only asking the Young Master of the Dementor Sect, but also asking him.

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