The plan to blackmail the Holy See, An Li directly handed it over to Gaia to be responsible, he himself is a person of the Holy See, and his understanding of the Holy See is obviously clearer than An Li, so after determining that Gaia is really turning to himself, An Li waved his hand and handed over the matter to Gaia to be responsible.

At this time, An Que had come to an independent courtyard on the floating island.

This is the island lord's mansion, compared to the previous hall, this courtyard is less magnificent and solemn, more leisurely and quiet, An Li has now become the lord of the floating island, with his words and words, as long as a thought flashes in his heart, what kind of courtyard he wants can be completely copied.

However, after coming to this courtyard, An Li only glanced at it and gave up any transformation.

Because the layout of this courtyard is very in line with his heart, even if he looks for it with a critical gaze, he still can't find any defects.

Entering the courtyard, An Li first went to a room in the courtyard vestibule.

In this room, there are eight clay statues.

However, two of the clay figures are different from the other six as gray and white, but colorful, faintly revealing a bit of charm, An Li carefully looked at the two statues for a while, and couldn't help nodding:

"It seems that this is the effect after confessing the Lord."

After becoming the Lord of the Floating Void, although no one explained everything about this trail to An Li, there was a force in the underworld that was telling An Li what he should do, and even everything about this island, as long as he doubted, he would get answers immediately.

After An Li accepted the confession of Fan Qi and Gaia before, his heart naturally felt something.

At the same time that Fan Qi and Gaia confessed their Lord, a wisp of their hidden Knowledge naturally appeared here, attached to the clay sculpture of their identity. According to Angel's feelings, as long as that wisp of Divine Knowledge appears here, it is a complete recognition of oneself as the Lord and absolutely no resistance will arise.

Even if you have a thought, even if the person who thinks of himself as the Lord is far away, he can directly kill him by taking a wisp of God Hidden Knowledge.

Moreover, he can also communicate with the owner of the clay sculpture anytime and anywhere through the clay sculpture.

Determining this, An Li was more relieved.

As long as Gaia really lowered himself, then even if he went to the Holy See headquarters now, he had nothing to worry about. Exiting the room, the door closed automatically, An Li stepped out, and the next second appeared directly on the quenching pool.

I came once before and didn't find it, but at this time, I carefully observed An Li and found that this quenching pool was surrounded by all kinds of powerful formations and protections, unless he was the lord of an island, others simply had no way to come here, regardless of strength, but there were rules and restrictions, no matter who it was, as long as it was not allowed by the island owner, it would be impossible to come here for the rest of his life.

This is also the reason why the Holy See spent a hundred years but did not find the quenching pool at all.

The quenching pool, in the induction of An Oak, has a very strong ability.

Change of qualifications.

Strengthens the body.

Even, with a good enough body quenching method, it can even break through the extreme realm in one fell swoop, and the void can be shattered with the help of the physical body.

Of course, it's so powerful, but it's only theoretically possible.

First of all, it is true that changing people's cultivation qualifications is true, and every time they come to the quenching pool to soak, they can subtly change their qualifications. The less qualified the person, the faster the transformation, and the better the qualification, this improvement is not too outrageous.

As for strengthening the body, this point is very intuitive.

The quenching pool is divided into three pools of heaven and earth, and the three pools should cope with different physical strengths, and soak in different pools, which can improve the physical strength of various levels.

However, it is very difficult to say that the flesh body is directly pushed to the extreme realm with the use of the quenching pool, and even to the extent that the flesh body soars in the daylight, it is very difficult in An Li's understanding.

Because the quenching pool requires sufficient energy.

Becoming the master of the floating island, An Li can clearly understand that this quenching pool looks like a natural hot spring, and soaking in it can enhance the power of the flesh, and with the excellent flesh quenching method, it can be improved more perfectly.

But in fact, this quenching pool is not a natural pool, but a special use of special means to create it.

This contains countless formations.

And if you want to make the quenching pool have the ability to enhance the physical body, you need to urge the formation, and what the formation needs to consume is the spirit stone that An Li has seen before.

With the Quenching Pool, the flesh body is directly pushed to the extreme.

It is not impossible, but it requires a large number of spirit stones to supplement the formation, and it is basically impossible to do it with the resources on the island.

However, even so, An Que still came to the quenching pool for the first time.

Although it is basically impossible to directly raise yourself to the point where you can soar in the day, there is no doubt that this quenching pool is by far the most helpful place for Quercus. He already has the Divine Hidden Knowledge, and what he needs next is a lot of time to cultivate, and Qi Sea Dantian, An Li didn't think about looking for it, but there was no special way.

The only thing that An Que can quickly improve is physical strength.

The quenching pool is obviously the best choice.

Standing next to the quenching pool, An Li was not busy going into the water, but grabbed the void casually, and a jade talisman appeared in his hand, which was the same that he chose from the massive jade disc of the Book of Heaven through the authority of his island owner.

This is a quenching cultivation method.

The name is very special, called "Immortal Holy Body", the reason why this quenching method was chosen is because in the entire book of the world, there are more than seventeen kinds of quenching exercises, but only this one, placed in the most special position of the book of the world, at a glance of the status respected.

Obviously, the exercises also have three, six and nine, and since he has become the lord of the floating island for no reason, before the main lord does not return, An Li naturally does not mind using his current power.

To learn, of course, you must learn the best.

Divine Hidden Knowledge came out, and in an instant, An Li seemed to appear in a special world, surrounded by a void, and in the next second, a voice came faintly:

"A hundred battles do not die, the Holy Body is completed."

"All over the world, I am the only one."

The simple sixteen words, obviously some distant sounds, but give people a boundless and domineering feeling.

In the next second, countless related contents exploded in An Li's mind.

This feeling is somewhat similar to using the Rebirth Wealth System to learn new skills, which appear in the depths of his mind out of thin air, and as long as he wants to, he can immediately recall the relevant content and memory of this part.

However, there are differences.

The skills learned by the rebirth wealth system are not only as simple as appearing directly in An Li's mind, but more importantly, An Li's body seems to be able to quickly grasp and accurately achieve the unity of mind and mind, and at this time, the jade disc learning, although the relevant memories appear directly, but everything needs An Li to practice and learn confidently.

Such a situation was naturally noticed by An Li, and couldn't help it, An Li raised his eyebrows slightly.

What is the origin of this rebirth wealth system?

Even if he becomes the master of the floating space, he still can't figure out the origin and structure of the system?

This thing doesn't seem to be simple.

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